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During my flight to North Carolina I tried several time's to contact Frankie but was sent straight to voicemail. Thankfully my men were with her and I got the debs from them. According to them, Frankie has herself locked up in the bathroom and when they knock she screams for them to go away, leave her alone. Yes, I could order them to break the door down but I'm more concerned about her wellbeing. Having them barge in on her might not be a good call right now. At least if she screams at them I know she's okay.

But what has me baffled is why she won't answer my calls. Has something bad happened? Have I done something? Jesus, women and their crazy hormones will never make sense to me. However my mind wonders if something is off with her health and she's just scared. After her fainting incident earlier in the day a lot of questions has arose. The main thing right now was just getting to her and ensuring that she is okay.

Finally after much ado anxiety my jet landed but I wasn't done traveling. It would take a forty minute drive from the airport to reach Frankie's seaside home. Thinking ahead, I had a rental car waiting on me and I wasted no time securing my baggage before pressing the gas pedal down. I hate this feeling. You know, that feeling you have when you're waiting on something or in a hurry to reach that certain person. No matter how fast you seem to be moving you seem no closer. Not to mention that every obstacle imaginable seemed to be placed in my way delaying my travel time. First I had to maneuver through a slight traffic jam when leaving the airport. Then I hadn't been on the road a mere fifteen minutes before I hit road construction. Of course this sent me on a detour that put me ten extra minutes out of the way.

By the time I screeched the tires to a stop in front of her place, let's just say that I was frazzled. Forgetting my bags as well as my phone, I rushed into her house. My men greeted me as well as informed that nothing had changed. Frankie was still couping herself up in the bathroom. Nodding my thanks, I dismissed them. Whatever Frankie was dealing with we needed to deal with privately.

Walking through her bedroom, I came to a stop in front of the locked bathroom door. Here was my next dilemma... Should I knock and wait or simply pick the lock and allow myself in uninvited.

Not knowing exactly what I was dealing with, I decided a soft approach might be for the best. Tapping my knuckles lightly on the door, I called her name softly. "Frankie?"

" Leave. Just go back home King. You've caused enough damage". Frankie screamed leaving me baffled.

What exactly have I done to receive this reaction? If I have done something I'm not aware that I did. Whatever the case may be one thing was certain.... Frankie was upset and I could detect hidden tears in her voice. Deciding that playing Mr. Nice guy wasn't going to get me any closer to answers, I popped the lock in no time and let myself in. The light's were off but I could just barely make out Frankie crunched up in the corner with her knees drew to her chest. "Frankie" . I whispered worried.

"Get out King". She hissed.

" Talk to me Frankie. Tell me what's going on. I demand to know ". I issued in my all out deadly business tone.

No, I wasn't mad but I felt that if I came off threatening she'd cave and spill to me. In fact I was actually scared. Scared she was about to end our relationship or something of the sorts. However i quickly found out that using my business voice was a bad call. You know how like in Dracula movie's the vampire sails across the floor towards it's victim? Well I shit you not, Frankie emerged from her sitting position and pivoted toward me and not once did I see her feet hit the floor. That's just how fast she moved and I didn't have time to prepare myself for her attack.

Her tiny yet mighty fist were connecting with my body where ever they could land as harsh, unexplainable word's flew from her mouth. "You've ruined my life. Now you'll just run off and forget about us. I'll be stuck here to do it all by myself. Just leave now".

I had no clue what in the hell was going on other than I was being hammered with blow after blow. The light's were off which made it difficult to see where the next hit would land. As she pummeled away at me I frantically searched for the light switch while tripping over item's in my path. My shin connected with a small shelf causing me to groan out but I continued on. By the grace of God I located the switch and flipped the light on. Immediately light flooded the small space as Frankie drew back blinded by the brightness. Damn, maybe she was a vampire.

Getting my first good glimpse at her I saw orange smeared around her mouth as well as orange stained fingers. I started to panic thinking something was seriously wrong with her then spotted the empty Cheetos bag. Now my anger begin to sit in. Gripping her upper arm's, I yelled. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

Frankie begin to cry and tried to jerk away. Instead of fighting I let her go. Running a weary hand through my hair, I glanced down and that's when I saw it. Sitting on the sink counter was a narrow, plastic stick. Yes, I knew what it was but couldn't understand why it was here. With trembling hands I picked it up as Frankie begged me not to. Tuning her out,all my attention focused on this cheap device that could change a life in two minutes. Two pink lines stared back at me and I'll admit, I'm no genius but I do believe two pink lines stands for positive.

I looked over at Frankie to confirm my suspicions and she merely nodded and spoke. "You can go now and you're free from all responsibility" .

Tears welled up in my eye's and my free hand covered my mouth as I stared at what those two pink lines meant. In a raw voice I choked out. "I'm going to be a Pape".

A smile broke my face as the realization took root. "I'm going to be a Pape" . I repeated happily as tears of joy broke from my eye's.

I looked back at Frankie who seemed confused and I whipped her up to me. "We're having a baby". My overjoyed voice filled the room.

Then it struck me, was Frankie not happy about this? Did she not want it? After all she wasn't acting happy. "Are you okay?"

Frankie tossed her hands up in the air. "I, I don't know how I feel".

A unexplainable fear gripped my heart as I wondered what may lay ahead.

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now