Flames Of Despair

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Please, please, please take a moment to view the video before reading the chapter. Yea, I know you are dying to find out what this chapter contains but it would mean a great deal to me if you watched this. When I select a photo or video I do it with just as much effort as I do when writing. I try to choose one that really relates to the chapter and sometimes I spend an hour or more searching for the perfect one. I believe it helps set the mood for the reader as well as the writer! Also while writing I'll listen to a song that kinda compares to what I'm writing because it helps me dig deeper into my feelings and that world of imagination! Yes, I ugly cry when writing but I also laugh as well! Trust me, I experience the same emotions as you guy's. I've even gotten angry with my character's over some of the antics they pull and I wrote it!! Like when Cole cheated on Miri with Erica... What an ass!!! Or how Dem had Sam lose her job as well as apartment!! But Sam's comeback was epic with the baseball bat!! Don't even get me started on Ivy.... I detested that bitch!! But someone has to be the villain!

Feel free to share the moment's throughout the series that really ticked you off!! I'd love to hear them!

Okay, I've talked enough and my dog is lying at my feet and apparently having some toxic gas!! If I don't get up and walk away I'll pass out! Dog farts should be considered a form of torture...  Hmmmm.... Maybe that's how Marcus should go... Death by dog farts... Jk, jk!!

Also for those who haven't already, please join me on my Instagram!!

Instagram: nikkihershell

To my silent reader's... Thank you so much for reading but I'd truly love to hear from you as well!! We don't bite around here!!!

To all of my reader's... Thank you for everything and mostly for loving the Harper's! Much love! I'm shutting up now!

No sooner than Marcus dropped the match the flames ignited and was spreading at a rapid pace. Angry shadows formed on the walls as the flames danced about and the smell of burning wood and wires was beginning to sting my eye's. I watched as the paint and wallpaper begin to shrivel up and melt away. I knew that would be our bodies very soon if we continued to sit here. No questions about it, we had to act and act fast.

Laney's coughing brought me back to the present as I realized how thick the smoke was becoming. I could feel my own airways starting to clog up and my breathing becoming labored. Each time I inhaled smoke seeped in putting a beating on my lungs. My eye's were stinging and watering up as I fought to keep them open. My skin was becoming warm and a sweat had broken out over my body as the fire grew stronger. Crackling could be heard as the flames begin to claim wall's and anything else in it's path. I watched in horror as the roof ignited which only made the fire accelerate. Something had to be done before the roof collapsed down on us. "Laney?" I wheezed out.

" Get out of here. Pull your rope and free yourself. Don't worry about me, I won't feel a thing. Kill me baby doll and live. "

"Are you fucking retarded?" She wheezed back angrily.

Okay, that definitely wasn't the response that I was hoping for but who was I kidding? My wife was the most stubbornness asshole to walk the face of the earth. I knew before I suggested for her to kill me that the answer would be no. I would say the same thing had she asked that of me. "I've got a plan London" .

God be with me. I knew without a doubt that her impulsive side was controlling her at this moment. I only prayed that it didn't get her killed this time. Me, I could except dying but I would never except her dying. If the unimaginable happened I would continue to set here and allow the flames to swallow me. "Baby doll don't be stupid. Pull your fucking rope and get the hell out".

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now