Trouble Comes In Pairs

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Slipping off wasn't a easy task for any of us. Well Miri probably had the easiest escape because Cole's medicine usually knocks him out around midnight. As for Sam, Tia and myself we have to use other tactics. We all decided to get our men smashed. Arranging a late night card game at the Den, we kept the drinks coming. It wasn't long before they were all sloshed and never noticed our departure. Mizery just told Aiden that she needed some downtime in her hole in the wall. Yes, he had one built for her at his home and he knew not to disturb her.

Hour's later we all were together and flying to Thailand. Once there I rented us a boat because the women were kept on a private island and there was no other access. Besides we would need to sneak in at dark. "How can you be sure this is where Frankie is at since she doesn't have a tracker on her?" Tia asked.

I grinned. "Oh but she does. You see I came across some knew technology back when I was running from Marcus as well as my husband. It's a small, square, clear sticker. Basically it resembles a birth control patch or a nicotine patch. Sticks right to the skin and goes unnoticed. Before Frankie left I have her a hug and when I did I stuck it to the back of her neck undetected. Here's the kicker though, it only last for about a week. That's why we needed to act fast. My only worry is that she has discovered it or her captors".

I showed them the screen on my laptop. "Seeing the flashing red dot? That's Frankie. Now I'm not going to get near the island. I'll anchor about five miles away and around midnight we will use inflatable boats to get to the island. We will split up into two so if something goes wrong with the other one we have backup." I paused and opened up a duffle bag.

Reaching inside I retrieved a few cans of black spray paint and tossed them their way. "The boats are reflective yellow so we need to paint them black so we aren't spotted. Get to work girl's" .

As the girl's got busy Miri asked. "Mom, when did you learn to drive a boat this size."

Laughing, I replied. "I didn't. I'm just winging it".

This kicked in Sam's panic. "Oh my God. We are going to die before we even reach the island. Dem won't get the chance to kill me because I will already be dead".

" someone give her a nerve pill". I groaned.

Soon we was anchored out five miles away from our destination. We shared a meal of dried meats and canned beans as we discussed our plans. Around ten that night I pulled the chest of weapons that I brought along and couldn't help but think it was heavier than before. Lifting the lid I jumped back surprised. Out popped Demy. "I thought you'd never open that box. My back is killing me".

"Demy, what the hell are you doing here". Sam screamed.

" Mom it's time for me to fight. I've trained for this and I'm not a little girl anymore " She whined.

"How did you get in there?" I asked.

I hid in the plane and put myself in there before we landed. "

This worried me. I couldn't risk Demy getting hurt or worse. Yes she's trained but too inexperienced for this battle. I imagine Dem will shit bricks when he realizes she's missing to. "You're not going" . Sam hissed in anger.

As they bickered back in forth I took a minute to think. "She has to go. It's too dangerous to leave her on this boat alone. Once on the island we will give her a gun and hide her until the battle is over".

" No". Demy begin to protest but I spoke sternly. "You will do as told. This mission is highly important as well as dangerous. I know that you are strong and trained but this is too much for you. I won't have my nor the other's focus off because they're worried about you. Besides your Pape will be furious if we put you in harm's way. Actually furious is too gentle of a word to use. You will stay hidden until one of us comes to you. End of discussion" .

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now