The Hunt Just Got Real

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Buckle up love's!! Emotional Roller Coaster Ahead!! Get the tissues and whatever vices you may need to get through this!

As always, thank you all so much for reading and loving the Harper's!! You guy's bring the Harper's to life! Wow... Who would have thought that this series would still be going after nearly three year's! Thanks to all of you!! Much love!!💗

Watching the hurt spread across my children's face did my heart more damage. Yes, I understand why they saw my withholding information about their mother as a betrayal but I was only trying to protect them from further pain. My intentions was to find Laney first and get to the root of her problem. Once I had her healed and trusting again I was going to let the kid's know and bring her home.

Currently I don't know where her mind is at. It's clear that she wants me dead but I'm not certain where she stands with our children. My heart can take the beating. I can absorb the pain of knowing Laney may possibly hate me now. I can carry this hurt on my shoulders in silence but not my kid's, especially Demarco. If in fact Laney has it in for them as well it would crush Demarco's very soul. It angers me wondering what that son of a bitch Marcus did to her to make her run from me.

Thinking about him encouraged me to pay him a visit in the pit again. Maybe this time I could break him and he'd tell me the truth. As I made my way into the pit a strange feeling overcame me. Switching the light on my first sight was a body lying on the floor and the chair where Marcus was tied was now empty. Immediately I pulled my gun from my waistband and observed the room. Once I cleared it, I bent down to the body and searched for a pulse. Not getting one, I fished my phone from my pocket and buzzed Demarco. Surprisingly he answered considering he was currently pissed at me. "Put the building on lockdown and have the grounds monitored. Marcus is gone and we have a man down. The body is cold so I'm guessing he's been dead for a few hour's. Send someone down to clean this up and search for clues. I'm going to the surveillance room and check the camera's" .

Not waiting for his reply, I disconnected. In no time I reached the surveillance room and busted through the doors. What I walked in on made my blood boil. Cash, our head of surveillance had a woman pressed against the wall giving it to her. Having heard my entrance, he quickly dispelled of the girl and scampered to pull his pants up. "Sorry boss". He stuttered.

Fixing my glare on the girl, I nodded toward the door. "You, out".

The girl fled without a word and my fist struck out connecting with Cash's jaw. "Because of your neglect we have had an escape. Had you been watching the camera's instead of pussy we could have controlled this".

Cash begin so speak but I struck him again with enough force to send him to his knees. "Get out of my sight. I'll deal with you later".

Turning my attention to the control panel I begin to search through the feed. Eventually I came across what I needed. I saw the bastard use my private escape route to flee. That was more than four hour's ago. Running a stressful hand through my hair, a new panic flooded my mind. Marcus is on the loose and my baby doll is out there. I feared the outcome if he were to locate her first. Grabbing my phone again, I reconnected with Demarco. "Change of plans. The footage shows Marcus escaping hour's ago. Your mother is out there somewhere and I'd hate to think what could happen. It's time to hit the street's. Round up some men and we spread out searching for both."

Within ten minutes my men along with myself were dispersed throughout the city in search of my baby doll and that sniveling bastard. Our first destination was the airport. As we were making our way through the parking lot a shot rang out and hammered into nearby trashcans. As we hit the ground our eye's scoured for our attacker but all fell silent, except for a car leisurely sliding through the exit. I knew exactly who was driving that car. Just day's ago I watched Baby doll flee away from me in it. Sharing this information with my men, we came to the conclusion that Laney shot in an attempt to slow us down so possibly Marcus could make a clean get away. We left a few men behind at the airport so they could try to determine if in fact Marcus was on a plane and his destination while the rest of us set out to hunt Laney.

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