Here Comes Trouble

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Speeding up to the curb in my brand spanking new BMW 8-Series, the wheels screeched. The line to my Pape's most popular night club was out the door but I had no worries. Once the staff seen that it was me I'd be let right in.

Killing my engine, I stepped from my car while lighting up a smoke. After a series of puffs I dropped the cigarette on the concrete and snubbed it out with the toe of my scuffed up shitkickers. One thing I wasn't was a pretty boy like the other Harper men. I'd take some ripped jeans and a faded T-shirt over any expensive three piece suit any day. Even as a child my mother would have to chase me down and wrangle me into one. Fuck, my mother still chases me down.

Popping a breath mint into my mouth I walked up to the door. "Duel my man". Eddie the door attendee greeted me with a high five.

" what's up big man". I jested back.

"You plan on causing any problems tonight?" Eddie asked me with a grin.

" Hey, I don't cause problems, other people do". I laughed.

"Just promise of I let you in you'll steer clear of trouble. Your Pape will have my ass for letting you in again if you do". Eddie warned in the nicest way he knew how.

Holding my arm's wide open I grinned my famous Angel grin and said. "Now Eddie, you know I don't be causing no problems" .

Eddie gave off a huge belly chuckle. "And diamonds don't shine do they?"

Lifting up the red velvet rope, Eddie allowed me entrance as the people still standing in line waiting to get in shouted and whined. Stepping through the coat room, I entered the heart of the club. The dance floor was packed so I made my way to the bar. Bouncing up to the counter I spotted Nelson, my go to bartender. "Hit me up man".

Nelson grinned and within seconds I was holding a cold beer. Before I could turn around to check the place out a force slammed into my back and my eye's were covered by a pair of small hands. "Guess who Duel?"

Fuck, for the life of me I didn't recognize the voice. Grinning I played along. "Ummm, Amy?"

"Nope". The female voice sang out.

" Nina? "

"Guess again?" . The unidentified female said with a hint of anger.


" Duellll". The girl whined uncovering my eye's.

I turned around and I swear I'd never seen this girl before. "Oh, hey..... Youuu". I said trying to play it off.

The girl poked her bottom lip out. "You don't remember me do you?"

" Sure I do". I lied. "Turn around and let me see that ass. I'll tell you exactly who you are".

The girl giggled and turned around swinging her rump at me. One look at her bouncing booty and I remembered... Well I remembered our night together but not her name. "Fuck yea I remember you. I fucked you out back on top of the beer delivery truck".

She giggled again and turned back around. "But what's my name?"

Jesus girl let it go I thought. "Martina?" . I tossed out there.

Stomping her foot she screeched. "No. I'm Tabitha" .

"Tabitha" . I said pointing at her pistol style. "I was about to say that". I lied while thinking I haven't had enough to drink to deal with this wack chic.

" So, what you up to Duel? " she hinted around.

Not you I thought. "Waiting to meet up with some friends" . I lied yet again but I wasn't interested in Terry, Tesa or whatever her name was. I was scouting fresh coochie tonight.

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now