Yea, About That Mafia Life

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Sorry about not updating sooner but life has been busy and will become even busier as the Holidays grow closer. Here ya go.. Enjoy!!

As the night wore on I became more comfortable with King's family and associates. I met a lot of people but couldn't recall all of their name's, there was way too many. King spent as much time as possible with me but it never failed, some friend or family member would appear and eventually pull him away. He'd look back and give me a sympathetic state and I knew he hated being led away from me as much as I hated to see him go. However this was the first time in a long time that he was actually enjoying his birthday and I wanted him to have fun.

For the third time King was led off by a fellow friend to discuss some business matters so I slunked back to the bar. This go round I ordered a water instead of my usual fruity cocktail. I didn't want his family thinking I was a drunk even though everyone here was having their fair share of liquid goodness.

Occasionally King's eye's would seek me out and he'd give me a sad, pouty smile that promised he would try to escape his company soon. At least I had no more run ins with his mother. Currently she was entertaining a small group by telling an elaborate story while her husband looked down upon her with nothing but adoration in his eye's. I did meet one of his cousins wives and was surprised if not shocked. It was Tia, one of the biggest model's worldwide.

After I overcame my bout of being starstruck, I managed to carry on a decent conversation with her. It was amazing how normal she was, not meaning her fame but compared to the other women I had met tonight she didn't pose as a threat. No questions came from her and I didn't feel as if I was under the gun. Then there was one by the name of Sam and I forget who she was married to but she was kind as well.

As I was staring into my water glass thinking of all of this I heard a voice come from beside me. "So, I see that my uncle still has you around" .

Sensing the sarcasm in the woman's tone I knew immediately who it was and my insides cringed as I recalled our first run in. The last thing I wanted was a scene in front of all of these stranger's so smiling as pleasantly as possible, I turned toward her. "Hello Mizery."

Shooting me that creepy grin that she always displays, she removed the lemon wedge from the lip of my glass then pulled a knife from her pocket. While continuing to grin, if that's what you could call it, she expertly cut my lemon into precise sections. Trying not to let her unerve , I glanced down to her gently swollen belly. "Pregnancy looks good on you". I tried to offer a compliment.

A sour expression marred her face. "I should cut your tongue out and slap you with it. You know nothing about what you say. Pregnancy is hell. I eat everything, my feet swell, my body aches. I pee if I sneeze and there is no sleep because no position is comfortable."

As she went on her rant her slicing of my lemon became more vigorous. I begin to try and ease away from her but before I could her husband appeared saving the day. Gently he removed the knife and soothed her. Once he had her calmed he escorted her off to chat with other's. Swiping my brow, I turned back to the bar and decided I needed a hard drink after all. No sooner than I placed my order I heard a unfamiliar male's voice. "Damn baby, where you been?"

Swiveling back around on my stool, I saw a young boy, definitely a teen. He was cute and I'm sure once he grew up more he'd be a heartbreaker. "I'm sorry, have we met?"

No doubt that he was a Harper, that grin alone gave that away. "Naw baby. Trust me, you wouldn't forget if we had".

" Oh. Oh". I gasped at his boldness.

The boy laughed. "I'm Duel. And who are you my little midnight snack?"

I nearly laughed at his corny come on lines. "I'm Frankie and I'm here with someone" .

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now