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Pure, raw hate is what got me through this. Hate is what shadowed the pain. It wasn't cries or tears from pain, no when I opened my mouth cries from hate ripped from my lungs. When the doctor instructed me to push I balled every ounce of hate that my body owned and pushed with it. My focal point was the image of King Harper and I'd bare down with all of my might and with one final push my baby left my body and entered the world.

Instantly the hate was gone and warmth flooded me. As my baby was placed in my arm's all of my anger vanished, everything forgotten.... But only temporary. I smiled down at the tiny face as tears of love replaced tears of hate. Kissing the fragile forehead, I nuzzled the baby to my breast as instructed. As I watched my baby feed for the first time, I took in every tiny detail. There was no mistaken that this was King Harper's child. The baby was flawless, beautiful, just like his father. Olive skin covered the bones as those dark, trademark Harper eye's stared up at me. It was during this time that the child's name came to me.

After the baby had their fill, I gently lifted it's tiny frame up above me and smiled. "Yes my little one. You will be strong, a leader. I have the perfect name for you. I have risen from the ashes of hurt and betrayal but received you as my gift. Your name my sweet boy will be Rize. You will rise to be king one day... King Rize Kinichi".

That was two months ago but still so fresh in my mind. Has my hate and taste for revenge subsided? Hell no but when I cuddle my son all is right with the world. Rise is my most prized possession and I will do whatever it takes to keep him safe, secret and away from the Harper's. I work continuously with him in my arm's to ensure that by the time he reaches adulthood my Empire is strong and thriving. Yes, I still have a ways to go but I'm getting there and damn proud of my accomplishments.

Since I started I've made major transformations. I now live in a fine home that is well guarded and protected by every means. The people here adore me and in return I take care of them. They no longer go without food or medicine's. Those that I employ are paid nicely and I do all of this in return for their loyalty. My most strongest men are always by my side and trained expertly.

As for me, I am now trained as well. Recently, I continued my training at full notch since pregnancy no longer interfered. My marksmanship is dead on and I impressed myself at how fast I can draw my gun. However, I've taken some brutal beatings and suffered a few broken bones but it's worth it. I'm not training to just defend myself, no I'm training to kill and to be the best.

My plan is slowly coming to fruition. Day by day my Empire grows larger and stronger. My clientele began small and in close range but as of now I have branched out to different parts of Egypt. The Kinichi name is becoming well known and many do not test it. Of course this was no easy feat. I starter off small, dealing with street thugs no less but soon I had them on my side joining me or they were dealt with. Yes, if anyone or group stands in my way I have them taken care of. It's not personal, it's business.

Recently I have had my men take down a few of the larger dealer's around here. I guess they assumed that since I was a woman that I would cower and flee town, boy was they wrong. Instead I devised a plan and took down their companies. Some were killed and some joined me. It's not that I want to kill anyone, it's just business, the way of the mafia world. Take or be taken. Besides if I'm to be respected and taken seriously I must leave a mark, make an impression. Word travels fast and soon my name was out. This is a good and bad thing. Good because it brought me new clients, deals and power. Bad because it made me a target to those that feel threatened by me. Well, they should feel threatened. I aim on taking what is theirs.

However underneath this power suit and tough girl decision making I'm still me... Frankie. Yes, I do go by Rachel now but only for business. Even though I'm riddled with hate, revenge and working like mad to establish my Empire I'm still me. I love being a mother and cuddling Rize every waking moment. I'm still soft and caring when in the privacy of my home. Our there I'm a ball buster. I still enjoying dabbling in photography but sadly I don't have much time for that anymore. My day's are filled with discussing drug's, guns and most recently hot jewelry. I'm either meeting up with new clients or devising ways to expand and grow larger. Currently I have a bit over a hundred men working for me. When I'm not working I'm spending my time with Rize. I'll admit, it's exhausting but I know it will be worth it in the end.

As for King and his family, I haven't decided. Yes, I think about it often and I still want my payback extracted but I need to be better equipped and stronger. My thirst for them hasn't been quenched and I will honor my parent's. However this will take time to piece together. The Harper's aren't one to make mistakes with or be careless. It make take some time but I'll get to them.

I'm almost certain that they assume that I'm dead which was my plan all along. They can't search for a dead girl which will give me the time I need to back build. They will know what it's truly like to lose a loved one. Am I'm sacared? You bet ya, but it's time the Harper's paid the piper and it just so happens that I'm carrying the flute.

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now