Put Some Stank On It

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Rushing from my office, I bombarded into London's office. London looked up concerned but I was too frazzled to explain in deep detail. "Mizery is in labor. Aiden just called Midi with the news. Cole,Miri and I are getting ready to jet. Are you too swamped to go?"

London looked down at the mound of work before him. "I have a important meeting later this evening. You go ahead with them and I'll fly out in a bit".

After a hurried goodbye, I scrambled to pack a few thing's and met Miri and Cole at the car. By the time we made it to Vegas the new edition had just been born. Miss Savor Harper-Marittia entered the world in a fit of squeals. I stayed back near the wall as to give Miri and Cole their moment with Mizery and their new grandchild. After several moment's I approached and congratulated Mizery as well as Aiden. Bending down, I kissed Mizery's forehead and told her what a wonderful and beautiful child Savor was.

Scooping the tiny, pink bundle up into my arm's, I smiled down at her perfect face. Memories of holding my own babies sprung up and there was no denying the Harper blood in this little girl. Hair as blonde as her mother's paired with her grandfather's green eye's. But there was no hiding that mysterious Harper stare Savor already possessed. Grinning broadly, I looked at Aiden. "Well there's no doubt about it... She is full of the Harper and Butini blood".

Aiden ran an exhausted hand through his unkempt hair and merely grunted. "Yes, seems she does".

Not long after we all made our way to our hotel rooms so the new parent's could rest and acquaint themselves with their new baby. Before I returned to nine I informed Miri that I was going to visit King. Oddly enough, he didn't show up to Mizery's birth so I was worried. Not bothering to announce myself, I strode in it. The place looked like a teenager's messy room and smelled of stale beer. Spotting King on his couch, I stood and watched him for a moment. He was unshaven and his clothes wrinkled. My guess was that he hadn't seen a shower in day's. He just stared straight ahead into the nothingness. Finally approaching him, I came to a stop in front of him. "Are you aware that Mizery had the baby?"

" I received the message. I'll send her some flowers or some shit". He replied dryly.

"Are you drunk?" I presisted.

" I've had a few". King answered without emotion.

Enough of this. It's obvious he is hurting but this attitude and the state of his appearance was too much. It might be time that I made my point loud and clear. "You're fucking drunk. In fact I believe that you spend most of your time drunk these day's. Yes, I know your hurting and might even feel guilty but this isn't the answer. This stops today. You will get a shower and clean this place up while I dispose of all the alcohol. Try me and I will have your ass placed in the facility faster than you can blink. Get moving".

King didn't budge. He sat there and laughed. "Don't you see mom, I don't care. In fact I don't give a shit about anything anymore. The only thing I cared about is gone because of me... You.... And Pape. Put me where you please but there's no help for me. You'll just waste your time and energy."

Never had I needed to refrain from choking the life out of my own child before like I did at this moment. Grabbing the hair atop of his head, I jerked his face up so he would look at me. "You will do as I say. You are a Harper so act like it. Man up. We've all lost thing's before, sacrificed but never have we given up. We fucking come back stronger and leading the pack. I broke my back building this share of the Empire for you, to ensure you ruled as well and I'll be damned if I allow you to destroy it over a broken heart. I'm your mother so trust and believe me when I say that there's more to this than you know and I intend to find it out. When I return you better be squeaky clean. I want to see my reflection in these damn floors and if I even think you've been drinking.... Let's just say not even your men will be able to save you. Now smile like the jackass you are".

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now