Spilling The Beans

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It's been a week since I received a surprise visit from someone who is suppose to be a ghost. Shock is putting it lightly. I'm still reeling from such an unexpected turn of events. It still seems so surreal. I've only ever seen this woman in photographs that graced every home of the Harper's and of course I've heard the many tales about her life but to actually see the queen with my own eye's was astonishing. Pictures doesn't even begin to convey her beauty. Even though she's older she's outstanding in every sense of the word.

As this legend stood before me in my home my body tensed with fear, fear that this woman could sense. She wasn't much for introductions or minor chit chat. In fact she didn't hesitate to get straight to the point. If I thought seeing her had me twisted in knots, what she asked, no, demanded of me sent my mind spinning in a rollercoaster spiral. Mrs. Harper was very clear on what she expected of me but did it so pleasantly. Her voice was that of the sweetest concoction, nearly hypnotizing. Yet the hidden threats didn't go unnoticed in her sweet word's. Honestly I never took the stories I heard about her to heart. I assumed the family was grieving her absent and the stories were mainly tall tales. As soon as Mrs. Harper spoke I realized that I was sadly mistaken. This woman was ever bit of what they claimed her to be, if not more.

Standing by my window, I stared down at the city below. Everyone was rushing about their morning routines. Some rushing down the sidewalks with their bags on wheels heading to work. Morning joggers working up a sweat reminding me how out of shape I am. Then there was the mother's or nannies pushing strollers or pulling a small one along behind them in a hurry to reach the park so they can gossip with the other mother's and compare their children's intellect. Seeing all of this hustle and bustle made me realize that the world doesn't stop just because my life is crumbling. I had to make a decision. Could I do what Mrs. Harper asked of me? Should I tell the Harper's instead?

"Penny for your thoughts?" I heard that sweet nightmare of a voice behind me.

Startled, I jumped and turned to face my polite tormentor. As if thinking about her, I conjured her up. I didn't know what to say so I remained silent. Not wasting a moment she skipped by the pleasantries and went straight to business mode. "Do you have what I need?"

My thumbs begin to play war with each other as I tried to form a conscious thought. "I, I. Not yet. But I will. Soon".

Crossing her arm's along her chest she gave me a look like a mother would give a naughty child. "Oh Alice, you disappoint me."

She begin to walk slow circles around me like a lioness does it's prey right before it attacks. "I just knew you would come through for me. Obviously I was mistaken and misjudged you. What to do about this?"

The hair along my neck prickled from fear. "I'll do it, I swear. I just need more time".

A satisfied smile creased her plush red lips. "Good. I'll give you three day's. If you fail... Well let's just say I won't be as friendly. Have a good day Alice" .

As she turned to leave her heels echoed on my floor as if they were sending a threat of their own. Once the door closed, I collapsed onto the couch and buried my face into my hands. I was the epitome of stress, the spokesperson. At this point of the sign said to go up, I'd go down. That's just how confused my life is right now. My phone dinged with my daily reminder and I glanced at it. Thank God. I had an appointment with Seth in a few hour's.

I had been seeing Seth since my split from CJ. Since I've been having regular appointments with him my mind has eased. Partly, Seth has a lot to do with boosting my self esteem and confidence again. He's a wonderful psychiatrist and the one private thing I have in my life currently. Mostly we discuss my recent divorce, heartbreak and the horrid past I lived. Never once have I revealed the Harper's to him or what they do. I've kept all of those sordid details to myself. The last thing I wanted to do was far them out, even to a doctor who is sworn to keep anything I say between the two of us due to the patient doctor confidentiality law.

Pushing all of the negative from my mind, I jumped into the shower and prepared for my appointment. After getting ready I still had time to spare. Deciding to drop by the Harper building for a pretend visit, I headed out the door. Naturally I was only going to scope thing's out and figure out the best way to do this. As I worked my way through the revolving doors I placed a cheery smile on my face to hide the turmoil I was dealing with. "Alice?" A familiar male voice called.

" Sire. Hey".

Sire walked over to me. Grinning he asked. "What brings you here?"

Snorting, I replied. "Definitely not your cousin CJ. I just wanted to check in with everyone. How have you been?"

Sire shot me a boyish grin. "You know me. Mostly trying to stay out of Pape's way".

I had to laugh as I thought about Demarco and his son's. Those four together was better than watching a comedy show. "I think that's playing it smart."

Sire nodded then changed his joking manner into something more serious. "Be honest with me Alice. How are you really? I know this hasn't been the easiest time's for you".

Exhaling deeply, I hated knowing that Sire could see through my facade. "Really I'm good. I do have my moment's but for the most part I'm getting over it."

Sire nodded. "I'm so pissed at CJ for treating you this way. Had I known back then I would've put a stop to it".

I shook my head. "Obviously this was suppose to happen. Nothing you could have done would have changed it. How is CJ by the way?"

Sire shrugged and it was obvious that he didn't want to tell me. I started to pry it from him when I heard my name being called again. Looking over I saw CJ approaching us. He seemed to be wearing a scowl on his face that deepened when he looked at Sire. He came to a stop beside of me. "Is Sire bothering you Alice?" He asked never removing his eye's from Sire.

" Not at all. We was just catching up". I smiled.

CJ gave a slow nod. "Do you need something then?"

" No, just visting"

"Hmmm... Then allow me to walk you to my parent's place or Tia's".

" no thanks. I'm a big girl and can find my own way. Besides I'm not done talking with Sire". I said ever so subtly.

CJ's back went rigid. "I see. Then I'll just let you two be".

As he passed by the glare he shot Sire didn't go unnoticed. Sire and I shared a knowing smile. I spoke with Sire for a few more minutes then went to visit Miri followed by Tia. On my way out, I made a detour through the Den. I noticed most of the offices were empty while everyone was out to lunch. This would be the perfect time to grab the info but not today. I'll come back in two day's and do it.

Looking at the time, I rushed on to my appointment. Just as I made it to Seth's office that was located at his home, the sky opened up and a cool rain begin to pelt the ground. Stepping in, I shook myself off then let myself into Seth's office. He greeted me with a smile. "Seems the rain moved in earlier than expected" .

I nodded my agreement as I took a seat on the comfy couch that sat center of the room. Unable to help myself, I picked up a donut that sat on a very pretty dish on the wooden coffee table. Taking a bite, I swiped the crumbs away from my mouth with the back of my hand. Soon as I swallowed, I blurted out. "I have more to tell you today. This concerns the Harper's" .

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now