The Long Haul

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"Here you go my little man" I smiled down at my son that I cradled in my arm's as his chubby hands grasped for the bottle of milk.

His eye's crinkled as a chunky smile lit his face followed by the cutest baby gurgle known to man. All clean and fresh from a nap I couldn't help but stare into this tiny face that made my heart do flip flops. However the thoughts still haunted me at how thing's could've ended so differently, so tragically. With that I squeezed Rize a bit tighter. "Pape loves you little man and I promise you that nothing like this will ever happen again. I'll always keep you safe". I bit out a little on the emotional side.

After dealing with the scoundrel who threatened the most valuable assets to me we all returned to my place in Vegas. With the family being here and all of the commotion I barely spoke two word's to Frankie since our return. After a few hour's my family took their leave but by that time Frankie having bathed and been fed fell fast asleep. No doubt due to the trauma of the last few day's. If course I wanted to talk to her about us but sleep and emotional healing was best for her right now. Besides in a way I was thankful that she was out cold because it gave me time to do some deep soul searching. As I watched my son drift off into the dream world there was no doubt in my mind what I needed to do. At this point I'll do whatever it takes to keep Frankie and Rize safe and happy.... Even if that means walking away from this life permanently.

True, it was a hard pill to swallow when this is all I've ever known but if it keeps them safe then I'll do it. I'm sure that I can be happy living a different, maybe even normal life. I can do it, I can still be a business man and cut the mafia part of my life out. I can be straight laced, stop the killing and shady deal's. As for my company, I'll let my parent's decide who it should go to, if it should be divided up or maybe even sold out.

This was no easy task. Guilt tugged on my mind as I recalled everything my mother went through to ensure that I had my own share and a title. This was almost the equivalent of tossing it back at them like some unappreciative spoiled brat. But that's not the case, I'll forever be grateful for all the family has done for me but I have to do what's right for my child and Frankie.

I'll be the first Harper to have ever turned away from the family and the business and I'm certain it won't be taken lightly. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that my family will fight me on this and try to persuade me into changing my mind but that's not possible. My mind is made up and my decision is set in stone. Yes, I do feel like I'll be failing the family but failing my son would be much worse. Rize will not be trained for this life, in fact there's a huge chance that I won't even allow him to know about it at all.

Standing up carefully as to not disturb his peaceful sleep, I carried him to his crib and saw him down. I spent several moment's just staring at his still form and knew I was making the right call. Walking to my home office I paused before I took a seat behind my desk. Slowly I begin to remove my guns and other weapons, stripping myself of my title one piece at a time. Opening up my desk drawer I locked them all away until I could dispose of them properly. Taking a deep breath, I begin to tug the family ring from my finger that signified brotherhood, power, membership and most importantly.... Loyalty. I dropped it down into an empty liquor glass that had been left in my desk from earlier and the clanking sound seemed deafening, almost an echo, permanent.

Looking across the room I caught my reflection in the mirror that graced the wall above the mantle. No longer did I stare into the eye's of King Harper, Italian mob boss. Now I was simply King Harper business man, father, normal everyday guy.

As I was engrossed in my new reflection I never noticed that Frankie was in the doorway watching me strangely. Obviously she had awoken and was seeking me out. Blowing out my breath I nodded my head to the empty chair in front of my desk. As she entered I took in her long legs and red hair. Truly a sight to behold especially wearing my white button down shirt due to lack of her own clothing here. Clearing my throat I begin my somewhat practiced speech. "I've been doing some deep thinking Frankie". I paused still not sure where to begin.

Biting the bullet I just dove in. "Damn, I know that I've hurt you many time's, that my family has hurt you as well. But knowing that I nearly lost you and my son really drove it home."  I stopped to get up.

Walking around to her side of the desk, I found myself kneeling at her feet. Yes, I fell to my knees for this woman. "Please accept my deepest apologies for everything I've ever done to you. I'm beyond sorry. Please accept my apologies on my behalf for the pain my family caused you. I know that I can never make that right but I swear to you that if you never want to see my family again I won't question it." . At this point tears begin to flood my eye's and my voice became heavy, deeper.

"I've decided to walk away from my family, from my title, from the mafia forever. Keeping you and Rize safe is far more important. I'll give it all up just to keep the both of you. No longer am I a King, I'm just simply a business man who from here on out has washed his hands from dirty deals, murders and everything that is so bad in that world. I want to have a good, clean life and I want that life with you. I don't want my son to turn out like me or be involved in such dealings. I understand that your plans was to rebuild what your family lost and if you still want to do that then I will support you. If you want to live in that tiny little town by the sea we will go but first I have to wait for the family to take over my share. What I'm saying is that I will follow you anywhere no matter what. I love you Rachel."

Reaching down into my pocket I removed a small leather box and displayed a beautiful diamond ring encased by ruby's for her. "I know this is sudden and we've been through hell as a couple so I don't expect a answer immediately but I have faith in us, I believe in us and I think there is so many more memories for us to make together... Better memories... Happier. We've conquered amazing thing's together so far. Everything we have been up against was designed to tear us apart but look at us now, we are still here together and that has to say something . I won't give up if you don't give up Rachel.... Marry me? Make me complete and heal me? Marry me Rachel?"

Tears laced over Frankies cheeks but I wasn't certain if they were tears of joy or pity for me. Time seemed to freeze as I awaited for her to say something. Swiping away at her tears in frustration she bolted from the chair almost in a panic. "Stand up, just stand up". She blurted.

Feeling my heart drop I rode to my feet. "I can't marry you because I don't know you. The man I knew and loved was fierce. He knew what he wanted and just how to get it. He was powerful, strong and wouldn't hesitate to kill anyone who wronged him. He was a King by nature, a boss by birth and a leader of the most powerful mafia. That's the man I love and want. That's the only man that I will marry, that I will accept for his true self. If you find him send him my way".

Frankie turned as to leave and my mind kicked into overdrive. She didn't want normal and safe. She didn't want straight laced and clean hands. Frankie wanted danger and adventure. Frankie wanted the real me, the one I always feared no one would accept because of my life. Relief flooded me as I realized that I didn't have to walk away from my family or my title to have her. As far as keeping her and my son safe I can manage that, I have so far. With the help of my family and men it is possible. Brushing the new King aside I fell back into my old self. With a devious smirk I grabbed her arm and jerked her to me. "You're going to fucking marry me ginger snap and there's not a damn thing you can do about it. You are mine".

A grin spread over her face as my old self emerged. "That's more like it my King".

The End!!!!

So we have finally came to an end! I hope you enjoyed it!!

Now the time is here. We are about to embark on Duel's heart pounding, irritating, hilarious journey!! Let me warn you, his first chapter is fire!!!! You'll want to make out with him yet stab him at the same time! He's going to be so much fun but also the reason for loss of hair!!

It will be a few day's maybe sooner before I release his book. If you haven't followed me by now please do so! I don't want anyone to miss the notification when I drop the first chapter! He's the flame we've been waiting for!!!!

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