Silence Is Deadly

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Okay guy's, this is going to be a choppy chapter and by choppy I mean you will be reading several different POV's. You will finally see how the other couples are fairing after the blow of punishments given!

After this chapter you may not hear much more about them in this book because the focus will return to King and Frankie. It's time to start wrapping this book up and get to Duel!! Rest assured though, you will hear about the other couples in Duel's book occasionally! Happy Reading!!


Jesus, how long can that woman hold a grudge? Yes, I know I said some messed up junk but I didn't think it would bother her this bad. Baby girl hasn't spoke much less even spared me a glance since I did what I did. If I enter a room she walks out. If I try to talk to her she pops her ear buds in or makes a phone call to one of the other women. I bet they discuss us men and plot together. Just like a crazy woman.

All of us men revoked the punishment about a week ago and you figured that the women would be happy again but no. It's like waiting on a big ass bomb to go off at any given time. However I've got a plan that will do the trick. Miri and I have been divorced for too long now and it's time to remarry. Hell, I don't know what's taken us so long to do this in the first place. I guess I just never really thought of us as divorced.

My plan is to walk in a woo her. I've practiced what I would say and purchased a stunning diamond ring, bigger than the last. After that she will melt like butter and all will go back to normal.

Walking in I found her in the kitchen making her a cocktail. When she saw me she swooped the unfinished drink up and proceeded to leave but I caught her by the elbow. Putting on my charm that always did the job I spoke softly and with remorse. "Baby girl this is killing me. I can't stand us like this. You know I didn't mean what I said, I was just upset. Talk to me my baby. Daddy needs some cookie".

Nothing. Not a smile, not a tear, not even a bat of an eye. Smiling inside I knew my next move would break her wall. Dropping to my knees I held the ring out. "Mirimosa I miss you, I miss us. You're my other half and I need you to complete me. I need my wife back, my friend. You go, I go baby and it will always be like that. Baby girl marry me".

Miri stared down at my hand holding hers. Still there were no tears, nothing. I waited forever for her to reply or show any form of emotion. Then in a whispy tone she simply uttered the word "no".

Upon delivering her answer she snatched her hand away and begin to walk off. In shock I jumped up. "The fuck?" I snapped in disbelief as I ran after her.

" Did, did you just say no? " I stuttered in a high pitch tone.

"I did". Miri replied and kept walking.

" you can't do that" I insisted.

"I can do anything I want Cole". She snapped.

" Ewwwww girl you're going to make me go crazy and lose my shit. You will marry me if I have to put a gun to your fucked up brain". I raised my voice.

"Why in the world would I marry an asshole like you? Besides maybe it wasn't you that used me and tossed me away. Maybe I used you. Yea, that's right. I have needs to and I took what I wanted from you. You got played and tossed to the side my little fuckboy". She grinned smartly.

" No, no Mirimosa, you didn't use me. You wanted to cuddle remember. I was the one who was like wham, bam, thank you maim". I threw at her but she laughed.

"It's adorable how you believe that. Who inticed you that morning Cole? Who got their way that morning Cole? I'm sorry you're taking this so hard but the truth hurts. Baby girl has done some growing up and I take what I want. Like right now, you can't deny me".

To prove her point she stalked seductively toward me and allowed sleeve to slip down baring her breast. She ran her finger down my chest and slowly licked my chin. I found a goofy smile spread across my face as her sexy actions consumed me. Then it hit me, she was doing it now. Miri was right. I played into her hands. Dear Jesus, I was her fuckboy.

Tearing myself away from her I jabbed a finger at her. "You evil bitch. Not this time. I gotta get out of here before I snap your neck". I yelled and hurried out.


I sat back and laughed at all the trouble the other men were going through with their women. Me, being smart didn't make Tia participate in the punishment due to her pregnancy. Yes, I caught heat off of it from the guy's but then again I was living peaceful right now. No bickering or fighting in my home.

The only thing we argue about is what color to paint the nursery and those are just cutsey arguments. Currently I'm cuddled up on my couch with Tia eating popcorn and watching t.v. While the other's suffer. Life is great.


So cupcake won't talk to me and keeps giving me attitude. I've had to eat out every night because the bitch keeps making foods that I detest. I know she's doing it on purpose that's why I'm in the bedroom right now cutting up her orange pajama pants and fuck, it feels good. Cupcake wants to play dirty so can I.

What I didn't expect was for her to walk in and catch me red handed. If anger had a face it would be hers. Instead of screaming at me she simply turned and walked out as I laughed. "Yep, you're not so tough now without your bag are ya cupcake?" I cackled.

Big. Fucking. Mistake.

Moment's later a rabid Sam came charging at me with a golf club. "Try to put this in a wood chipper little cry baby bitch". She screamed.

" Whoa, Sam wait". I yelled as the club whacked me across the back.

"Four motherfucker". Sam chrotled.

" Son of a bitch cupcake. Stop this shit". I ordered as I danced away but it was no use. Sam was going off on me with that club like a windmill.

"You want to cut up my pants Defucko, well I'm gonna cut up your life. That's right, my sole purpose on this planet is to beat your ass everyday. Do you know how many objects there is that can be swung like a bat dumco? Next time I'll use a pipe then a guitar, a broom, your own fucking leg. So keep trying me bitch"

"Cupcake please stop. Shit hurts. I'll buy you knew pants right after I go into hiding, I promise." I pleaded as the club smashed into my ribs.

" Screw this shit". I whelped as I made a mad dash to the door. Before I could make it out Sam threw the club like a javilon into the back of my head. I tumbled out the door and sprinted to the elevator. Feeling brave I paused and turned to face her. Shooting my middle finger up at her I grinned. "Weak, crazy, deranged, orange wearing motherfucker". I yelled.

Sam snarled and came charging after me. Quickly I turned and started pounded the elevator button. "Lord Jesus if you could step in right now and save me by opening these doors I swear I'll never cuss again". I prayed.

As if he heard my plea the doors popped open just in time and I jumped in and was sealed safely away.


She's gone. Frankie did just as I told her to do. I came home and my place was empty. Once a day she sends a email to me updating me on Rize but that's it. She refuses my calls and I have no clue where she even is.

Currently we are discussing arrangements to trade our son off as my turn is coming up but she wants no contact with me. Frankie insists that I send Mizery or one of my men to meet her otherwise she won't agree.

I got myself into this and I don't know how to fix it or if it can be fixed. I allowed my anger to rule over me and lost her.


I am exhausted. For the past few week's I've had to sleep with one eye open and try to keep all weapons hidden. Mizery had threatened to end me on several occasions and I'm actually scared she will make good on her promise.

Of course I didn't get rid of Charlie, I had one of my men keep him in hopes of teaching Mizery a lesson in obedience. However i need some sleep so when she arrives home today that evil creature will be waiting for her.

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now