Guess Who's Back

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There are thing's in life that are far worse than death. You may not agree but love is one of them. Love is a game of Russian roulette. You hand your partner the gun and trust them not to pull the trigger. Laney has squeezed that trigger many time's over our life and I'm sure I've unloaded a few rounds on her as well. The only difference is that our guns never killed either one of us. Yes, the bullets of word's and betrayal lodged deep in our heart's but never finished either of us off. However the bullets that she is shooting now I may not withstand.

We've had our arguments and disagreements, Hell we've even had our time apart but never has the one person that I love the most ever sought me out with such vengence. My only question is why? What has happened during this time to turn her into my enemy? What have I done to provoke this behavior from her? My only conclusion is that this is God's way of punishing me for all of my wrong doing, the lives I've ruined, the sins I've committed and the sordid life I live. Yes, I am a King but I wear a crown that is smudged with the lives I've taken.

To this day I still hold the highest rank of people killed amongst any other leader. Even though the past few year's I've laid low I'm still known as the monster, the Diablo and many other name's. It may just be time to bring the monster out of retirement..... And when I do my victim's will pray for eternity in hell than another moment spent with my wrath.

Opening my closet, I moved a few item's aside until I sought what I was looking for. There it sat just as beautiful as the day I bought it. A surge of thrill tingled my spine as I bent to retrieve it. Holding up to my eye's level to inspect it, I smiled. "Hello my good buddy. Miss me?" I smirked.

Walking over to my bed, I sat the black, leather bag down. Oh the stories this black bag could tell if only it spoke. As I went to open it, another thrill seared my body. The sound the zipper made as it slid smoothly along the jagged, metal teeth fueled my soul. Pulling the side's open, I peered inside of it's depths. Just as it should be, everything was in place.  Dipping my hand inside, I removed my black, leather gloves. Running my thumb over the cool, smooth material many memories flooded my mind. All of the necks these gloves had squeezed with delightment, mouths pried open by force and how they cradled my hands when I was performing an autopsy on my very alive victims. But amongst all of those memories there were a few that stood out the most. The first time I gripped my babydolls neck in anger. Or the many time's these gloves ran over her naked body bringing forth moans of pleasure instead of misery. All of the time's I slid my knife along her curves or pressed the blade to her throat yet never drawing the first drop of blood. No, I'd cut myself before I'd ever harm baby doll. Now for some unknown reason my baby doll wishes to attack me. I hope she's ready because she has brought the sleeping monster out of it's cave.

Slipping the gloves on, a feeling of power and anger overcame me. The crinkle sound that the leather made as I flexed my fists only fed the monster more. Picking up my bag, I left my apartment. It was time to pay Marcus a little visit. I've been too easy on him many would say but he is more valuable to me alive than dead. Marcus knows the answers I seek yet refuses to give them to me.

As I entered the pit the smell of unwashed bodies and death filled my nose yet the smell doesn't bother me. I find it rather intoxicating when I'm in this state of mind. Inhaling deeply, I tossed my arm's open and in a booming voice that echoed off the cement wall's, I said cheerfully. "Doesn't that smell wonderful Marcus? The scent of blood, sweat and tears just feeds my soul."

Marcus stated blankly at me. I'm assuming seeing me like this, like I was in my younger year's has derailed him somewhat. The majority of the time I enter the pit calmly but not this time. This time I was out for answers and ready to get them. Grinning like a crazed man, I chuckled. "You'll never guess who I recently ran into Marcus. A long, lost friend of mine and I've missed the Son of a Bitch."

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now