Drive Me To Drink 1

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Surprise Chapter!!

Please read note!!

Wow.... I'm absolutely floored at the comments from the last chapter!! Never did I think that I would see this! More of you seem to think that the women are in the wrong and are sympathizing with the guy's😮😮
I just knew that when London demolished Laney's beloved chaise that you guy's would loose it!!! I was prepared to see London being called every name under the sun but noooo..... Most of you feel for him!!! But that's cool, it just shocked me. Most of the time when the men pull their little punishment stunts y'all are like "off with his head"!

Okay, I've had a lot of you ask for all of the men's POV on what the girl's did etc. Originally I didn't write too much into that well because I was in a hurry to wrap this book up and get on to the next! However since so many asked for it I decided to add a quick split chapter with the men telling their side! Enjoy!!

And thanks for everything!!


Damn, I don't know what to do, what to think. Cupcake has always been so obedient that this has came as a shock. Yea, in the beginning Sam would test the water's but overtime she grew compliant and settled in to just being a mommy role. However she isn't weak and she has always had my back so I can't understand where all of this is coming from. Maybe she was pressured by the other women? I just don't know. I haven't had to punish my cupcake in so long that this is killing me.

Not to mention that my daughter was drug into this. Yes, I really laid in on Sam for that but she swears that Demy his and they had no clue. For the most part I do believe Sam on that because she has really grilled Demy for her behavior.

Having been up for a bit I noticed it was time for Sam to report to the Den for duty but she hadn't made a move. Taking my foot, I shook the bed. "Get up and get to work" .

Sam replied by turning over and snuggling down into the blankets. Fueled by irritation, I tore the blankets from the bed. Sam darted up to a sitting position. "What the hell Demarco? Give them back now".

" Get your ass to the Den". I growled.

"I'm not doing that... Ever. You all can just hold your breath because none of us girl's are going to do that shit". She spewed.

" So you are deliberately disobeying the King? "

"Yea, looks that way. Now shut up so I can go back to sleep".

Not having it I jerked her from the bed and drug her to her closet. "I haven't had to punish you in a long time Sam but you're only making it worse on yourself. Get dressed, go to the Den and tonight you will sleep with no blankets due to your behavior" .

"Yea, well I haven't punished you in a long time either Demarco." Sam called from the back of her closet.

" but I think you're definitely due an attitude adjustment ". She yelled as she exited the closet swinging her bat.

Taken by surprise I had no time to react as the bat connected with my ribs. "The fuck? Ohhhh bitch".

Jumping back just in time before the bat connected with my head Sam squealed. "Hold the fuck still Defucko. You want to fuck with me I'll show your fucking ass. I will not do it and you can take your punishment and shove it up your ads along with my bat".


Shit, she hit my elbow. "Put the bat down now Samantha" . I boomed.



Swing, swing.

Fuck, there went my ribs followed by my jaw. "Bitch, when I get my hands on you it's over. Your life is ove...."

Swing. Right in the nuts. Hunched over cradling myself I knew that I had to bring out the big guns. Once I somewhat recovered I ran back to the bedroom dodgeing her swings the entire way. Tearing open my closet I grabbed a tazer that I kept in there. Rushing back out before she could corner me in here I ran full force at her. Sam held the bat above her head and as she begin to swing I stuck the tazer to get side. Sam squealed dropping the bat before she herself crumbled to the floor in pain. "Why did you do that Demarco?" She cried.

As if she didn't know why. Yes, I wanted to apologize and make sure she was okay but my aching balls reminded me why not to. Not to mention I've probably got a cracked rib and bruised elbow. Instead, I bent down and placed zip cords around her wrists and ankles before tossing her up on the bed. Sam cried out in pain at the movement and I could see her skin glowing red where the tazer connected. Brushing all emotions off, I growled. "You did this to yourself. Like a child I will dress you and escort you to the Den still tied. Once there I will untie your feet but your hands will remain tied. You will do all of your chores that way in front of everyone. Everyone will see what happens when a King is defied".

Leaving her there I went to Demy's room and drug her from her bed. Taking her back to my room I pointed to her mother. "If you aren't ready in five minutes you will be next".

Needless to say Demy ran off without giving attitude. Picking up Sam's bag I smiled. "At the end of your day we will visit the pit and you my cupcake will place this fucker in the wood cheaper yourself. Never will you be allowed to own a bag again".

I will post the next chapter soon! Who might be next???
So, do you think Dem was too harsh???
Still siding with the guy's?
Did Sam do it to herself?

Hope you enjoyed

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