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Warning.... Possible triggers.. Please read note!

Hey love's!
It's been awhile since I've spoke to you all! I hope everyone is well and that the New Year is treating you right! First, I feel that I haven't thanked you all in a long time so here goes! Thanks for being such loyal, fabulous reader's! Thanks for the follows and the comments and for just believing in me! I know my updates haven't been regular over the last few month's but I'm getting back into the groove! Holidays,work and family has kept me super busy! But I also want to be honest... I fell into a slump. I was feeling down about my work, discouraged and lost my zest for writing. I even nearly decided to not even finish with this book and throw the towel in... But I didn't. Due to feeling this way I found it hard to write and when I did I didn't like it and would delete the entire chapter.
However taking some time off between chapters seemed to help me and let me just think of new, creative idea's. Yes, I made many changes concerning this book as well as Duels (which will be next).
Duels will be released within two week's if all goes well and be prepared... It's a tear jerker but loaded with laughter as well!

Warning..... This chapter may cause triggers. Skip if you need to... Trust me I understand... This was hard for me to write due to the subject matter. It made me sick, angry and sad.... But I dug deep and made it through. I know many will not agree with the content and that's fine but if you choose to read after being warned please do not leave negative comments. As I mentioned above, this wasn't easy to write so keep it to yourself! And no, I don't condone any of this behavior. If anything I hope my small piece of work will bring light to a growing epidemic world wide and may one day soon it be stopped!

Ladies let's look after each other. Look out for that mom with small kid's walking alone in a parking lot. Look out for that child on the playground while her mom is looking down at her phone. Look out for the elderly lady who would be an easy target. Look after the young girl walking alone... Just look out!!!! But most importantly look out for yourself! Always check your surroundings, be alert and always let someone know your whereabouts!!

Okay, wrapping this up. Thanks for everything and I love you all!!

Less than twenty-four hours I left my child behind and I was now stuffed into a small wooden crate. There was no standing room and I could barely stretch my legs out. There was no light except for a few streams that filter through a few air holes that had been drilled into the top. I had no inkling where I was or where I was going. My guess was that I was on a cargo ship are barge. Occasionally I would hear the squeaking of chains and what sounded like seagulls but other than that there was no clues. Was I scared... Definitely because I didn't know what to expect next but I had to do this. Even if I only save one poor soul I did something.

It wasn't hard to get taken, no not at all. My research told me exactly where I needed to be. After leaving Rize, I made my way to a club where the culprits waited for a victim. Tonight I made myself the victim by pretending to be drunk and stumble outside alone. I was a easy target... For now.

No sooner than I stepped out a sack was tossed over my head and I was gagged. Of course I pretended to be scared and put up a fight but soon I went still as I was clobbered over the head with an unidentified object. Then there was blackness and I awoke to find myself stuffed in this makeshift wooden box.

I had a lot of time to think about everything.... My son, King, my parent's and the entire sticky situation that surrounded my relationship with the Harper's. I thought about my not so good childhood and even thought about how my idea to do this was crazy. I even shed a few tears but would quickly brush them away and force myself to remain strong. Strength is what I'm going to need to survive this. I thought of everything under the sun to keep from thinking about what awaited me once the lid was lifted off of this box.

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now