Drive Me To Drinking 2

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Waking up I noticed that Mizery was no longer in bed. Glancing at the clock I saw that it was nearly five in the morning. Hearing a rustling in the other side of the room I assumed that Mizery was getting ready for her duties. Rolling over to see, I sat up quickly. Mizery was steadily packing her bag. "What are you doing?" I asked wiping the sleep from my eye's .

"We are going back to Vegas in a few. Get up and get ready".

Suddenly wide awake I jumped from bed. "Whoa there wildflower. Are you forgetting something?"

" No, I don't think so".

Walking toward her I spoke slowly. "I believe you are. You are suppose to report to duty in the next few minutes" .

Mizery laughed and continued packing so I snatched her bag from her. "We aren't going back until you've served your sentence".

Still laughing she replied. "I'm not serving shit".

My temper begin to flare. "Yes you are, all of you are. What you all did was dangerous. You all left without letting us know. If London hadn't have figure this out as soon as he did I hate to think what the outcome could've been. What you did was irresponsible and careless. You have me to think about but more importantly a child now. What if you didn't make it back? "

"I'm back aren't I?" Mizery said in a mocking tone.

" this time. Look Mizery I have no issues with you fighting but I do have issues with you lying, being sneaky and careless. I am your husband and you should always come to me first. Let me in on it so I can fight by your side with you. What would I have told our child if mommy didn't make it back home? That mommy ran off to fight and didn't let daddy know so there was nothing I could do to save her? By telling me I can always assure that you are protected and have plenty of back up. Now let's get to the Den".

I saw the way Mizery's jaw sat in that defying way of hers. This wasn't going to be easy but she would pay the price this time but then she did something that surprised me. Mizery started putting her shoes on and I assumed that I had won but I was so wrong. "I've got to feed Charlie" . Mizery said calmly.

Nodding my head I gave her the go ahead. I would allow her to feed her snake before her day begins. I turned my back so that I could get dressed. I was stepping into my pants when a heavy weight based down upon my back. Instantly I knew that Charlie was on me. Mizery knew how I detested that snake yet just threw him on me. My panic set in and I tried everything to pull the snake off but it seemed to be latched to my body. I begin to scream like a sissy but still no help from Mizery. "Get him off, get him off". I screamed swatting at the snake.

" What? I told you I had to feed him Aiden". She spoke so calmly as I was shitting my pants.

The snake begin to work it's way around my neck and I could feel it getting tighter. Still screaming like a girl I huffed out. "Please Mizery, get this fucker off of me".

Mizery laughed and pulled the snake away. "Oh you big baby. Come on Charlie, sissy pants doesn't like you".

Mizery put Charlie back into his tank still laughing as I tried to retrieve my soul from the ceiling. Anger was an understatement and Mizery had went to far. "Get to the fucking Den now". I roared.

" What? Did you ask to hold Charlie again? " she asked reaching back into the tank.

So, she thinks she can threaten me with that creature. Tough time's call for tough measures. Storming into the bathroom I placed a call to my men. Within minutes several of them came marching in. A few of them grabbed Mizery by the arm's and held her in place as she fought and cursed. "Somebody is going to die today if I'm not released".

Walking over, I placed her hands into cuffs. "Gentelmen please remove the snake and get rid of it".

" What? " Mizery hissed. "What are you doing with Charlie?"

My men begin to lift the tank and remove it. "Seems you need to be taught a lesson in obedience. You need to realize that your actions put you in harm's way. You need to learn to come to me and not go off behind my back. You need to think of your child before you do foolish thing's. Charlie will be finding a new home. He's gone".

Mizery started thrashing about in rage. "Put my snake back this instant. I swear Aiden if you do this I'll stop taking my meds. I'll get so fucking crazy you'll beg me to kill you."

Looking at my men and spewed. "Each of you will die a slow, painful death of you go through with this".

I nodded my head indicating my men to continue. As they carried Charlie out Mizery released a gut wrenching cry and tried to break free. Tears ran down her cheeks which surprised me. It was very rare for Mizery to cry. Sticking to my guns I spoke. "The Den awaits".

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now