Two Pink Lines

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Needless to say it's been well over two week's and King hasn't made it out for his visit yet. Actually it's been over a month now but I do understand that he is very busy. Not long after I left he discovered that his parent's had caught a possibly suspect to the attack. Currently they are hunting down the other's that are responsible. Yes, it sucks but like me, King also has a job and life to maintain.

I know many couples are killed by long distance romances but I truly believe that if you're meant to be you can pull through anything. I suppose that I could move back but I'm not ready. I feel at home here and have really discovered many thing's about myself. No, I'm not working but I have resumed my hobby of photography. There's so many photo opportunities here and sometimes I wander around for hour's looking for the perfect shot.

As for King and I, we always wrap up our day by five and Skype each other  late into the night. We are able to keep our relationship alive thanks to modern technology. We've actually watched movie's together online and cooked the same meals together while skyping. On a few occasions we've even became frisky but it's still not as good as actually having him here with me.

Often it's crossed my mind to ask him to move here but I know the answer would be no which is understandable. King's business is there and he must be close by and there's no way he could just relocate it to this small area. There's nothing here for him to do to take the money in. Of course it would be easier for me to relocate as I have nothing holding me here. Maybe in time we can reach a compromise that would make us both happy. Perhaps we could split our time between my home and Vegas. Or perhaps I'm reading too far into the future. This relationship could fizzle out, who knows.

After I put my breakfast dishes away, I retrieved my camera and went on my usual morning stroll. The temps were cooler now as Fall begin to set in but still not cool enough for a jacket or pants. Many nights I caught myself getting up to turn the air conditioner on. This morning I changed up my normal path and decided to take the less beaten path away from town. Following the Sandy trail into the bushes would enable me to get some great nature shots. Kings men were never far away and I must admit that I haven't adjusted to it just yet. One was following me on foot about fifty yards away while the other was near by in a car, I guess in case we needed to make a quick escape.

It wasn't long before I had to stop for a break. Even though it wasn't as hot now the humid air was still thick. Or maybe it was just me. I've noticed that over the past few week's I haven't been feeling myself. I tire easy and have bouts of nausea. My stomach frequently was upset and I wasn't sure if it was the best or hot flashes but I'd breakout into sweats.

Currently I took a seat on a stump and grabbed my water from my tote. Sweat peppered my brow and I just felt sleepy and weak. After resting for a few minutes I rose and continued on my way. I hadn't taken many steps when I paused as I was overcame by dizziness. Placing my palm to my forehead, I tried to steady myself as I could feel myself swaying. I closed my eye's to stop the world from spinning and that's the last thing I remember.

When I came to I was in the backseat of a car with Kings two men. One was driving and one was on the phone. "Wait. She's awake now" . The man barked into the phone.

Turning around to better see me, he held the phone out. I still didn't have enough strength to reach out for it so he leaned back and held it to my ear. "Ginger Snap are you okay". I heard King's concerned voice.

" Yea, I think so". I mumbled.

"What happened?"

" I don't really know King".

"My men are taking you to the hospital. I'm making arrangements to leave here soon".

" No. No hospital. I just want to go home".

In his business tone he replied. "Frankie you fainted. That's not good. You need to be seen".

" I feel fine now King. I promise I'll go once you get here if I'm not feeling better".

That seem to appease him some. "Fine but promise me if you feel worse before I get there you'll go on without me".

" I promise ". I agreed.

" my men will stay with you until I arrive. I don't want you to be alone right now".

Physically I nodded my head as if he could see me. "Okay".

We chatted for a minute more before he disconnected so he could make the needed arrangements. Once home I retired to my room with a fresh water and a cool rag to lay across my forehead. The men stayed in the living room watching the television down low. Laying in my bed, I propped the pillows beneath me and tried to relax but my mind was reeling. I didn't understand what was going on with me. I tried to recall everything I had ate lately and if I'd been around anyone sick. Finally I begin to size off when it hit me like a ton of bricks. Jolting up, I reached for my phone to check the date. Placing my hand over my mouth I gasped. I was nearly three week's late. How didn't I notice this sooner? Maybe this is the root of my problems.

I know King instructed me to rest but I had to know. Thankfully there was a drug store just a few minutes away that I could walk to. Rushing from my room, the men stood. "Relax. I'm just walking to the store around the corner for some medicine".

" But boss told us to make sure you rest".

"And I will but I need some meds to help me".

Not waiting for their permission, I strolled on out. Naturally they were right behind me. Once at the store I gawked at the many pregnancy tests they offered.  Which was the best? The easiest? The most trusted? After reading label after label I chose the one that offered two pink lines and seemed foolproof. Grabbing up a bag of Cheetos, I made my way to check out.

After I returned home I locked myself in the bathroom and fire the package open with nervous hands. I read then re-read the instructions multiple time's before working the courage up to pee on the stick. Settling myself on the toilet, I adjusted the stick so that it would be in my flow of urine. Mentally counting in my head the seconds the directions instructed, I eagerly removed it and placed the stick in the counter. As if it were about a bomb about to explode I watched it with fear. It seemed as if this was taking forever and I thought maybe it was malfunctioning when I saw the slightest of two pink lines appear. A sob lodged in my throat as I jerked the stick up from the counter and begin to shake it. I guess I thought I could shake it down to one pink line. "No, no, no. What am I going to do? What will King do? How will I tell him?"

Sinking down to the bathroom floor and leaning my back against the tub, I removed my Cheetos from the bag and begin to eat them as I cried.

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now