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After King left I gazed around my apartment with a mixture of being steaming mad and what the fuck just happened. Jerking my broom from the cleaning supply closet, I vigorously swept up the crumbled bread as my mind tried to make sense of what the hell was going on here.

I just don't get it, I don't get him. King has always pushed me away. Never once had he even hinted or shown any emotions when it came to me. Not one time has he displayed jealously or claimed anything remotely close to ownership involving me. In fact I'm almost certain the word's relationship, commitment or love isn't  even apart of his vocabulary. Yes, I admit that I longed to hear those word's come from him or for him to maybe show me an ounce of interest that pertained to beyond the sheets but no, not him. Of course after the first two month's into our... Well whatever you want to call what we were doing , I realized that King was basically using me.

True, most women would have walked away but call me stupid, possibly even desperate for a real love affair. For the first time in my life King was real to me. He wasn't one of the poor suckers that I strategically selected to make a killing off of. I bumped into him during a time of need, as I was running from my latest victim. Not then nor during our time together did I ever think about stiffing him. The only reason I did in the end is because I woke up and seen our relationship for what it was. I was hurt and angry that I allowed him to use me for so long. Seeing him smash the cake that I slaved over and did my absolute best to make perfect just for him really crushed me. I didn't understand how someone could be so cruel and uncaring. That's when it hit me, that was the moment I woke up and realized that I would never be anything more to King than a quick roll in the hay.

Never would I get the commitment that I craved. Never would I be his one and only. Never would I be Mrs. Harper. So yea, I vowed to myself that no matter what, no matter how many flowers he sent or how sweet his word's were, I'd never go back and I intend on sticking to that vow. Also I made a rash decision during my time of emotional turmoil. I robbed that asshole. As I mentioned earlier, not once did I think about ever doing this to him but to this day I still believe he deserved it. Call it mending my broken heart.

Which leads me to the state of confusion I am in now. King has never showed a smidgen of emotion toward me other than anger so why is he so adamant for my attention now? Is it because I said no? Or perhaps it took seeing me with another man. Ha! Yea right. King could care less who or what I do. All these month's he gave it his all to push me away, yet now he's on the verge of insanity to win my attention. Funny how the ball fall's isn't it. He is too late because this ship has sailed. I'm sticking to my vow and staying true to myself this time. The day's of him using me and making me feel special if only for a moment are done and over. I'm so over King. In fact I only think of him when I think about how deep robbing him made my pockets and no, I still don't feel any remorse for doing what I did.

Obviously King has no inkling that it was I who wiped his safe out. I'll admit, when he first called and showed up unannounced at my door I assumed I was busted, that somehow he knew but that was just my paranoia doing it's job. I'm quite certain that King wouldn't be perusing me now if he knew the truth. In fact I question if he has  even realized that his money is gone. If it was me, for one I wouldn't be out here chasing skirts, I'd be hunting down the culprit. For two King hasn't mentioned it to me but it's not likely he would anyways. King isn't one to tell his secrets or be open, trust me I know. When it came to me asking questions just to get to know him better, his lips were tighter than a clams shell.

Having cleaned up the mess that Mr. Harper left behind, I freshened myself up and decided to go spend a bit more of his cash. I guess you could say that every penny I spent of his brightened my day. It made me feel as if I was socking it to him, getting my revenge even though he doesn't even know that it was me. Stuffing a stack of fresh, crisp bills into my purse, I sat out to do some shopping therapy.

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now