On The Way

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Please read so that you are informed of the changes!!!

First off let me say WOW.... Just wow!! The amount of love you guy's showed on the last chapter truly made my day!! I smiled and even laughed at some of the comments!! Thank you all! Much love!!

Now put your listening ears on! I know several chapter's back that I introduced Duel's upcoming book. Since then I have had a change of heart but hold your tits... I will still be releasing it in the next week or so as King's book is about to wrap up.

However i have changed the storyline. Not much and it's still kinda of the same. In other word's Duel is still chasing Zoe who is in love with a cop. The change comes with Chelly, the other love interest. Originally she was from Atlanta and attending art school in NY. This has now changed. Zoe lives in Alabama and that's where Duel meets her. She is finishing up her senior year of high school and just turned 18. The rest is pretty much the same. I just didn't want any confusion when the book started!! So here's the new blurb! Enjoy!!

Oh, also I do believe you will fall in love with Chelly. As for Duel, he will be a character that you will love to hate but hate to love! This book will bring the tears on,anger and of course laughter! You'll love it!!

Duel Harper has been exiled from the family for his bad behavior. Behavior that could ultimately find him as well as his family in deep water. He has been sent to the family's estate in Alabama in hopes of making him come to his senses and realize how his shenanigans can effect the family. However his heart is still in New York attached to Zoe Butinio, the girl he can't have. The girl who refuses him yet he want give up even though Zoe is in love with a cop. While in Alabama he has the luck of meeting a girl named Chelly. At first he's just amused with her and sees her as a conquest to pass the time. However that friendship grows into something more but is it enough to break the chains that Zoe has on his heart?

This is Chelly

Okay so I'm a klutz and a bit on the nerdy side. Nothing excites me more than a good book or experimenting in the science lab. I'm almost complete with my senior year of high school and I can't wait to peruse my plans. I'm also the valedictorian of my class as well as cheer captain. Let's just say that I have a foot in every door and a smile is always on my face. Then it happened... I met him and nothing has been the same.

My parent's warned me about drugs and falling in with the wrong crowd but they never warned me about him. Duel Harper was magnetic and not like any other guy I had met but I could see through his tough guy attitude to the man that hid beneath the rugged clothes. I wanted him to be good for me as much as I wanted to be bad for him. In fact he made me want to do very bad thing's. Could this guy cost me everything? Destroy my good reputation, plans and interfere with my schooling?

But how can I stop. He had me the first time he shot that crooked grin my way and I knew he'd break my heart in the end. Even if people warned me I wouldn't have listened.

Will Duel Harper be a lesson or my lover?

This is Zoe.

Yea you know who I am and probably assuming you know what I'm about. Am I bad or am I just a young girl who has love all wrong? Will my copper boyfriend use me to take the Harper's down or will I rat them out for love? Just maybe I'll end up with Duel. Who who at this point in the game. I'll be waiting for you in the pages of this book! Come prepared!!!

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