Swim Your Way Out Of This

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Ashton or is it Frankie, who knows at this point sat in stone silence on the couch. Sobs racked her chest as she twiddled a right beautiful sapphire ring on her finger. It was obvious that she wasn't go to admit to her wrong doings so I tried another tactic. Taking a seat on the coffee table in front of her I lowered my gun and spoke as calmly as I could. "Ashton, I know that you are lying. Tell me the truth and thing's won't be as bad".

" I didn't do it". She whined.

Taking a deep breath to control my increasing frustration I continued. "How did you do it? How did you get into my apartment and my safe?"

Nothing. Not even a squeak.

"Why did you do it?" I asked.

Still nothing but stubborn silence .

"So is your name Frankie or Ashton?"

" Frankie". She hiccuped.

"Why do you lie to me?"

" I'm not". She weezed out.

"Are you working for someone? Are there other's?"

" no because I didn't do it". She gritted out this time growing angry.

I shook my head in disdain. "I detest liars. I believe I've given you ample time to come clean. Looks like we will be doing this the hard way".

Standing up I spoke to my men. "Place Ashton in the car and take her to the Marritta's warehouse at Lake Mead. I'll follow shortly".

" Wait. What? Where are you taking me". Ashton asked in a panicky tone.

Ignoring her, I nodded to my men. Approaching her, they gripped her by the arms as fresh tears flooded her eye's. She tried to wiggle free from them but her attempts were useless. "King please". She begged but I walked out.

I waited a good three hour's before I made my way to the warehouse. When I walked in I spotted Ashton strapped to an worn office chair. Walking over grinning, I have the chair a good push sending her spinning in circles. "I'm hoping the ride out here along with the wait has gave you time to think. Now, tell me Frankie, why did you steal from me? I trusted you. I let you into my home yet you placed a knife in my back".

She continued to sit quietly so I kneeled down to her level. Leaning in, my face was mere inches from hers. "Why?"

" I. Didn't. Do. It. " She strained out between gritted teeth.

Standing up, I smacked my hands together in anger. "Okay, you want to play hard, innocent? I think I'll have to kick it up a notch".

Walking over to my men, I spoke in low tones. After a few moment's they removed Frankie from the chair and we walked outside. Lake Mead sparkled in the close distance. We all walked toward the warehouses boat dock. "What are you doing King?" Frankie asked in fear.

Ignoring her once again, I watched as my men rigged up a little torture device using chains and pulleys. It wasn't long before Frankie caught on and whimpered. "Please don't King. I can't swim".

" Sure you can't. Probably just another lie". I shot back then ordered my men to begin.

I watched Frankie fight against their grips as the chains were wrapped around her wrists and she was pulled above the water. "No. I really can't swim".

" You want your feet back on solid ground all you have to do is tell me the truth. I'll wait ".

More silence so I nodded my head. My men inched the chains lower and Frankie's feet dipped into the water as she wailed. "Ready to talk yet?"

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now