Well, I Didn't Expect That Reaction

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After the family cleared from my apartment I did a quick clean up then went to check on Frankie. She was buried beneath the comforter sleeping peacefully. Taking a moment to admire how beautiful she was at this moment, I bent down and placed a kiss to the top of her head. "I hope tonight doesn't change anything" . I murmured.

Standing back up I walked to my dresser and pulled out a pair of jogging pants and a athletic t-shirt. Peeling the suit from my body I decided to the bloody items in the trash. After a quick shower I made my way to the linen closest and retrieved a extra pillow and blanket. I decided to sleep on the couch for the night. No sooner than I shut the closest back my Pape burst through my door. "Have you seen that woman?" He barked.

Quirking a brow up at him confused, I questioned. "Mom?"

" What other woman could I be talking about? " He growled in irritation.

"No, I haven't seen her. Is everything okay? Does this have anything to do with the phone call you got before you left?"

Pape stepped closer to me and I could smell the liquor on his breath. Obviously whatever was happening wasn't good if Pape was drinking this heavily. He eyed me intently as if he was trying to see into my soul. Gripping my chin between his fingers he tilted my head from side to side, up and down. I begin to laugh at his antics. Flashing him my grin, a grin that resembled his own, I spoke. "I'm not sure what that was all about but maybe you should go lie down and sleep this mood off. It's been a long night".

Instead of taking my advice he continued his scrutiny. "Turn to the side". He instructed.

" What? " I asked dumbly.

"Now. Turn".

" Okay, okay idiot ". I huffed annoyed.

Doing as he asked, I cut my eye's in his direction and watched as he fished his phone from his pocket. Scrolling through his phone's gallery he came upon an old picture of him and mom. It was taken in their twenties and one of his favorites. Holding the phone up to my face he glanced from me to the phone several time's. Having enough, I turned to face him. "What the hell is up with you?"

Putting his phone away he shrugged. "Nothing son. I'm just stupid. Go to sleep but if you hear from your mother let me know". Then he was gone.

Shaking my head at his strange behavior, I stretched across the couch prepared to sleep when I heard my bedroom door creak open. Obviously my Pape's noisy entrance had awoken Frankie. Looks like sleep will be put off again. Staring at the direction of my bedroom door through lowered lids, I decided to see what Frankie would do first so I knew how I should react.

Every so quietly she tip toed from the room but when she saw me she paused. I assumed that she was trying to determine if I was asleep or not. With my lids lowered as they were it was hard to tell. To my surprise her first move wasn't to the door but my kitchen. I watched as she opened the fridge and grabbed the milk container and box of cereal. She proceeded to make a generous bowl of flakes and topped it off with a heaping of sugar and milk. Perching herself onto a stool at the island she begin to eat as if she didn't remember last night, as if all was normal. Maybe she didn't remember. I've heard that after a tremendous shock some people block it out and really didn't remember. Alarmed at that thought and worried about her mental wellbeing I say up and slowly approached her.

Standing on the other side of the island facing her she just continued to eat. No fear shown on her face. In fact she seemed quite normal. "Frankie?" I whispered .

Not answering me back, she took the last bite of her cereal then turned the bowl up to slurp the remainder of milk like a child would do. Still concerned about her mental state I decided to broach the subject. "Frankie, about tonight" . But then I stopped because for the first time she looked up at me and I begin to laugh.

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now