Let The Healing Begin

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A smile creased my face as I begin to filtered out of my dream state. I was awake but didn't bother opening my eye's. I knew exactly where I was and just knowing that made me feel warm and toasty on the inside. London's scent enveloped me like a favorite fuzzy blanket. With my eye's still closed I inhaled deeply realizing how much I had missed his scent. Not just his scent but this bed, these sheets.... My home.

Giving a good stretch, you know the kinda stretch where you arch your back and extend your legs until your body has small spasms that feels so good, I noticed London's side of the bed was empty. Finally opening my eye's, I discovered him gone. Glancing at the clock I saw that it was noon time and I slowly sat up. However i didn't panic over London's absence, I knew exactly where he was. Crawling from the security of the bed, I slipped into one of London's white dress shirts and made my way to the kitchen. Just as I suspected he was at the stove preparing my favorite omelette. Leaning against the door frame I took a moment to take this man in. There he stood in only a pair of jeans making a special meal just for me. God how I missed him... Missed this.

Picking up the salt shaker, he sprinkled a little over the eggs. "Woooo.... Shake it baby". I chuckled.

Grinning, he looked over his shoulder at me. "Sleep well baby doll?"

" better than I have in a long time". I responded as I skipped over to him.

Bending down, London have me teasing kiss as he lifted me to perch on the counter. And so our traditional ritual began. As he cooked, he popped tidbits of food into my mouth. Teasingly, I drew his finger between my lips and gently nibbled it. A low growl emitted from his throat and in one quick movement he scooped me from the counter and we found ourselves locked in a feverish kiss. London's hands gripped my bottom in squeezing patterns as I gently tugged on his hair. Now with my back pressed against the wall I anticipated what was to come even though I was sore from our gymnast stunts from the night before. Thing's were really getting heated when a voice interrupted our moment. "Should I get the hose?"

Immediately London lowered me and I rushed to pull his shirt down to cover my panties as London adjusted his crotch in order to hide his erection. King turned away as we adjusted ourselves. Once I was presentable I walked over to my son. "Hey baby. Everything okay?"

King nodded. "I just needed to see you again, that's all".

I glanced at London who was busy sliding my omelette onto a plate. I knew my children better than this and could tell something wasn't right with King. "Baby go set on my chase and I'll join you in a moment. Okay?"

King nodded and did as I asked. London handed me my plate along with a cup of coffee. "I know. I'll head to the Den and get a few thing's done so you two can talk".

Hugging him, I thought how lucky I was. London knew that King needed some alone time with me. Soon London was gone and I carried my food over to my chase. King was seated at the end so I took the upper half. "Feels so good to be home. I missed you all so much".

Shocking me, King burst out into tears and I sat my plate aside. "Baby, what's wrong? Talk to me?"

"I screwed up moma. Like really screwed up". King cried.

" Whatever it is King we can fix it".

He shook his head sadly. "No. Only I can fix this".

" Everything was my fault moma".

"King what are you talking about?"

" What happened to you and Pape. Had I not demanded to have my party here none of this would have happened. I'm to blame".

Gripping his hands in mind I spoke. "Nonsense. King this would have happened regardless. Marcus had it all planned out. Had we not came for your birthday he would've done this whatever time we came back. Marcus is to blame. No one but him, understand?"

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