Pushed Away

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Waking up hungry, I slowly sat up and recalled last night's events. Instantly I was flooded with a new bout of anger. I hated waking up mad because it always started the day off wrong. Trying my best to push this mood aside, which was hard considering I was being held here, I crawled from bed and begin to dress.

Thirty minutes later I exited my room only to be met with the bright purple living room and pink furnishings. I had to admit, it was hideous but still there was no need for King to have put that heinous bitch Mizery on me. That woman was the biggest bitch I have ever met and scary. Feeling my anger bubble up again, I set off to the kitchen. Opening the fridge, I pulled out a carton of juice and the fixings for French toast.

Soon I was sitting at the table enjoying my breakfast when King entered. He shot me a smile and looked at my food. "Smells great. Got enough for me?"

Right now I still wasn't ready to speak to him so I remained mute. "Guess not". He shrugged grabbing a box of cereal and the milk.

The bastard had the nerve to sit across from me As he ate. Each crunchy bite he took crawled my nerves making my anger pump higher. After taking my last bite I decided to lash out. "What you did last night..."

His buzzing phone interrupted me. King held his hand up indicating for me to be quiet. In return being put off made me even angrier. Instead, I did as he asked but listened somewhat to his conversation. "What's up Dem"

I watched as confusion spread across his face with a look that was indescribable. "What do you mean she is alive? Are you certain?"

I pretended to sip my juice as I waited for the conversation to end. "I'll be home soon to help. Let me take care of some loose ends here".

King clicked his phone off and stood going to his office and shutting the door. My jaw fell slack at having him blow me off so easily and not caring about what I had to say. My anger finally was pushed over the top and I scooted the chair back causing it to screech along the floor. Marching to King's office, I swing the door open hard enough that it bounced off the wall behind it. King was sitting at his desk with his head laid down and covered by his arm's. Any other time I would wonder what was wrong and ask but right now I simply didn't care. "You can't just blow me off, not anymore since you want me here. I will say what I have to say and you will listen. First off how dare you allow your niece treat me that way. You enjoyed every moment of it you ass. I may be stuck here but can it, I will have a say so. She's not allowed back here. Understood?"

" Frankie, I need you to leave my office. Now isn't a good time". He mumbled in a soft voice and never lifted his head from the desk.

His word's only infuriated me more. "Now isn't a good time?" I screeched.

" Ha! When would be a good time your majesty? No, wait. Screw that. You took me away from my life and never asked me if it was a good time. What you are doing is wrong and not to mention unlawful. "

Before I could continue my rant King lifted his head and it seems as if he had been crying. Shock at seeing him this way calmed me down as well as confused me. "Let me tell you what is wrong Frankie. In my eighteenth birthday both of my parent's were murdered In the most horrible way. I watched them did right before my eye's and it was my fault. I just had to have my birthday in New York. I lured them to their death. A few year's passed and we discovered that my Pape was alive but my mother didn't survive. Turns out the very people we trusted set us up including our own doctor. My parent's were made to seem dead, to die. Once we left the room where their tormented bodies lay, they was willed away only to be nursed back to health by the enemy. They were kept apart and eventually my mother truly killed. Now, a year after finding my Pape we have a hint of hope again that my mother is still alive, that everything we were made to believe is a lie. So fucking excuse me if I can't give you the argument that you're craving so bad at the moment. Right now I'm asking you nicely to leave my office".

Not knowing what to say about this messy story he just told me, I did as he asked. Shutting the door softly behind me, I took a seat on the pink couch. As I replayed what he had told me it all begin to suddenly click. This is why King is so distant. He wrecked the birthday party I gave him because he was in mourning and hurting. King blames himself to the point of punishment. His actions all make sense now. He hates himself and refuses to be happy. I don't know why but I wanted to reach out to him and convince him that it wasn't his fault but I knew he needed to be alone right now.

King didn't emerge from his office until later that evening. It was obvious that he had been in there drinking and swimming in his sorrows. He walked right past me without so much as a glance. King entered his room and retrieved a suitcase from his closet. I stood at the bedroom door. "I have to return home. I'm not sure how long I will be gone but my men will be keeping watch over you".

Easing my way in, I touched his hand. "I'm sorry for all you have endured but it's not your fault. Stop punishing yourself" .

King jerked his hand away. "You know nothing". He growled.

" I know that you are blaming yourself and you shouldn't. You was a kid. "

"Shut up Frankie". He bellowed.

" No. You need to hear this. You need to let go of your guilt and live again. I believe this is why you treat me this way and stay so cut off from relationships ".

" No, I treat you like shit because I don't like you. You get on my nerves and are annoying as fuck. ". King spat.

" I'm going to overlook your word's right now because I know it's your defense mechanism. You don't like hearing the truth. This is why you flipped out over me giving you a birthday party isn't it? "

"Not at all. I flipped out because you assumed that we were close enough that you could do thing's like that. That we were a couple or some shit when in fact you mean nothing to me. I could never love you. Hell you're no better than a prostitute making your living off of gullible men. No matter how you push it Frankie, we will never be more than a quick fuck".

Okay, so now his word's were beginning to sting. "If what you say is true King, then why are you holding me here? Why can't I leave and continue on with my life?"

King's back went rigid when I said that. Zipping up his suitcase he glared at me. "You're right. I don't want you hear and I definitely don't want to hear your advice or assumptions. Get the fuck out Frankie. Leave my home now and never contact me again. I'm so sick of you".

" you're doing it again King. You're so scared of getting close to someone and possibly being happy that you destroy relationships. Stop hurting yourself. I'll be in the living room if you want to continue this conversation. I'm here for you".

I begin to walk off but was quickly jerked by my arm roughly. Never had King handled me roughly so this came as a shock. "Let my arm go. You're hurting me King". I cried.

His grip only tightened as he begin to shake me. "I said get the fuck out you whore. You're free to go and shack up with the next dumb guy and steal his assets. Forget I ever existed."

Tears fell from my eye's at his harsh word's and treatment. "King, please. Right before Mizery came last night you was getting ready to tell me that you loved me".

A wicked laugh escaped from between his lips. "Never would I tell you that. Never could I love you".

" Stop lying". I screamed.

"I'm not lying Frankie. Honestly do you think a man like me could love someone like you. You're filth, trash. As a matter of fact when you went to bed last night I left and fucked another woman... One who doesn't date a series of men to earn her keep".

Mustering up my strength, I broke free from his hold and connected my palm to his cheek. Immediately I covered my mouth as I cried from his word's and my violent actions. King's dark eye's seemed to blaze over with crazy anger. "I'm sorry King. I didn't mean to, it was just a reaction" .

Instantly his hand wrapped around my throat as I tried to pry his fingers loose. "Do you not realize that I could end you? Don't be a dumb bitch and make that mistake again" .

Pulling me along by my throat, he led me to the door. Swinging it open, he shoved me into the hallway where his men stood guard. "Get her the fuck out of here. Take her back to her place and make sure she never sets foot near this building again" .

The door slammed shut and I was led away.

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now