Yea, This Didn't Go Over Well

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She's up to something. I can smell her guilt from a mile away. It was all to obvious and she practically did it right under my nose. Did she not think I would find it odd when all the women came marching down to the Den then seclude themselves in her office for nearly an hour? Feeling the need to investigate I asked around and looked over old security footage. It didn't even come as a surprise when I saw Frankie wonder in here and sure enough I located Rize with our long time nanny.

Then out of nowhere the women organize a card game. Yep, my wife, my pain in the ass was up to something. Immediately I notified the men of my suspicion and we stayed on high alert. We may have appeared drunk but in actuality we were stone sober and awaiting their move.

We decided to give them a head start just to see what they had planned. As soon as my men noticed me of their departure I ransacked Laney's office looking for clues. It wasn't long before I found a rumpled up piece of paper that was meant for the trash but somehow missed the basket and winded up under her chair. Unraveling I saw an island in Thailand scribbled down. I knew exactly what went down on that island and knew we'd better be on the move.

On a hunch I decided to give Aiden a ring. Sure enough Mizery was missing as well. Filling him in on what I knew, we agreed to meet in Thailand. It wasn't long before we located their abandoned ship which only fueled our worry. Had something happened? Was they captured or had they already made it to the island. We received our answer not long after when an explosion lit up the night sky over the island. Yes, our girl's were there and needed us. Putting the boat into high gear we zoomed to the strip of land.

Needless to say we got there just in time and handled the situation. Now my wife is sitting on a tree stump while the rescued women are being loaded on the ship. Naturally she is afraid to look at me because she knows my anger. When I glance her way her eye's quickly dart downward like a child who has been caught with their hand in the cookie jar. As we loaded the boat the women went to make themselves comfortable above deck but I wasn't having it. I couldn't bare the sight of them right now. Going over to Laney I jerked her up. "You all will reside below deck with the rescued women". I barked.

They all looked at me and of course my wife, the ring leader had something to say about that. "London no. It's overly crowded down there and we need to rest".

As she spoke I tugged her by the arm toward the bunker door. The other men forced their women along as well. Tia was the first to be shoved in followed by Demy. Sam put up a small argument with Dem but in the end she found herself down below. Miri stopped in front of me as Cole was forcing her down below. "Pape make Cole stop". Miri whined.

I turned my head away ignoring her completely as she used the same pouty voice her mother used when trying to play on my emotions. "Not this time baby girl. You get what you get".

Shock stretched over her features at hearing me deny her help. "Pape". She nearly cried.

" Cole hurry up man". I insisted before I changed my mind.

But I'd head disappeared down below as Frankie came next while fighting King every step of the way. "You're not my man. You don't own me so you have no power to do this."

" this is for your own safety right now. Clearly you've lost touch with reality to organize a ridiculous stunt like this. Now get the fuck down those steps". King bellowed.

Next was Lahey who stood with her arm's crossed while giving me that defiant scowl that she wore so well. "Come near me Harper and I'll cut your legs off at the knees". She warned.

Wasting no time I tossed her up on my shoulder but she grabbed hold to the doorway. "I refuse to go down there. I just won't do it". She demanded.

As I tried to pry her hands loose she begin to kick her legs wildly. Why does she always have to put up a fight. Having no choice I had to use my strength and bend her wrist back. "London" . She squealed surprised at my actions towards her.

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now