The Missing Piece

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Patience is a virtue so I've been told. Sadly, patience isn't something I possess. Impulsive by nature or at least that's what London always said. As I stood in the center of Alice's tidy living room I picked up a small clown figurine. Running my hand over the smooth, cool glass it was made of, I stared into the small face. To be a clown it's expression was so sad. The eye's seemed to droop and instead of a smile it wore a frown.

As I stared into the clowns depressing expression my mind wandered back to London. A slight smile tilted my lips as I recalled the many squabbles we got into over my impulsive behavior throughout the year's. Yes, I'll be the first to admit that I may act before thinking but how many time's had it saved us?

Even through all of the turmoil, fights, killings and captures I can't deny that I loved that man. He could do no wrong in my eye's. Thinking back all those year's, never in my life would I have imagined that I would be a killer as well. Some may say that London changed me, corrupted my soul and banished my murals but that simply isn't so. If I'm being completely honest it's always been in me. London just gave me a outlet to do so. No, I'm not sick or mental. I'd never harm an innocent person, only the one's who deserve it. The one's that threaten my family. Which comes back to London. Am I missing a piece to this sordid puzzle. Can the man that vowed to love me forever, protect me and treated me as his princess really want me dead? None of it adds up but anything is possible, right? Maybe he did grow tired of me or maybe Cinda is only feeding me half truths. The only thing I'm certain of at this moment is not to trust any of them. I will continue my own investigation and punish whom I see fit.

The door clicked open bringing me from my thinking. Without turning around, I placed the sad little clown back on the decorative table and spoke. "Time's up Alice. Did you do as I asked if you?"

" I did".

A crimson smile creased my face and I turned toward her, my pride in her evident. "Wonderful. I knew you had it in you. Now, let's have it".

Alice went to her computer and slipped the chip in. I took it upon myself to sift through all of the files. First thing I did was to freeze all accounts. Without funds London couldn't make any further deals. Business would be at a standstill making them weak. However nothing looked abnormal. There was no info pertaining to myself. Removing the chip, I placed it into my bag. "Thank you Alice. Job well done. Don't be surprised if I stop back in sometime. In the meantime continue to be my eye's and ears concerning the family. I'll leave my number so you can reach me with any news" .

Turning to leave, a naggling feeling erupted in my stomach. I had to know, I had to ask. Hating myself for showing any ounce of concern, the word's spewed from my mouth. "Tell me Alice, how is London doing? Do you see him, speak with him"?

A sad expression marred her features and she shook her head slowly. "I can't tell you to be exact because l met him after all of this but everyone claims he isn't the same. He seems so sad and acts As if his mind is off somewhere else. I've heard the stories about you two and your love. I can tell you this.... London still loves you and grieves for you everyday" .

Not sure of her prediction, I snapped in a hateful tone. "Then tell me Alice, why did he get to have me killed?"

Alice jumped at my harsh attitude. "The only conclusion I have is that you have been misinformed. That man hurts everyday because of you. In fact we rescued him from Jax and Marcus's cluthches. We thought the both of you dead. Jax was handled but Marcus is in the pit awaiting death. He continues to tell London that he killed you, to taunt him. London loves you and wouldn't harm you. You need to stop this and go to him".

Alice seemed so brave right now speaking to me As such. Slowly I approached her and scoffed. "You seem so sure if yourself Alice. You see I have information that the family isn't aware of. I know thing's. London could very well be deceiving the family. Putting on a show as if he misses me and can't move on all to cover his ass."

Stepping closer, I fixed her with a cold stare. "Even though I'm presumed dead and no longer apart of the family.... I. Am. Still. The ...... Queen. Never speak to me in such a manner".

Stepping back an inch, I released my crimson smile then leaned down to her ear and whispered. "Don't believe the stories you've heard about me.... There way worse. You're all amateurs" .

Alice's eye's teared up with fear and she nodded her head. Standing up straight, I continued to smile. "Be careful with that shrink of yours. I know everything. Always two steps ahead".

As I left I thought that Alice seemed a bit strange today. Perhaps she is setting me up. Maybe she cracked and spilled the truth and the chip was a decoy. Only time would tell. When I left the sun had recently settled behind the earth and the sky had a deep bluish tint. Checking my surroundings carefully, I made my way to my rental car. As I said behind the wheel, I started the engine to warm me up. I decided to stop by one of my favorite delis and pick up a sandwich to take back to the hotel. My body and mind was weary and I just wanted to relax.

Even though I didn't want to admit it but Alice's words rattled me. Could there be some truth in what she said? Am I misinformed? The one thing I do know is that there are pieces missing and I can't trust anyone right now. I am alone in this world but I'll manage. I'm no quitter and I don't fear anything anymore. I got this.

Knowing that I would need to step in at the deli, I shuffled through my bag for my tube of favorite lipstick, cherry bomb. Looking in my rearview mirror, I carefully stained my lips. As I was doing so my eye's locked onto another set of eye's in my back seat. My first instinct was to grip the gun strapped to my thigh. In one swift movement I maneuvered around my seat and jammed the gun into my uninvited passengers temple.  "You even breath and you'll lose your head".

" Whoa, who's Laney. It's me, Marcus". I heard a winded voice say.

Lowering my gun, I spoke in a surprise gasp. "Marcus, but how? Cinda claimed you were probably dead by now". I said not giving away that I already knew that he was alive.

" I guess she would think that but no. However I'm pretty banged up. The bastard did a job on me. "

I skimmed over his many bruises and cuts. "Yes, he did. But how did you get away?"

I killed the night guard and ran out through the secret tunnel. I'm sure they know by now that I'm gone so this must be quick. London is still hunting you. You need to hurry and end this. Is Cinda still at our designated hideout? "

I nodded my head. "Yes, I spoke to her a few day's ago."

" Good. I need you to get me out of here before they catch up to me. I'll be there until I hear and I'll return to aid you. By the way, I need some cash and a extra change of clothes so I can make it to Cinda. "

Within ten minutes I had him some fresh clothes and a flight out of here. As I dropped him off at the airport I handed him a roll of bills. "This is more than enough to get you there".

After he boarded, I begin to pull off when I spotted London along with several other's. I knew I needed to cause a distraction until Marcus was safe in the air and free. As they walked through the parking lot I took aim at a nearby trashcan. Pulling the trigger, the trashcan made a echoing ding. In an instant London and the other's were covered with guns on the ready. They looked in all directions to see where the shot may have been fired from. As I spotted Marcus's plane take to the sky, I slowly drove my car out of the exit with a smile.

The deli was long forgotten by now, however I was on a new mission. An hour later I had managed to sneak into my old home in the country.  Sticking to the shadows in the yard, I spotted what Alice had mentioned. The moon shown bright making the dew on the grass sparkle. Soon I stood before a large marble monument that had my name etched into the stone. But what I saw beside of my name caused my heart to stop.... London's name joined mine. Placing my hand against the cool rock, I traced his name with my finger. "How could this happen to us?" I spoke aloud.

Tears pushed at my eye's and my throat constricted. Looking at his name, I asked in a broken voice. "Do you really want me dead? When did you stop loving me? You promised me London, you promised. Heart, body and soul".

My knees gave out from under me and I feel to the ground at the foot of the stone. Laying my head against the hard marble I wept like a lost soul.

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now