Technology Is Splendid

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Hey guy's! Sorry that it's been awhile but an unexpected emergency popped up and I had to have oral surgery. Due to the pain, meds and healing process I just haven't been up to doing much of anything. Today is the first day I'm feeling a bit back to normal and the pain has subsided for now! However i have one more procedure to undergo in the near future. I'm just ready to be 100 0/0 again and able to eat real, solid food! Lately my diet has consisted of yogurt and other soft foods but enough about me, let's get to the story! And I'm dieing  to share Duel's book with you all! Thanks for your patience and understanding right now!

"Okay, I've got him in my sights". Sire announced as we all crowded around to have a look at the computer screen before us.

This was something new for us, something we have never tried before but was hoping for a stroke of luck. With Frankie and my son at risk there was no way I could jeopardize this operation. I had to go in alone or as alone as I could but I wouldn't go in blind. Sire came up with the idea of using a high powered drone to scan the area where I was to meet this asshole. Judging by the footage that the drone was sending back I'd say Sire's idea was brilliant.

We saw a lone jeep sitting still with what appeared to be a man leaned up against it as if he was waiting on someone... Well he was, me. There was no indication that he brought any back-up along which I found to be stupidity on his part. He truly must not know who he is dealing with. Right now there is well over a hundred men ready to pounce down on him however that will need to wait. I'll play his game at first just to make sure Frankie and Rize are safe and out of harms way before the calvery comes marching in.

As we watched the screen intently just to ensure that there was no surprises hidden the man opened the jeep door. Sire quickly zeroed in to see what he was up to. It wasn't easy to watch as I saw him jerk Frankie from the jeep. She had Rize clutched in her arm's trying to protect him. The jerk kicked her legs from underneath her sending her down into the scorching sand. Even though I knew that Frankie could fight back but she chose not to putting Rize's safety first. As Frankie tried to stand back up still holding my son tightly this ignorant asshole shoved a gun into her face. Frankie twisted her body at an odd angle as if to shield Rize. I knew it was time to go in.

Making finally arrangements with the guy's I hopped in a car and sped the few miles to where Frankie was being held. As I pulled the car over the guy instructed me to exit slowly and toss any weapons I may have on my body. Seeing that the gun was still aimed on Frankie I had no other choice but to do as he asked. I stood there with my hands up indicating that I was now harmless. A tiny speck in the sky caught my eye and I knew that it was the drone and that I was being watched over. The speck was so small that if I didn't know that the drone was up there I wouldn't see it at all. My eye's then settled on Frankie and my son. It was obvious that he had roughed her up a little and a new anger flowed through me as I saw the fear on her face as she cradled our son.

Returning my gaze to the one that will die very soon, I nodded toward my car. "Money's in the trunk. Now let them go."

He grinned and spoke. "Not so fast. I'm not turning my back on you. You get the money out and I'll let them go once I'm certain it is all there".

With irritation I went over to the trunk and snatched the duffel bag out and tossed it at his feet. Quickly he backed away as if the bag would implode. Keeping his gun on me he backed over to where Frankie was settled in her knees. "Give me the child".

Frankie tried to jerk Rize from his reach as she hissed. "Keep your hands off of him".

A small tussle took place and Rize ended up in the fuckers arm's after he sailed a strong kick into Frankie's ribs leaving her breathless. There was nothing I could do to intervene because right now he held the power. One wrong move on my part and he could quickly turn the gun on my child or Frankie. "Get up bitch". He demanded toward Frankie.

" You go open the bag and count my money. If the bag is rigged it will blow up in your face not mine".

Frankie looked at me fearfully and I slightly nodded my head trying to ensure her the bag was safe. "It's okay ginger snap. Do as he asks" .

I could see the battle in her eye's as she wondered if she could trust me and that hurt but could I blame her? After our past and our recent argument I understood why she felt unsure. Slowly she approached the bag and bent down to it. Right before she opened it she looked up at me nervously and I shot her an encouraging wink. With trembling hands she begin to open the bag. Overcome with the need to hurry the bastard kicked her in the back. "Get a move on bitch". He growled.

Not able to hide my anger I spat in a controlled voice. "Don't fucking touch her".

He laughed and mocked. "Awwww, how sweet of you, trying to protect your ginger snap".

" It's all here". Frankie stated taking my focus off of the man.

The man grinned and started to stoop down to inspect the cash himself. Frankie looked at me and something told me that she was about to try something. I tried to send her a warning glance but prepared myself for whatever may come. As the man drew nearer Frankie scooped up a fistful of sand and slung it into his eye's. Immediately his hands darted to his face dropping Rize from his hold. Frankie threw herself back and caught Rize before he could hit the ground. While the man was blinded I took the chance to rush him and tackle him to the ground while Frankie scampered off with our son.

Right now I was in a power struggle with this man as we rolled around each delivering blows. I managed to wrap my hands around his throat and was going in for the kill when the bastard rammed his knee into my gut breaking my hold. Now he had the upper hand as he flipped me over. Removing another gun from his back, he placed it to my forehead. "Say goodbye motherfucker" . He yelled.

As I saw my life about to end he suddenly fell over our cold. Once his body toppled to the ground I saw Frankie standing above me holding a large rock. Apparently she clobbered him over the head saving my ass. Panic sat in as I didn't see my son. "Rize, where is Rize?"

" I tucked him away in the car". Frankie responded but couldn't say more as my family and men swarmed the place.

"Don't kill him". I instructed. "I want to have the honors".

With the help of the guy's I constructed a wooden cross from item's found in the jeep and drug him deeper into the desert. As I was stringing him up he came to. "W-what are you doing? Don't do this".

I laughed. "Are you familiar with the desert? Duiring the day the sun will boil your skin not to mention the rattle snakes, scorpions and insects. At night the temps drop very low creating a chill and out comes the wild dogs hunting for food".

" Please don't. I'm sorry. I'll pay you, anything you want I will do". He begged.

Using a knife I cut his clothes away to bare his skin to the sun. Catching a container of cooking oil that Dem tossed to me, I poured it over his exposed skin. His skin would fry quicker now. "You should have just chosen me to deal with and you may have gotten off easier but you crossed one hell of a line when you took my son and my ginger snap. Just hang here and chill. You might last three day's if you're lucky... Or it could be five".

I turned my back and begin to walk back toward my group as the man screamed for mercy. I spotted Frankie holding my son watching me. A smirk lit her face at the punishment I gave out to the man. I couldn't help but smirk back as I thought she just may be as evil as me.

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now