Sink Or Swim

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With my cheeks puffed out from holding my breath and my nose scrunched up I listened as King chanted. "Kick Frankie, kick".

Giving up I put my feet back on the pool floor of the shallow end. For hour's we had been out he and let me tell you, the struggle is real. Smacking my hands on top of the water I hissed in irritation. "That's it. I give up. We've been at it all morning and all I do is manage to look like a flopping fish".

King snickered. "Yea, you kinda do now that you mention it".

" Jerk". I sneered splashing him.

"I'll never learn to swim". I sulked and started making my way to the ladder but King grasped my arm.

" Come on now Frankie. Don't be a quitter. Let's try a new tatic. " King suggested.

Laying his arm's flat on top of the water he instructed me to lay belly down over them. Rolling my eye's I did as he asked. "Okay, I'm going to keep my arm's under you and I want you to kick".

I begin to kick my feet and eventually started moving my arm's. I was actually going somewhere this time instead of splashing in one spot not accomplishing anything. I made it to the rope that separated the shallow end from the deep before I erected my body. When I did I noticed that King was several feet away from me. Obviously a look of wonderment come over my face because King begin to laugh. "You did it Ginger Snap".

" I did, I did do it". I squealed excited.

I hadn't even realized that King had removed his arm's from under me. Full of excitement I went to paddle back to him but went straight down. Instantly King was by me pulling me up as I coughed. Patting my back to ease my choking he assured me. "Relax. It will take several tries before you get the hang of it".

Once I recovered I tried it again with King right by my side encouraging me. By the time lunch rolled around I was a pro at the doggy paddle. Deciding to break for lunch, King lifted himself out at the side of the pool. Before I could attempt to pull myself up he reached down and lifted me out as if I weighed nothing. Returning to our lounge chairs King adjusted the umbrella over us as I opened the cooler to retrieve the lunches I had packed. Taking our seats, I handed him a sandwich and a soda. I then opened a large back of chips to share between us. We made small talk as we ate. "I can't believe I'm actually swimming" . I boasted.

King grinned. "Me either".

I laughed at his noted sarcasm and tossed a chip at him. Getting serious again I said. "Thank you King for teaching me. I can now cross learning to swim off of my bucket list".

" It was my pleasure Frankie. So what else is on your bucket list? " He asked interested.

"Hmmmm...." I hummed absent mindlessly munching on a chip. " I loved to get better at swimming. Well good enough that I could go scuba diving. I've never left the state's. I'd love to see the world. "

"Any place in particular?" He asked.

I smiled. "Venice. It seems so beautiful in all of the picture's" .

"The picture's don't do it justice. I've been severe time's. I have family there".

" Lucky you". I mocked jokingly.

King tossed a chip at me this time but missed. "Tell me about your family?" I asked.

He shrugged his shoulders. "Not much to tell. We are close and powerful" .

"So are you all like in the mafia?"

" Owww". I jumped as King pinched the outer side of my thigh. "What'cha do that for?" I whined while rubbing my thigh.

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now