Giggly Powder

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Taking a step back, I scanned my appearance in my floor length mirror satisfied. The spaghetti strap lace mini dress molded my curves to perfection. Paired with faux wooden wedges, my legs looked very long considering their shortness. Allowing the sea breeze to dry my hair gave me the perfect beachy waves. Smiling at my reflection knowing that I had accomplished what I intended, I dabbed a bit of perfume on and grabbed my carefully packed beaded clutch.

Tonight was the night I would make my move on Tyler. As of late he had begun to get more persistent concerning me. I knew I couldn't continue to way lay him so tonight would be our last night together. However my scheme didn't go according to plan so I had to make a few adjustments. Turns out that I'd never be able to crack Tyler's safe because he never gave me the opportunity to. So when the opportunity doesn't present itself you make a way.

Inside my beaded clutch was a little baggy of pills... My magic pills as I like to call them. I've used them on such occasions when all else fails. I simply slip the little potion into their drink and give it about twenty minutes. This little trickster makes them very happy to put it gently. They'll laugh just to be laughing, dance to their own tune and once one of the men l used it on thought himself to be a ketchup bottle. Never had I laughed so hard. Long story short, while they are off thinking they are flying I am robbing them blind.  Yes it's dirty and mostly I just use it as a last resort and Tyler is a last resort.

Walking out the door to meet my Uber, I made my way to The Bungalow. The Bungalow is a very hip beach bar that offers an indoor as well as outdoor options. Tiki bars are placed in the Sandy lot outside and the breeze was the ocean makes this place one of a kind. Tropical beats feel the air taking you to a different place in a different time. Fruity drinks are passed about between the bodies that are swaying to the music. It's almost sad that Tyler chose this place for our date tonight. I can't fully enjoy the atmosphere while I'm planning on drugging my date.

As I walked through the interior part of the building I headed straight to the outside area. As soon as I stepped out I spotted Tyler by the bar ordering our drinks. Smiling as I approached him, he stood with a drink in both hands, one for him and one for me. Relieving him of my drink, Tyler bent to kiss my cheek then escorted me to a vacant table. "I love this place". I purred as I took a seat beside him. For the next several minutes we engaged in conversation. Everything seemed to be flowing naturally as we shared laughs over each other's stories and joke's. Eventually Tyler excused himself to go to the bathroom so I took this chance to poison his drink.

Once Tyler had disappeared I quickly get cautiously slipped a pill from my clutch. Soon as the pill splashed into Tyler's drink I begin to swirl the glass around to dissolve the evidence. While I was doing this a voice from my past shattered my concentration. "Frankie?"

Instantly my skin prickled and not knowing what else to do I ignored it. Just maybe if I pretended not to hear my true name being called it would go away. Due to my now jumbled nerves I accidentally sloshed a small portion of Tyler's drink out into the table. "Shit". I inwardly groaned as I scooted the glasses to the side a dabbed up the spilt liquid from the table.

Just as I finished up Tyler returned. "Frankie". I heard my name being said more sternly.

Tyler looked up over my shoulder and I knew this was real, he was really standing behind me like the Grim Reaper. Once again my name was called. Tyler gave me a questionable glance and I knew that I had to do something. "Excuse me?" I said politely as I turned toward the voice.

Surer than the gates of Hell King was standing there. "Frankie". He said controlled.

Not knowing what else to do, I gave King a confused look. "I'm sorry, you have the wrong person" .

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now