Tipped Off

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This wasn't suppose to happen. Shaw Billings was suppose to fall to the charms of Frankie. She should have snatched up that deed by now and been out of there. Having heard everything that transpired through the hidden mic I placed on her my only assumption was that someone tipped him off. The only people aware of my plans were my men so that tells me that there's a rat among us.

Well, the rat will have to wait. Right now there's more important thing's at stake. I've got to get to Frankie. Having known about the set up, Shaw had placed a small army of men around his home. More men than I could currently handle. By the time my reinforcements arrived and we barged into the building Shaw was gone and there was no signs of Frankie.

Along with my men, I scoured the place over for any indication of where he may have taken her. Just as I was giving up hope of finding anything here I heard someone tell out. "Boss, we may have something" .

Rushing over to where my man stood by the bar, I spotted a old tape recorder. You know the type you'd see in old eighty detective movie's. Eagerly I pressed the play button down. Shaw voice crackled over the blown speaker. "Hello Harper. Hope your day is going good. I'll give you credit, to be so young and new to this world you have a big set of ball's. Too bad you used them wrongly. Seems I have something of yours. Come over pretty lady and say hi to Mr. Harper".

There was a slight shuffle before I heard Frankie's terrified voice come over the speaker. "King" she nearly screamed in hysterics.

"King, you promised me, you promised to save me. He's going to kill me King".

I heard her yelp as Shaw obviously ripped her away from the recorder. "That's enough from you right now woman". He growled then chuckled.

Frankie's word's haunted me. I had promised to keep her safe yet I failed to do so. I should have never placed her in such a situation and I did it for my own selfish needs. It wasn't that I wanted her to pay off a debt. I was afraid of never seeing her again so I had to hold something over her head to keep her close. Now she's in harm's way because of me, I put her there. All because I can't face my emotions or feelings. Fuck, I never wanted to like her but she's like a rash that you just can't get rid of. Hearing how scared she sounded and scared myself that Shaw would hurt her made me feel a rage I've never felt before.  This was indescribable. This rate was so strong my body ached . This was feeling like someone had taken something that belonged to me. Mine.

Refocusing my thoughts, I listened as Shaw rambled on. "Here's what's going to happen now. You will meet me tomorrow at midnight at the old Marina on Highway one-O-one. Of course you better come alone and without weapons. You see, I like you so I'm going to give you a second chance. Not many young men are as brave as you and I hold that in high regards. You will bring a sum of four hundred and eighty five thousand dollars on you. Consider that as me going lightly on you. This money will be your apology to me. Once my men have checked it over, I will release this pretty little thing over to you and we will call it even. If you try me, you both will die. Oh, by the way, this sweet little thing claims she is nothing to you, that you won't show. Will you prove her wrong? Be seeing you".

The button of the recorder popped up with a snap indicating that the tape was over. My hands were trembling with anger and the want to send Shaw back to hell. I couldn't release the image of a terrified Frankie from my mind and hearing that she claimed she was nothing to me cut like a knife. But it was true, I had spat that at her to cover up my true feelings. Glancing at my watch I saw that I had less than eighteen hour's to devise a plan, a plan that wouldn't get the both of us killed.

Rushing back to my building, I held an emergency meeting. I would go in alone and unarmed with the sack of cash. However my men would be nearby and once Frankie was secure in my arm's, my men would launch the ultimate attack.

Midnight the following night arrived all too quickly. My men went ahead hour's earlier to hide out several miles away from the marina. From there they would trek toward the the designated meeting place. A few men followed behind me up until about a mile away then I set off on my own. It was rare to get a storm here but when we did it was a helluva one. Just so happens it chose this night to storm.

As I pulled my car up to the marina, I was greeted by several of Shaw's men. As I stepped from my car, I was immediately frisked for any weapons. One of the men went for the bag of cash that I held and I jerked it out of reach. "I believe Shaw and I had a deal. He'll get the money when I have the girl".

Grumbling, a gun was shoved into my back and I was ordered to walk with my hands up. My clothing clung to me from where the rain had saturated it. We entered the musky smelling building then took a few turns down different hallways that was littered with beer cans and graffiti drawings. Obviously rancorous kid's used this as a place to party. Eventually I was led out of a set of garage doors. Once again I was back out in the rain and wind.

We walked several feet until I came to a pier that looked to be on it's last leg. Some board's were missing and the few that remained were rotten. It was hard to see in front of my face due to the heavy sheets of rain and billowing wind but a flash of red caught my eye. Down at the end of the pier stood Frankie. Her clothes soaked and her hair blew wildly about her. Shaw stood next to her with a death grip about her arm. When Frankie spotted me through the rain her face gave way to tears and she tried to break free. Shaw jerked her back roughly then fixed his gaze on me. Yelling over the pounding of the storm he said. "Welcome Harper. I must admit, I'm surprised you showed. Aren't we Frankie?"

" Fuck you". Frankie screamed through chattering teeth.

Shaw backhanded her and her knees nearly buckled but he jerked her upright. It took all I had to remain calm and not charge him. "Can we get this over with? I've got better thing's to do than spend my night out in the pouring rain". I hurled at him.

Shaw chuckled. "Of course. Hand my bag over to my man. Once he confirms that it's all there the girl is yours".

I tossed the bag over to his man and waited. After some time the man called out. "It's all there boss".

Shaw grinned. "Seems you do listen after all Harper but why end the fun. Seems Frankie here let me in on a little secret. Poor girl can't swim. Be a shame if she fell in wouldn't it?"

I glanced at the choppy, only water. Normally it was calm but this storm has riled it up. It being night and rough, a professional swimmer could die in this. "We had a deal Shaw. I got you the money. Now give me the girl". I demanded.

" Seems I had a change of heart Harper. I agreed to give you a second chance, true but I think you need to be taught a lesson. A reminder perhaps so next time you won't be so stupid".

"I guarantee Shaw, if you do not release her to me you've taken your last few breaths". I warned.

" Awww... How enduring. Young love is the sweetest. Don't sweat it Harper. You're a rich, good looking man. They'll be plenty more".

With that said he shoved Frankie off of the pier into the turbulent water. Her scream pierced the night and then diminished all too quickly. Breaking the mans hold on me, I begin to charge Shaw. Before I could reach him, a bullet struck his leg and I knew my men had arrived. Forgetting Shaw for now, I plunged into the deathly water in search of Frankie. Coming up for air I saw her red hair about thirty feet away. Frantically I swam against the evil current until I reached her. "Frankie, I got you. I got you."

Frantically she wrapped her body around me tightly as coughs racked her chest. "It's okay baby. I got you. You're safe. Just don't let go of me. I've got to get us out of here".

Frankie did as I instructed and thankfully my men had gotten the situation on land under control and came to my aid. Once we were pulled from the water the scared Frankie from before vanished. Her fists impaled my chest repeatedly as tears streamed her face. "You did this to me. You made me trick him for your own personal gain. I nearly died because of you and you don't even care. I hope you get your precious deed and choke on it."

I tried to get a grip on her arm's to keep them from flying into me. "Calm down Frankie. Everything is going to be fine".

" No. Nothing has been done since I meet you". She sobbed.

"I never want to see you again" . She screamed.

I tried to stop her as she stormed off. Before I could reach her she collapsed to the muddy ground. Rushing to her, I picked her up and carried her out of the storm.

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now