My Queen Is Back

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Throughout the remainder of our dinner Laney remained quiet even when I ordered her favorite dessert. I assumed the ordeal had shaken her and she needed this quiet time so I didn't press further. However it amused me watching her tackle the dessert like a fat kid in a candy shop but I didn't tease her, I simply let her enjoy the sweets.

As we left I placed my arm around her and once out on the street I pulled her in for a tight hug. "I love you baby doll, from my head to my toes. Heart, body and soul".

However Laney wasn't having it. To my surprise she didn't return the hug or reply to my word's. Instead she jerked free from my embrace and scolded me as if I was a child. "Don't think for a second that I've forgot what you've done London Harper. Just because you bought me a few thing's and took me out to dinner doesn't mean you're off of the hook. It's going to take a miracle for me to forgive you this time".

Opening up my arm's I said with a smirk. "Don't tell me you're still upset about the chaise?"

Obviously that was the wrong thing to say. "Upset". She screeched.

" Do you not understand what that chaise meant to me? Of course you do. That's why you destroyed it". She added sarcastically.

"And before you even attempt to buy me a new one I will tell you now to forget it. You can shove a new one up your ass so far until you choke on it. I loved my chaise more that I love you asshole." As usually Laney took off mad walking down the sidewalk. This isn't the first time this scenario has played out.

Having no choice but to follow her, with a smile I stuffed my hands deep in my pockets and slowly walked after her. As I trailed along after her a lady stopped me. "Excuse me, but I'm new to the area and a bit lost. Could you point me in the direction of the theatre?"

Politely but quickly I showed her the way as she glanced at her watch. "Oh thanks but looks like I'll miss this show. Care to join me for a cup of coffee?"

I saw Laney stop in her tracks and spin around. "There's a crazy lady quickly approaching us and just to let you know I'm not responsible for what she does".

The lady gave a fearful look but Laney was upon us before she could dart away. Laney gripped me by the arm tightly and fixed her glare on the lady. Before she pulled me away she actually hissed at the lady like a cat or a vampire, perhaps it was more of a demons hiss. Whatever it was the lady shrieked away as Laney pulled me along behind her. I couldn't help myself, I let loose a rumble of laughter. "You still like me". I taunted in a song song voice.

No matter what as we walked along I couldn't control my laughter. Laney's impulses were running wild and I was on the ride with her. Still gripping my arm like a mother would grip their child's arm in a crowded area, Laney tugged me along on her zig zag march through town. Eventually she slowed her heels and dived into a quiet bar. Taking a seat at the counter she immediately signaled the bar keep over. "Tequila straight. Top shelf only and keep them coming".

The bar keep looked at me. "Water only". I stated.

I stared at Laney as she threw the first shot back. Sitting the cup down with a blank she turned her glare to me. "What? Is there a problem?"

" Not at all. If you feel the need to beat your liver up so be it".

"Yea, well it's your fault. You've drove me to drink". She accused taking another shot.

" No, no. Actually we walked here. Me not so much since I was being literally drug along by your hand. I haven't driven you anywhere". I smirked.

"Such a smartass London." Laney mocked.

As the night wore on the drunker Laney become. Propping my elbow on the bar I leaned my head into my hand and just watched her get plastered. At this point her word's were beginning to slurr and her emotions coming undone. I went ahead and had my car delivered because I knew it wouldn't be much longer before she passed out or became sick...possibly both.

Taking her finger she went to jab my chest but clearly missed her mark. "This is allll your fawlt". She said now mispronouncing her word's.

" your always smuch an ash" She continued as she swayed.

"Yes, yes I'm quite the ash". I grinned.

" Don't laff at me. This Isn't fummy". She insisted.

"You're right baby doll. This Isn't fummy, it's damn hilarious" . I laughed.

"Ugh... I hake you". She seethed and tried to stand but nearly fell.

Quickly I steadied her. "Be careful baby doll, I've got you. I've always got you" .

"I'm sleepy London. Take me home".

" Always baby doll. I'll forever take you home". I said and swooped her up on my shoulder.

As we exited outside a soft whimper came from her. "I'm going to be sick London".

Quickly I walked over to the side of the building for privacy and let her down. Immediately Laney begin to spew her guts. I held her hair back and rubbed her back trying to comfort her. Once she finished I handed her a handkerchief from my pocket and my bottle of water. "I feel so bad and you keep spinning" .

"Just let me get you home baby doll".  I said lifting her once again.

As soon as I clicked the seatbelt over her she passed out. Once home I carried her up and tucked her snuggly in bed. I knew what I had to do so I gathered the remainder of the broken chaise and begin a repair job. I worked on it well into the night before I retired to bed. No sooner than I laid down Laney woke. Unbeknownst to her, I watched her slip into something more comfortable then brush her teeth. Soon after I heard the door close and knew that she was heading to the pit. Jumping up and into my clothes and shoes I trailed behind her. I wouldn't let her do this alone.

Laney was already in the pit when I arrived. She was admiring my handiwork that I had given Geraldo. Yes, I did a number on him myself after discovering that he tried to force himself on my wife. I wanted to kill him but knew that this should be Laney's kill. I listened as he begged her not to do this and profoundly apologized. Laney did seem hesitant as she aimed the gun at him but I understand. It's always harder when it's one of your own that you have to take out. Slipping up behind her I gently placed my hand over hers, the hand that held the gun. "We can do this together" . I said.

"No. I've got this". Laney insisted so I decided to pro her up instead.

" Wonder where the bullet should go baby doll? The throat? Through the ear or perhaps the eye? I whispered to the back of her head.

"Make him pay for doing this to you. Kill him baby doll, kill him good. Teach him a final lesson".


The gun exploded and the bullet pierced right through his mouth. Turning toward me she handed me the gun. "Have this cleaned up and we go after Marcus next. It's been too long".

" yes my queen ". I said with a smile as she disappeared.

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now