So Many Backs, So Many Blades

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As I stepped from my apartment building I pulled my coat closer to my body and tucked my chin down into my scarf. There was a frigid nip in the air this evening promising to bring even colder weather. Dead leaves scuttled about my booted feet as I walked briskly in hope's of reaching my destination sooner. As I focused on the now crisp leaves I couldn't help but think how death could look so beautiful. Rich yellows, reds and golds  hung from the tree's like confetti. No, these leaves are too beautiful to be dead. They are simply changing and floating off to a new life and soon lavish new green leaves will replace the lonely branches. Everything changes yet stays the same.

It was only a quarter after five yet the sun had already laid down for the night. The street's weren't quite as busy as most opted to stay indoors avoiding the cold which reminded me, I need to schedule my appointments earlier in the day so I didn't have to brave the cooler evening temps.

It wasn't long before I made my destination and took the steep steps up to the townhouse. Hating to remove my hand from my coat pocket, I pressed the intercom. Within seconds the door clicked allowing me entrance. Stepping into the warmth of the foyer, I tried to shake the chill off. Hearing a deep rumble of laughter, I turned to see Seth stepping from his home office. "It is a drastic change in the temps".

" Yes. Almost happened overnight". I stated as he helped me from my coat.

Seth placed my coat on the brass rack that was mounted on the wall just behind the door. With a sigh of relief, I sat my bag down on the bench that was tucked underneath the cost rack grateful to be relieved from it's weight. Seth leaned down and have me a gentle kiss on my lips. A smile creased my face as I welcomed his warmth. "Shall we Alice?" Seth gestured toward his office.

Nodding, I lead the way. I was thankful to see a hot mug of coco waiting on the coffee table for me. Wrapping both hands around the clay mug, my hands welcomed the warmth. I took my usual seat on the brown corduroy couch as Seth positioned himself across from me in a matching armchair. The only light that filtered the room came from his desk lamp and a few pumpkin spice candles he had burning. The dimness and candle aroma always helped getting me into a relaxed state. "So Alice, where should we begin this evening? Would you like to discuss current situations are the Harper's?"

I stared at the candle watching the flame dance about. Since I spilled about the Harper's several week's ago I tried to avoid speaking about them at all costs. However Seth insisted that the majority of my issues was probably from them, from the situations I endured while in the family and having to keep all of their secrets. I will admit, when I told Seth everything it felt as if a weight had been lifted but I never intended to say a thing, it just happened. I blame it mostly on Laney though. I was finally pulling myself together then she showed up demanding that I betray them. What was I suppose to do? Had I not have complied I'd more than likely be dead by now. I needed an outlet and Seth was just that. Besides, not only was he my trusted shrink but somewhere along the way we took a liking to each other. No, we aren't considered a couple. I'm not ready for that just yet but we do spend a few evening's a week together and yes, I have slept with him. I'm not sure where this is exactly going but at least I'm getting over the hurt and pain that CJ caused and putting myself back out there. Taking a sip from my mug I spoke. "I'd really wish not to discuss the Harper's but I must admit that I'm feeling better these day's. I think I'm finally overcoming the heartache I suffered due to my ex husband".

Seth smiled. "That's good. You've came a long way Alice and that's something to be proud of. Now answer me this... How do you feel about the Harper's now?"

I smiled. "I love them, I always will. They are the only family I know".

" Even after all you endured? All the thing's that they do? "

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now