Tid Bit (disregard. changes have been made)

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Hello reader's!!

Ok, so I've had many questions concerning Duel and his book. As most of you know I have considered ending the Harper series once King's book is complete. Sadly that means Duel,Sires and the other's won't be released even though I have already written them.
The chapters that pertain to Duel and Sire in King's book are added chaps. I'm doing this as I prepare to wrap the series up. This way you will get some closure on each character and a jest of where life takes them.

However I'm being bombarded with questions about Duel and his book..lol! (I don't mind. I'm glad you love the little shithead). So as a bonus and to show my appreciation to all of you for your support and love of the Harper's.... Here ya go!!

It's my twentieth birthday and my family has finally allowed me to come back

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It's my twentieth birthday and my family has finally allowed me to come back. Being stashed in Alabama since I was nineteen after lighting the police station on fire has really made me grow up. Don't confuse it though, I'm still bad as ever but I do think before I act now. Especially when it comes to family matters. My last stunt really could have harmed our Empire and still could bite us.

I was excited to come home but even more So to see my Zoe. Maybe now she would finally except me. However I was in for a rude awakening. Being away for so long so much had changed... Including Zoe. She is no longer around but I will find her.

In the meantime I continued my bad boy ways as far as the women were concern and that's how I met her.... Chelly. Never have I met a girl like her and I can't put my finger on it but she makes me want to be good just for her. However I'm torn when Zoe reappears. Can a new chic overcome the love I've held for Zoe since I was a teen? Zoe is suppose to be my one.


Yea, ok I'll go ahead and admit it, I'm a klutz, a bit of a nerd and the Apple of my parent's eye's. As an only child I'm spoiled rotten and accustomed to getting my way. Currently I'm attending art school in New York where I paint my life away. Moving here from Atlanta was quite the change but I made friends who but I've never had trouble in that department.

Yes, you guessed it, I was cheer captain at my high school and a bit of a goody two shoes. Never have I been in trouble or contain a mean bone in my body. But then again I didn't know him...

My parent's warned me about street drugs and falling in with the wrong crowd but they never warned me about the dark eyed man that would crush my soul and make me want to do bad things.... Very bad things.

I knew the moment I saw him that he was trouble. In fact I could smell the problems he carried rolling off of him but something drew me in like a moth to a flame. He made me want to be bad but just for him. I just wished someone would have warned me that he would break my heart.... I wouldn't have listened anyways.

I wish more than ever that Duel Harper would claim me, make me his...... But he loves her.....

This is Chelly pictured

This is Chelly pictured

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