Unexpected Ally

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The silence in the room was deafening. I didn't know what to make of it. Was it because I had stunned them all by beating Mizery their queen or was I taking the last few breaths I would ever take before they tore me to shreds. Either way I won and I would die knowing that I was as good as them, as strong.

Instead of showing fear I looked King in his dark eye's and gave a taunting smirk and blew my stringy hair from my face. The look in my eye's held mirth and told him that I wasn't scared, that I was ready for whatever came next. Maybe my ego was swollen at having beaten one of their toughest but I also knew the reality of this situation. I may have beaten one but I couldn't beat them all but beating Mizery gave me a slither of hope. This wasn't all for nothing. I wasn't the weak individual that they assumed I was. My short period of training paid off and I held my ground. Yes, I was a queen even though they don't want to admit it. I just proved it and I'll continue to prove it until my heart beats it's last beat. I was going to give the Harper's the fight of their lives. I know the outcome will be my death but they will never forget me, I'll leave my mark forever. Every time they look at my son they will see me and remember... That's if my son is allowed to live.

Thinking of Rize made me refocus on King. He hasn't fulfilled his end of the deal even though I demanded to see my son. Jutting my chin up in a show of power and respect because even though my minutes are numbered I will act every bit of the queen I am. I will die with dignity and grace, not begging for my life at their feet giving them exactly what they wanted. "Show me to my son now". I spat out once again.

King remained frozen and stared at me intently. "Did I just not beat your queen? Are you, a Harper that holds people to their word's going back on yours? Or was you not expecting me to win therefore you never planned on letting me see my son?" I yelled causing my voice to echo through the room.

After a moment King begin to slowly stalk towards me but I didn't give an inch. I stood with my back rigid and chin still pointing upwards. Never would I cower before him or anyone again. King smirked and as he stood before me he spoke with venom. In fact the voice he used didn't even sound like the man I once knew, the man I once loved. "No, I didn't expect you to win, no one did. Normally I keep my word but you're a special case. You betrayed me in the worst of ways. You faked your death and kept my child from me. I'm afraid ginger snap this is the end of the road for you. You will never lay eye's on my son again".

I let off a cold chuckle and shook my head in a mocking way. "Yes, I already knew the answer to that. I knew I wouldn't see my son again but let me warn you, all of you. Killing me will probably be easy as I'm outnumbered and unarmed but forgetting me". I paused to laugh again before continuing.

" None of you will ever forget me. I'm not sure what your plans are for my son, my son that is half Kinichi blood, half me but I assure you that every time you look into his eye's you will see me and know exactly what you did. You will live with knowing that you took a child's mother away from him. Yes, I'm sure you all will fill him up with lies about me or how his mother passed. Hell you may choose to remarry and never tell him about me at all but I won't go away so easily. You can kill me but my memory will remain". Pausing again I laughed and tapped my head.

"You see I assumed this day may come so I prepared. My child will know the truth when the time is right, I made sure of that. Somewhere in this big world is a person who holds all of my information. When my son reaches adulthood this person will locate him and hand it all over to him. Documentation of his birth, his true mother and bloodline. There will be pictures of me holding him as well as a vile of my blood of he chooses to perform an DNA test to confirm I'm who I say I am. In those paper's I assure him of my love for him and what your family did to mine, you know the reason I left you in the first place. He will know how I worked hard to bring my family's stolen Empire back. Even though you may think you've taken it all, burned it down once again I was smarter. In those paper's will be the hidden location to my family's assets. That's right, I hid the important stuff and if he chooses to take up where I left off and claim his birth right it's all set for him. I left my son a King. Also it will state in those paper's that you... All of you are responsible for my death. So the ball is in your court King. Are you prepared to handle your son's reaction possibly hatred when he discovers that you murdered his mother? Trust me, I should know after all, he will hate you. Perhaps he will even kill you for having taken his mother away. So what are you going to do King? There is no need to prolong this any longer".

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now