Drive Me To Drink 4

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Tia begin her tantrums soon as we set foot in the apartment. She was coming at me with so many injustices that I couldn't keep up. She was crying then screaming then both together until her word's blurred and I couldn't understand a thing. She couldn't believe that I made her stay in the bottom of the boat. Then she screamed about being locked in the pit for a few day's to my G Pop was a monster and she wasn't doing a damn thing.

My ears actually ached and I tried to escape her shrill voice by hopping from room to room but the crazy loon kept following me. Trying my best to ignore her I sat in front of the t.v. And grabbed my game controller. By her actions you would have thought that I pushed the nuclear button... Well I did... Hers.

Storming over squawking about how I wasn't going to ignore her, she yanked the game console from the wall and threw it across the room. Having enough I jumped up and roared. "Shut the fuck up. You did what you did and so now it's time to pay up. End of discussion. Just suck it up already. Geesh... Give my ears a break".

"Heir I have to be in Moulin in a week for my next shoot. I will not skip out over this insane idea that you grandfather has. He may rule his wife but not me. No one rules me". She shouted.

That just touched a nerve. Standing up straight I glared down at her and she knew that she had said to much. "Excuse me? No one rules you? Care to explain because last I checked I am a King and as my queen you will do as I say. Do you need further explanations or possibly a demonstration ?"

Tia shook her head in frustration and pressed her fists against her thighs. "I can't take it anymore. All of this King queen bullshit and the stupid rules that goes along with it". She half screamed half cried before stomping off to bed. Once I heard the door slam I inspected my game system for damages then went to the kitchen for a beer. I must have passed out because I was suddenly awoken by a hideous sound. "Blaaargh, blaaargh, blaaarghhhhh".

Jumping up to see what was going on I found Tia bent over the toilet throwing up and crying. "You okay?" I asked softly.

Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand she sobbed. "Yea, I will be in about nine month's" .

Not understanding I asked. "Why's that?"

I could see the frustration roll off of her at my ignorance. "Because I'm going to be a mommy. You're going to be a daddy if I don't kill you first".

" Wh-what? Are you...? But I...  The pill? I, me, a baby? I rambled as a stream of emotions raced through me.

"Yea, well the pill let us down" . Tia said hatefully.

Then it struck me, knowing that she was pregnant yet she still ran off into a dangerous situation. I reached an all new level of anger. "And you ran off like that? How could you place our child in danger?"

" I didn't know at the time when we left but as the day's passed I knew something was off but not what. After I was freed from the pit I got a test and well... Here we are". She shrugged finally standing up to rinse her mouth in the sink.

"You haven't see a doctor yet Tia?" I questioned as well as asked.

I was met by her stare, a stare that indicated that I was an idiot. "No genius. Forgive me for not penciling it in on my schedule. Between my fool of a husband locking me in a dungeon for day's without proper nourishment might I add and placing these insane punishments on me I haven't had the fucking time. But you're right, I do need to make an appointment as soon as possible especially with the stress I'm being put under. This can't be good for the baby".

And there she went and done it. All of my anger and the need to punish her melted away. She was right, putting her under stress wouldn't be good for our baby. Not only that, I just found out that I'm going to be a Pape and the last thing I wanted to do was spoil this moment with bickering. Walking toward her, I bent down to my knees and laid my head upon her now flat belly. "I'm so fucking happy Tia. You made me a daddy and my baby is resting right in here" .

Normally I'm not a sappy guy but tears blurred my vision as Tia rested her hands on top of my head. Finally I gained my composure and stood. Taking her hands in my own I spoke. "Keeping you healthy is more important right now. You won't be going to the den. I'll take care of it".

As we hugged I knew that I would catch heat from the other guy's but my child's development outweighed everything at the moment. "Go rest and I'll fix you something to eat baby".

Sending her back to bed, I walked to the kitchen with my mind on these new event's. I was bringing a child into this world of mine. A new terror filled me as I thought about all the new dangers upon us. Already I knew that I'd protect this little human whom I haven't met yet with my life.

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now