Witchery Trickery

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The morning was beautiful considering I have spent the better half of it in deep discussions with my most trusted men. Over the past few week's my clientele had grew leaving me no other choice but to expand. This is what the discussions were about. In my gut I felt it was too risky to expand so soon but my business sense told me that in order to become the huge Empire I dreamed of I needed to move forward.

Yes, I'm just beginning and I have a lot more to learn but an expansion would get me closer to my goal so I came up with a plan. Very soon I will select one of my trusted men to oversee the expansion. They will attend meetings that I can't make and make deal's that will benefit my rising Empire. Basically I will be choosing a right hand man. Their job is to protect me, Rize and the Empire by any means necessary including giving their own life. They will stand in for me when I can't be present and I'll trust that they will make accurate decisions.

I'm going to take a few day's to think this over and to be precise in my selection. Of course I'll enlist another secret right hand man to watch over my first one, just to ensure that my first selection isn't trying to betray me. It isn't easy to be a female in this game. It's important to have all of your bases covered especially when dealing with the opposite sex. They are me as only a young woman so therefore I'm weak and could be easily taken advantage of but they are so wrong. I'm a determined woman who was built to be strong and independent due to the circumstances of life. A determined woman is a dangerous woman.

Never again will I'll be made a fool of. Never again will I be so trusting. Never again will I give my heart away. Yes, King made me a queen all right but not his queen. He made me a queen that will destroy him all in due time. Kinichi will be the name that other's cower in fear of, not Harper. At this moment the world is my pedestal and the Harper's are the mushrooms that grow beneath my feet.... Easily squashable.

Wrapping up the meeting with my men, I locked my office door and made my way downstairs to the kitchen. My stomach was reminding me that it was in need of food. As I prepared my food I thought of Rize and decided to check in on him after I ate. He was in his nursery being supervised by a reputable nanny that I hand selected myself. Not only is Tillia great at nurturing Rize but she's also been trained expertly in protecting him. I also have two men that stand guard over the both of them. Make no mistake,  I love my child. Rize is all I have and I go through lengthy measures to ensure his safety. However, like his father I will put him in training as soon as he comes of age. My son will be the greatest yet.

My thoughts left Rize and I smiled as I glanced out the window as I nibbled my sandwich. Yes, I still hurt over King's betrayal but when I see the land before me and think of everything I have built so far and continue to build it numbs the pain but not the hate. I'm doing this. There's no turning back now. My hugest goal is to meet King again but as the great queen I'm becoming. My body trembles with excitement when I think of myself standing before him looking him in the eye's and him realizing that he can't defeat me, that no one can. Only then will I have full gratification. I want to hear him beg, all of them beg and ask for forgiveness before I ....

My thoughts came to an abrupt stop as a loud rumbling noise echoed out. The house seemed to shake and I knew that something was terribly amiss. Jumping from the chair, I raced to the foyer where most of my men had already gathered. The door opened and several more of my men tumbled in covered in grime and torn clothing. "We've been hit". One exclaimed.

" Miss Kinichi, your car just went up in flames. It just exploded from our of nowhere. Kerri and I was doing our usual rounds when we heard a boom. We barely escaped alive. ".

My heart pounded yet I felt excited all at the same time. This was it, this is what I had trained for, prepared my men for. "Check the grounds immediately. Check the camera's. Send a group off to check the surrounding area's and speak to the town's people. Perhaps they saw something or someone. If you do find any clues report back immediately. If you find a suspect try to keep them alive. This is it gentleman, our first test. This is what we have prepared for. Let's show these motherfuckers how to play".

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now