Karma's Knocking

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After running all over town the entire night and then the episode with G-Pop I was beat. Like everyone else, I made my way to place after learning that G-Pop would be okay. Even though I was physically as well as mentally exhausted sleep evaded me. For the longest time I tossed and turned and eventually giving up on the aspect of sleep, I crawled out of bed. My mind was just too busy and I needed an outlet.

Pulling an old pair of jogging pants on followed by t-shirt and hoodie, I slipped into my sneakers and went out the door. A good jog always helps me work through my raging mind. There was a rule in place currently that we weren't supposed to leave alone but I needed this alone time. Slipping from the building was a too easy. For one it was still early and most haven't stirred and the other's would be sleeping in due to the long hour's the night before.

As I stepped from the revolving doors into the empty street's a chill was in the air. Breathing in deep, I took in the scent of the changing season. Immediately I felt more energized. Deciding to go left, I started off in a light sprint. I've walked these same street's my entire life but at this early hour it felt foreign. The usually hustle and bustle was at a still that gave off a ghost town effect. For once the city sleeps. Occasionally a car would pass by or I'd spot the night shift responsible for keeping the street's clean but other than that I was the only person out here and I enjoyed this freedom. The city took on a new look without all of the normal commotion that the day brought.

Turning right, I increased my pace and begin working up a light sweat. The smell of coffee and pastries wafted in the air as I passed by a coffee shop that hadn't opened yet. Obviously someone was inside preparing for the morning rush that would soon come. Alice popped into my mind as the coffee made my taste buds come to life. She was a good woman, I can't deny that and I hate the crap I dealt her but I'm still happy with my decision. I'm human and make mistakes but in the end the divorce was the best solution for the both of us. She'll always hold a place in my heart and I'll always look after her but we just wasn't meant to be. Me letting her go was honestly the best thing I could have ever done for her. Hopefully she realizes that now.

By now my pulse was up and I knew I was in the zone. I could see the lights from the Brooklyn Bridge up ahead and picked up my pace even more. Soon I was nearly a block away and had decided that once I reached the bridge I would begin my trek back home. Soon the city would be swamped with noise and chaos again and I just wanted to remember it this way.

As I neared the bridge a set of headlights came into view. This was no shock, probably someone heading to work for an early start so I didn't really pay much attention. However my radar did click on when the van came to a creep not far from me. Deciding I might ought to take the next left, the van suddenly lurched forward in a series of spinning tires and screeches. The headlights were coming straight for me and blinding me at the same time. On instinct, I begin to run in the opposite direction but the van followed pursuit. Nothing was open yet so I could possibly slip inside to get myself out of the path of the van.

Running with everything I had, I peeked over my shoulder to see that the van was quickly closing the distance between us. The driver had now plowed into the sidewalk smashing everything in it's path. In a attempt to avoid being ran down, I begin running in a zig-zag pattern but it was hopeless. The road of the engine was now upon me and I turned to see just how close it was but it was too late. The last thing I recall was throwing my arm's up in front of my face and the blinding headlights. My body was catapulted into the air and I landed on a hard surface with tremendous force.

My next conscious memory was waking up in an unfamiliar place. My body was in pain and I knew that I probably had several fractured bones and no telling what other forms of injuries. Holding my eye's open to the pain was even miserable. Thankfully the light in this room was dim so that allowed me to inspect my surroundings. I tried to move and that's when I realized that I was strapped down to a chair. Instantly I begin to try and work myself free from the zip ties but it was useless. My body was too broken to be much help.

My clothes were filthy and torn. Blood stains were sprinkled about in various locations. I couldn't determine just how damaged I was but I knew it wasn't good. The tiniest movement sent a sharp, stabbing pain through my back so I knew I had some broken ribs. My leg was throbbing and my ankle was swelling against the confines of my shoe. It was very likely that it could be broken as well. There were many gashes and ugly bruising along my body. Removing the focus off of me, I looked around the room that I was in. The floor was smooth cement and a threadbare rug graced the center of the room. The wall's were brick and had various tools for gardening and home repairs hanging on pegs. On the other side of the room looked to be a office or entertainment area. A old couch faced the wall where an older floor model television stared back at it. A coffee table that was a little banged up separated the two. I'm the corner was a tall bookshelf that was crammed with what looked to be medical book's. My guess was that I was in someone's basement but who's remained unknown.

As I was thinking who could have done this I heard a door creak open. More light flooded the room causing me to squint. The wooden stairs begin to groan as this mysterious person begin to descend. Anger fueled me and I glared toward the bottom of the stairs. Whoever my enemy was I wanted them to see my madness as soon as they stepped in. Finally a person came into view but I didn't recognize him. He was talk and slender. He wasn't really what you could call physical fit, he was more on the intellect side. He wore a pair of khaki slacks paired with a sweater with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. Brown loafers graced his feet and a pair of spectacles rested on his face. The badgered grinned at me as if this was a friendly meeting. Spitting the bloody taste from my mouth, I growled. "The fuck you grinning at jackass?"

Taking a few steps closer to me he replied. "I'm grinning because I pulled this off. Look at me, I just nabbed a man from one of the strongest mafia's around" .

"No, you just arranged your funeral. Who are you?" I snarled.

" call me Seth and I'm guessing you have many questions".

"Yes so you better start explaining yourself" .

Seth clasped his hands in front of him and smiled. "You see, I believe in Karma. I believe everyone gets what they give. Recently I met this lady who has become special to me. I'm her therapist and she divulged her deepest secrets to me. She was once your wife but you broke her heart. Not only that but you and your family have put her through many trials. You along with them hurt her. I've fallen in love with Alice and we do spend quite an amount of time together yet she's not completely mine and she never will be as long as your breathing. You're going to die CJ but before I kill you I want your grandfather. I plan on putting a stop to your families reign of terror once and for all. If I take out the man at the head everything else will fall into place".

Even through my pain, I laughed. "You are a fool. Do you realize what you have taken on? Do you know how many men serve under me, my family? Anytime now they'll be busting up in here" .

"I don't think so. Thanks to Alice's input I removed all of your trackers. You can't be found".

"Never underestimate my family. We have too many connections. I'll just relax here until they arrive".

" first, we have a little phone call to make". Seth replied and picked my phone up from the floor.

"You are my bait". He said as he sifted through my contacts. Seconds later he had called my family.

I listened as he made his threats and demands. Pausing, he sat the phone down and went to the wall that displayed tools. Grabbing up a drill, he approached me. "You can thank your family for this".

He placed the drill to my shoulder blade and begin to drill through my skin and bone. Not giving into the pain, I bit down on my lip and grunted. Once he was done, he picked the phone back up promising that he would be back in touch. Hanging up he looked at me then bent over and begin to heave. After the contents of his stomach had been emptied he spoke. "Never have I inflicted pain on someone. I must say my stomach isn't built for it. I guess you're use to it right? Tell me how does it feel to be on the receiving end for once?"

" it feels fucking wonderful but what feels even better is knowing that I will be free soon and I intend on drilling your eye's out". I promised.

Seth's color paled and he made a speedy exit.

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now