This Isn't A Game

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Deciding to go with a simple black dress paired with silver, strappy heels I made my way to the elegant bar by the sea. For this particular date I chose to use an online dating site instead of the old fashioned way. I've never done this before so I was a bit skeptical especially  after hearing other's horror stories. What if my date was a catfish? Or a serial killer? Either way I can handle myself.

I chose this quaint little bar by the sea because it offered a romantic setting. There wasn't the loudness and drunken crowd that flanked most hipper bars. No, this place was cozy and private, the perfect place to chat and get to know someone without loud thumping music to yell over.

As I entered the little tropical paradise the smell of coconut and seafood assaulted my nose and I realized how hungry I was. Glancing around the hut style decor I spotted my date and it was obvious that he recognized me as well. He lifted his hand in a slight wave and bright smile. Smiling back, I begin to approach him and he stood up. Noticing that he looked exactly like his profile picture helped ease all of my previous worries. We have each other a warm handshake then he produced a small bouquet of assorted wildflowers. Wow. This was a first. I've never been given flowers not even by King. Next he pulled my chair out for me and waited until I was seated before he took his seat. A true gentlemen, this impressed me and I must admit even turned me on. It's rare to find a man in these time's that treat a woman with respect. I've only witnessed it once in my life and that was the short time that I was around London and Laney Harper. That man catered to her every whim. If she entered the room he stood and if she left, again he stood no matter if he was in the middle of a conversation. He escorted her by placing his hand at the small of her back while his eye's scanned the room for any unseen danger. He always made sure her drink was fresh and offered sweet delectables to her when a tray passed by. But what stood out the most is how even if he was across the room chatting with other's his eye's always remained on her. Her... The center of his everything. Once I even saw her spin around in a circle and immediately he excused himself from whatever he was doing to walk over to her. Laney would stop spinning and the brightest smile would light her face as Loudon would wrap her in his arm's. Only when he looked at her did his eye's hold warmth and his features soften. Yes, he was a monster but to her he was her world. And that is the kind of love story I want. To be loved and treated like a delicate flower even though I as well as him knows I can take care of myself. To be pampered and spoiled to no end. I want a man like London Harper that is cruel to the world but when he looks at me it's with nothing but love. I want my alpha who is vicious but turns to jelly in my arm's. This is my goal... To find a love like that.

With the older Harper couple on my mind I glanced at my dates hands. They were big and strong. They definitely could cause harm but possibly be gentle as well. An expensive watch peeked from under his jacket which have him that alpha male look and asserted power. If tonight goes well this could be the King I've been looking for. No, he isn't in the mob or any criminal activity for that matter. He's a banker but given time I could perhaps persuade him, even train him to help me rule. Of course it will be sometime later before I divulge what I exactly do. I must find him trustworthy and we must love each other first and then I will tell my secrets. I need a King and I need one like London Harper.

The remainder of the night I focused intently on this man trying to detect any weaknesses and qualities. As the date was nearing an end I was convinced that he was king material and would make a great match for me. Feeling good I invited him back to my place for a nightcap. Eagerly he agreed and we rushed off. By the time his car pulled up to my house thing's had heated up. I could barely unlock my door for us kissing and laughing like a couple of frisky teen's. Finally I popped the door open and we nearly fell inside. Our lips were locked in a feverish kiss and our hands were beginning to wonder. Just as he begin to lift my dress we were interrupted by someone clearing their throat. Jumping we quickly pulled apart and I turned to see King sitting in my corner chair. "What are you doing here?" I insisted angrily.

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now