Even The Shoes

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Hey guy's!

This will be a short chapter because basically it's a temporary goodbye to our favorite couple... Laney and London!

It's time to give them a much needed break and get on with the other characters! This doesn't mean that you won't hear from them occasionally but for now they need to enjoy life beyond the mob! They deserve it!

As you know this book is nearing it's end and Duel's tale is ahead! I've had so much fun writing Duel's book and I can't wait to share it with you!

As always thanks for your support!! Now, let's say goodbye to the King and Queen and wish them well!!

It's been a week since we ended the life of Marcus and I'm finally feeling like myself mostly. I'm still healing from some of the nasty bruises I maintained during the battle but all is well... Or at least I think so.

Surprisingly London hadn't reprimanded me for my ill behavior and all my scheming. Maybe he's letting it go or perhaps he's allowing me to heal first, either way I'm on guard. I know the death of Marcus hit London hard even if he doesn't show it. It effected all of us. Marcus was our brother, our family and we placed trust in him for so long. It's even worse for London. They grew up together and share some fond memories. I just wish this all could have been prevented, that Marcus never turned his back on us.

Yes, Marcus is responsible for tearing London and I apart and planting so many vile attacks against us but now that all is said and done he was family. That's probably why this all hurts so. It wasn't like a total stranger plotted against us, this was a brother to London, a uncle to my children and so on. London hurts deeply over the loss and that's partly why I arranged this latest scheme. I don't think London could have handled his conscious after he killed Marcus so I would be the one to do it. I'm always protecting my King any way I can.  I

Lost in my thoughts I never saw London enter our bedroom where I was snuggled down underneath the blanket. His face seemed strained and I know the last month hasn't been easy on him. "It's over". He spoke softly.

I nodded my understanding even though many didn't agree with the arrangements London had made concerning Marcus. After all the pain that Marcus caused my husband, the King chose to give him a proper burial, a respectful ceremony. This wonderful, strong man even spoke of Marcus in the most loving way and shared stories of their childhood with everyone. However i chose to stay home. Me being the actual killer, I didn't think it appropriate to attend. Not only did London give Marcus a true mafia farewell but he still allowed his body to be buried in the family plot in it's assigned resting spot... Several feet to London's right side of the family burial site... Always London's right hand man.

I looked at London's drooping shoulders and seen the anguish he was in. Sitting up I rubbed my hand up his back. "This life isn't easy baby doll". He said turning his neck to look at me with tears in his eye's.

Scooting closer I held him in my arm's. "I just wished thing's could've turned out different. Even though Marcus betrayed me in the end he was a hell of a man when he served. He was my brother and this hurts". London croaked as he swiped a tear away.

I have him his space to mourn what use to be a dear friend and when he was done he sat up straighter and handed me a folder. "What's this?" I asked.

" I did something the other day. Open it".

Curious I opened the envelope and removed the paper's inside. As I skimmed over the content a bubble of laughter erupted from me. "A boat? You bought a boat?"

London smiled. "Yes. We leave at the end of the week. It's time to give this life up for good. Of course we will still be here if the children need us but I'm tired and I know you are too. It's not worth it anymore. I've came too close too many time's to losing you, losing us. It stop as soon as we set sail".

I was shocked, stunned yet utterly happy... Free. "Maybe we can become pirates and take over the sea". I joked.

London gave a hearty laugh and pulled me under his arm. "You my baby doll are a monster. However with you by my side we can take over the world. You are my world and I love you more than is understandable" .

After a slow kiss I jumped up. "Let's eat". I suggested.

" Slow down baby doll. I do believe you're in need of a severe punishment for your behavior ".

I knew by his tone that this would be serious and I must admit I deserved it after all of my recent stunts. "Yes sir". I said obediently and went to retrieve his black bag.

I handed him his gloves and dagger. "Your bag Sir".

Dropping to my knees in front of him I held my hands out to be tied while the little demon in me smiled.

After nearly an hour of sweet torture we finally decided to eat. As I got ready to walk from the room London stopped me and held up my heels that I had left behind at the warehouse that night. "Your shoes my queen".

I smiled. "You went back after them".

" my queens heels are just as important as she is. Anything for you. Heart, body and soul".

"My sweet husband, I can't wait to see what comes next". I said as we begin to kiss again.

As we kissed London spoke. "Remember I love you".

" Always". I mumbled over his tongue as my hand found the remote to the Bluetooth device and searched out our song. Soon the song Yellow filled our room. London gripped me tighter and slightly laughed as he spoke one single word that meant so much. "Ravioli baby doll, Ravioli" .

I giggled through my tears and said. "Who needs food when you can live on love".

And we found ourselves back in our bed with food forgotten. A King and his Queen who have survived all the trials life has thrown their way. A love deeper and finer than any storybook could ever tell.

Two heart's.

Two bodies.

But one soul wielded together until the end of time.


Somebody asked me if I knew you.

A million memories flashed through my mind but I just smiled and said I use to.

In memory of Marcus. A brother, a friend and one of the best right hand men a boss could ask for. To the man you once was and the way I'll always remember you.


DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now