Mess Of Messe

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Several more drinks and a few dances later I found myself inviting Dierks back to my hotel room. Once there I poured us another drink then excused myself to freshen up. In the bathroom I quickly brushed my teeth, applied more perfume and lipstick. Swiping more deodorant on I looked at myself in the mirror. I haven't been with another man since I met King and I was nervous. It's like riding a bike right? You don't forget how to. My body craved a man's touch as well as a release but was I acting too hastily? No, I'm a grown woman and capable of making my own decisions. Sleeping with someone I haven't known long doesn't make me a bad person. It makes me a woman who knows what she wants and is mature enough to understand and handle my needs. Having coached myself enough I softly opened the door and froze.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I had to squint to ensure I was seeing correctly. I watched in horror as Dierks dropped a pill into my drink and swish it around. Not knowing if I should confront him or not I decided to have changed my mind and send him away. I eyed my bedroom table just where my gun was tucked safely inside. Walking back in I yawned. "I'm sorry. I'm not feeling well. I think it was the drinks. Let's do a raincheck" .

Dierks grinned a slimy grin and shook his head. "I don't think so Frankie. You see I am here on business but my business is you. I snatch woman all the time and sell them in the sex trade industry. You'll love your new life. I'm sure to catch a grand price for you, a gorgeous red head with a body like yours. You my dear are my jackpot" .

"Like hell I am". I screamed and darted for my gun.

No sooner than I opened the door than Dierks landed on top of me bringing me to the floor. Instantly my training kicked in and I gave him a fight. I held my own for a bit but his strength begin to wear on me and I became weak and he got the upper hand.  Eventually I found myself sitting on the floor up against the wall beaten. My head throbbed and I'm sure had a knot. Oddly enough he left my face alone. I guess he was scared to mark his merchandise. I watched as he removed a syringe from his coat pocket and I tried to think of what I could do next to try and free myself. As he came closer I swung my leg up and crashed my foot into his most private area. As he was hunched over I grabbed the bedside lamp from it's post and begin to pummel him in the head until he was out cold. Ripping the cord from the lamp I quickly tied his hands behind his back. Using a sheet, I bound his feet then stuffed a pillowcase into his mouth. Propping him against the wall he begin to come to and I stood back keeping my gun aimed on him.

" You chose the wrong girl this time". I growled and say on the lip of the bed with my gun still on him.

I didn't know what to do now. I couldn't shoot him because the entire hotel would hear the shot. Couldn't slit his throat either because I couldn't leave a blood stain on this room. There's no way I could sneak him out without someone seeing or making too much noise. As I tried to come up with my next move there was a loud banging on the door. Startled I looked through the peephole and saw King. What the hell is he doing here and his men must be watching me as well for him to know my location. If I wasn't worried about Rize I would pretend that I wasn't here and not answer. Dragging Dierks to the bathroom I hissed. "If you make a sound I swear I'll shoot your ball's off first. Got it".

Shutting the bathroom door, I gently cracked the front door open and peeked out. "Everything okay?" I asked as normal as I could .

"The fuck you been? I've been trying to call you. Rize has a small fever and I don't know what I should do".

" how high is his temp? " I asked.

"It's low grade, barely a hundred" . King replied and I heard Dierks try to scream through the pillowcase stuffed in his mouth.

Trying to talk louder to drown out the noise coming from the bathroom I spoke. "Remember he is teething. Give him the meds and something cool to chew on. Call me if he doesn't get better". I hurried out and tried to shut the door but King stopped it with his hand.

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now