Wakey Wakey

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Smacking my dry lips together, I slowly begin to come to. Before my eye's opened and still lost in that sleep haze where you try to determine what is real and what is still dream state, I wondered why I was burning up. No doubt that I was on fire and drowning in my own sweat, I had to wonder if I had died and gone to hell.

Eventually I cracked my eye's open only to be blinded by the scorching sun. Bringing my hand up to shield my awakening eye's, I noticed a sharp muscle pull in my lower back and winced. It was then that my head started pounding something fierce. Slowly, I brought my sore arm up so that I could feel what seemed to be a tender spot on my scalp. My fingertips came in contact with what seemed to be a rather large knot. Feeling a sticky, wet, yet dried substance, I brought my hand down to look at what it might be. Blood covered my fingertips but what was even more confusing was recognizing that I was in my car, Windows sealed up tight and apparently in the middle of the desert. If one was to guess, I would think that I had been left for dead.

My first instinct was to turn the ignition switch so I could blast the AC but due to my luck the engine didn't fire to life. A sharp dinging sound echoed through the cab of my car and my gas light flashed. Smacking the steering wheel, I grumbled. "Fuck, is it my birthday?"

Only bad shit like this occurred on that dreadful date. Then a brief flash of the night before raged to the forefront of my mind. My safe. Someone had broke into my home and robbed me blind. I was enraged and contacted Ashton for some much needed stress relief. Instead I was met with a fat ass NO, not to mention some punk sharing the bed that was supposed to be only for me. I recall trying to strangle the life out of the mouthy shit head then feeling a blow to the back of my head. Turning I saw Ashton standing there holding a unamed object continuing to threaten me. Then all went black.

Putting the pieces together I assumed that Ashton along with her dead boyfriend placed me here to finish me off. Jokes on them because a Harper doesn't die so easily. Call it nine lives if you will. Reaching in my pocket for my phone so that I could call my men for a ride, I discovered my phone was dead. Biting my lip in frustration, I turned the switch on my car once again in hopes of charging my phone. To add fuel to my already blazing fire, another ting sounded out and I discovered that my car battery was dead. Obviously that bitch left my car running hoping to achieve just this.

Swinging the car door open offered no relief as more hot, dry air rushed in. Fuck, I didn't even know what time it was. Hopping from the car, I kicked at the dirt in anger which resulted in dust clouds flying up and around me. Not only was I hacking now but I was covered in a film of dirt. Screaming to the entire desert, I yelled. "I'll fucking kill you Ash".

Hating to do it but having no choice, I sat back in my car and pressed my tracker. This would signal my men that I needed help immediately and alert them to my location. Normally this was only used during the direst of situations but with no phone I had no other way to make contact. My men would hustle together and come roaring in like a small army. Not only that my family would be alerted as well. This was sure to cause chaos.

Twenty minutes later, just as I suspected, my men came rolling down the road like a swat team. Stepping from my car, I have the all clear signal and the men out their weapons away. "It's nothing. Just some car trouble" . I assured them.

My men looked at me suspiciously. "Boss, you look rough. Your heads bleeding as well".

Walking towards one of the air conditioned vehicles, I gritted out. "I said it was car trouble and that's exactly what it is". Not wanting to admit that a girl bested me.

Stumbling into the cool air of the car, I ordered. "Have my car brought home and repaired. Jesus, has someone got a bottle of water?"

A cold bottle of water was tossed my way and I drank it down as I made my way home. Once home, I showered the filth off of my body and had the doc look at my head. Thankfully I needed no stitches, nothing a bit of bandage glue couldn't fix. Sitting down on my couch to relax and think of my next move, my now charged phone buzzed. Glancing at the screen, I saw my Pape's number. Automatically I knew he was calling because of my alert signal. Taking a deep breath I answered as such. "I'm good. It was a false alarm."

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now