Drive Me To Drink 5

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"I'll fucking hurt you in places you didn't know even exsited". I yelled at Frankie.

" oh yea asshole? I'd like to see you try. I'll fucking douse you in gasoline and burn you alive and I'll laugh while I'm watching you trying to stop, drop and roll". She screamed back.

This has been our entire night and it is now nearing five in the morning. I tried to sleep but Frankie wasn't allowing that. Nope, she followed me room to room screaming and throwing a fit but I would not relent. Let's just saying that I'm borderline psychotic right now due to no sleep and repeating myself like a broken record. Frankie refuses to stop screaming and just accept her punishment. My head is pounding and I fear I may snap soon.

Repeating myself for the umpteenth time, I said in a controlled voice. "It's time to go to the Den. You are responsible for the behavior you chose to follow. Now you are responsible for the consequences. Nothing comes without a price".

" Good luck with that King but I'm not going. As I said earlier, I'm returning home. I have other responsibilities to see to". And she begin to pack her bag yet again.

Sleep deprived, angry, nerves on edge due to the past several day's finally broke the dam and my anger overflowed like lava. Jumping up I snatched her bag away and slung it across the room. Gripping her by the neck, I slammed her against the wall. "Is this what you want Rachel? Huh?" . I screamed until the veins in my neck popped out.

"You want me to be mean, to be nasty? You want to do this The hard way we will. You, the mother to my child knowingly and willing put herself in danger. What if you hadn't have made it back? Further more I had to go after you. What if neither of us had of made it out alive? What then? I fucking get that you want to build a empire, want to make your mark but it's never going to happen if you continue to make foolish decisions. You'll be ended before you even begin. Right now I hold the smoking gun. I can take Rize from you based on your self endangering actions. He may not be safe with you. I suggest that if you want to continue our little co-parenting gig you get your ass to the Den. This is your only warning and in the future if you ever pull some bullshit like this I will take him permanently. Am I clear?"

Frankie's reply was to spit in my face. "Screw you, your family and your threats. Remember it's your family's fault we are here right now. You hold nothing over me".

Having heard enough of the your parents killed my parents excuse I bellowed. "Boo- fucking-hoo. So my parent's knocked yours off. I believe we have already discovered that. It's time to move on. Either get over it or get the hell out for good. But if you chose to leave never ask my mother or my family for help again since you clearly think so bad of them. Too bad your fucking parent's his your ads to keep you from being taken out as well. Had they not I wouldn't have this problem. Fuck, I wish I'd never met you, you crazy bitch. Other than my son I want no part of you. And oh, by the way, I never loved you. I was having fun but that fun trapped my ads to you". I spewed and the more I spoke the more hurtful word's that came pouring out.

Shoving her away from me I flew out the door. I no longer cared if she stayed or went. I just wanted sleep so I crashed at Dem's place.

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now