Meet Frankie Knight

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Once I left Ashtons apartment I raced home prepared to leave for New York momentarily. That phone call I got really hit home. Not my Pape, I couldn't go through this again. As I was stashing clothes into a suitcase my phone rang again. Seeing Demarco's number, I answered in a panic. "Yea. Any news".

" Relax little brother. It was a false alarm. The man who informed you wasn't clear on all of the details ".

Taking a deep breath, I sat on the edge of my bed and ran a frustrated hand through my hair. "So Pape wasn't shot?"

" No, not technically. He was shot at. Blew his phone right out of his hand but he is okay and safe now".

"Damn. Is there any idea who could have taken a shot at him?"

" Not at the moment but we are waiting on all area surveillance footage to stream into our system. The area is still being searched for any clues as well. I won't lie, it was a close call. The question is now, was the shooters aim really that bad or was they trying to send a message ".

" Right. Well I'm nearly done packing so... "

"No worries. There's no need to rush out here right now. Like I said, Pape is okay. As soon as I hear anything I'll give you a ring. Sit tight".

" I guess I should call him then".

"Go ahead. He's at the Den eating. He has been acting a bit off since the incident so be warned."

Saying my goodbyes, I poured me a stiff one and proceeded to call my Pape. Taking a seat behind my desk I awaited for Pape to answer. Finally on the fifth ring I heard his voice. "I'm fine son".

Relief at herring him speak flooded through me. Since that dreadful night incidents such as these really shook me. The entire family knows and understands why I get so bent out of shape. "I'm glad Pape.... Really glad".

" Son, relax. I'm not going anywhere. I know it's hard but you must overcome what happened. It wasn't your fault so stop torturing yourself. All I want is for you to be happy".

Hating that he took the conversation there, I ignored his advice and jumped into a new subject. "So, any suspects?"

My Pape gave a soft chuckle. Clearly it amused him at how I diverted the conversation off of me. "Not as of yet but there's something strange about this yet something oddly familiar. I can guarantee that the bullet meant to hit my phone. Why I don't know. Had the shooter had bad aim I'm almost certain the bullet would have hit a wall or even knicked me but no. It hit my phone.... A very small target. Call it luck if you will but I think it impossible for a amateur to hit that. I think this is a seasoned sniper and I heard their message loud and clear".

" So now what? "

"I wait. If they want me bad enough they will strike again. I'm also waiting to see the footage".

I heard the waiter deliver my Pape's food and knew I should let him go. "Should I come home? I will if you need me".

" No King. Continue on, I am fine. However i probably won't be able to fly down next week. We may need to postpone the transition, at least until I find out who is behind this new attempt".

"I understand. That's more important." Wanting to stop thinking that I could have very well lost my Pape today, I switched topics again.

"What are you eating Pape?"

There was a long pause before he answered. "Ravioli King..... Ravioli". His voice spoke full of emotion.

Later that evening I considered returning to Ashtons place but called it off. It was wise to stay close to home in case there were other's out there using us as targets. Soon I had drank myself into the usual stupor and passed out. The next morning I woke on my living room floor amid a heap of liquor bottles. Slowly, I pulled myself up and hit the shower. The hot liquid felt amazing as it enveloped my body easing my sore muscles from sleeping on the floor. Taking an extra long time under my raindrop shower head my first clear thought was Ashton and it shouldn't be. I should be thinking about my Pape. My work, anything but her.

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now