Time To Go Back

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Humming to myself, I pranced around King's apartment gathering my belongings to neatly pack them. I've been here for nearly two weeks but it's time that I return to my little beach cottage in North Carolina. King isn't aware that I plan on returning and I imagine he won't like hearing this but I love it there. Not that I didn't like it here or being with King, but North Carolina was my home now.

Currently King is off at his office just to check in, as he hasn't worked since my arrival. For the most part neither of us has left his place, mostly we have stayed in bed the entire time and if we wasn't in bed we were either on the couch, floor, shower or kitchen. King even had me on his desk in his office a few time's. Basically we can't keep our hands off of each other. We'd try to watch a movie but before it was over we'd be naked. We tried cooking together but ate fruits off of each other's bodies instead. From the moment our eye's opened up until they shut we were going at it like sex neglected nymphs.

The pull we had toward each other could only be described as magnetic. King is an entirely different man these day's but I will admit my guard is still somewhat there. This new King may not last for long. I also know that deep down he's still worried that I'll change my mind as well but honestly his lifestyle doesn't bother me as much as it should. So what that he kills people and and is invested deep into the criminal underworld. The truth is that it turns me on, makes him even hotter to me. I guess you could say that I have a thing for bad boy's and I hit the jackpot with him. King is the baddest of the bad.

I was neatly folding my clothes and tucking them into my suitcase when King returned. He was all smiles until he seen my suitcase resting on his bed half full. Drawing his brows together he inquired. "What's going on?"

" I need to return home". Was all I said.

"But why? Don't tell me you've came to your senses and changed your mind".

A smile creased my face at his worried yet boyish he looked as he spoke. Walking toward him I explained. "Of course not King. Truth be told, I'm bat shit crazy about you but I need to check on my home and get back to my work".

And there lies our problem. At the hint of me returning to work an angered expression stuck to his features. A look that closely resembled the King that once treated me like garbage. Moving away from me, he went and stood before the mantle place with his back facing me. Pretending to toy with a small marble lion's head that sat atop the shiny white stone of the mantle I heard him say in a rather tight voice. "Yea, about that Frankie".

Slowly he turned and buried his hands deep into the pockets of his black suit pants. Instantly I knew this wasn't my lover, my boyfriend that was speaking to me. No, this was the mob man, business man and a shiver ran down the length of my body as his dark stare held me. King begin to pace the room in a slow, threatening gait. Almost that of an wild animal right before it pounces on it's prey. In a condescending tone he continued. "I'll make you well aware that I particularly don't care for your occupation. Now, if you choose to return there will be no more men. Yes, I trust you but not them. I won't have you putting yourself in danger while I'm so far away. If you decide to stay here, which is the reasonable thing to do, you may continue on as long as I'm very close by".

Taken back by his speech my emotions were running rampant as a flooding river. I was pissed, saddened but the one thing I wasn't was scared. Beginning my own pacing around the room, I placed my pointer finger under my bottom lip as I spoke in a bear hiss. "Yea, about that King.... I don't take kindly to demands. I've ran my life and my work  just as I've always pleased. I'm not about to give my entire freedoms up to appease your male take control ego".

King made his way to me in one full stride. Taking me by the arm's, his face was filled with raw emotion and his voice stern. "You think this is about some male power trip? Then you're sadly mistaken. By now you should understand that by just being associated with me could get you killed. You are a prime target to my enemies now and do you know what they would do to you if they got you, the humiliation and torture they'd put you through just to get to me? Let's just say it wouldn't be a walk in the park and it's likely that you wouldn't survive. My brother's wife, Sam was raped repeatedly and beaten to a pulp as he was tied down and made to watch. Do you know how hard that fucked with his head? To see his wife beaten and not able to do a damn thing about it? But oh, when he did escape you best believe hell rained down".

My heart ached for Sam at hearing this horrific news. I even felt a tinge of remorse for Demarco at being so helpless. "That won't be me Frankie". King ranted on.

" My number one job now is to keep you safe. You come first, before the business and any amount of money. Yes, I'll allow you to return home only because I'll send a few of my men to watch over you but I draw the line with your job. You are far too important to be intentionally putting yourself at risk. I forbid it".

Okay, so King did have a good point and no, I didn't want to cause him undo worry or put myself in danger. With a small sigh, I relented. "Okay, I understand so I won't do any jobs while I'm away. I'll only do them here".

A smile warmed his lips and I felt like a jackass. Not because I argued back but because I relented. Never have I given in to anyone. I've always stood my ground and firm in my beliefs, so why was I submitting to him? Not only that, I submitted too easily and now he stood smiling at his victory while smoothing a strand of hair behind my ear. "Thank you Ginger Snap. You are precious to me and I only want to protect you".

A few hour's later King was escorting me to his private jet for my passage home. We agreed that he would visit within two weeks if his work allows him. Saying goodbye was hard but not as hard as testing the strength of an long distance relationship.

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now