Seen Too Much

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🚨🚨🚨 Warning: Violence Ahead. If it isn't for you, skip over!!

Vaguely,  I recall becoming dizzy as I strode off. Ignoring my weakness, I continued to walk when suddenly my legs gave way and I fell onto the soggy, muddy ground. My eye's were closed but I drifted in and out of consciousness. I knew someone picked me up but I wasn't sure whom. I must have passed back out because the next thing I recall was waking up in the marina building.

I was lying on a very worn and tattered brown leather couch. A blanket had been tossed over me but was now soaked due to my wet clothing. Faintly, I heard several male voices nearby. Concentrating, I tried to pick up what they were discussing. I heard King say " Let's get this over with quickly. I need to get Frankie away from here and dry".

"You got it boss". Another man replied.

A series of gun shots echoed through the building and I clamped my hand over my mouth to keep my screams in. A vicious cough threatened to spill out due to breathing in the dust and moldy smell of this couch as well as the building. I fought to make it go away but in the end it won. Sitting up, my body was racked with convulsions as I coughed like mad. A hand softly landed in my shoulder as my back was patted. "You're ok". King whispered.

I shook my head no. "No I'm not. Not while I'm still here with you".

Standing up, I had a strong head rush and had to grip the arm of the couch to regain my balance. "Please, sit Frankie".

" No. I want out of here". I insisted and took off walking at a fast pace.

Turning the corner in which King had came from, I froze. "Frankie wait. Don't go in there".

But King's warning came much too late. I had to give my brain time to process what my eye's were seeing. My stomach begin to boil and I could feel the bile rising to the back of my throat. Clutching my ribcage, I bent over and spewed the contents of my already empty stomach. There was that hand again but this time it rested on my back as I emptied my guts. Once my gagging was under control, I stood upright on shaky legs. "Get me out of here". I dragged in near hysterics.

" relax Frankie. We will be leaving in a few moment's. " King reassured me.

"A-A few minutes. Are you insane". I screeched in a high pitch voice as I tossed my hand around the room.

Bodies of dead men were piled as tall as a mountain in the corner. It wasn't hard to conclude that they were Shaw's men. Blood leaked out into the floor and was slowly creeping toward my direction. The smell of death clung in the air like a fog. But it wasn't only death and that my nose detected. Gas or possibly kerosene filtered about causing my eye's to sting and my lungs to hurt. That's when I saw a few of King's guy's douseing the bodies in the yellowish liquid. "No. You can't do this. This is crazy". I cried

" Why not Frankie? They would do the same to you. Do you not recall being slung into that raging water not long ago? " King boomed.

"Just stop this King. I want to go home. My home. And be away from all of this and you".

King sucked on his teeth making a tsking sound. "Frankie, you're really disappointing me right now. You must toughen up. This is a kill or be killed kinda world. Let me finish my business and we will go".

King nodded to one of his men. "Set it up".

The men nodded and left the room. It wasn't long before they returned carrying a severely beaten Shaw. He was still alive but too injured to try and fight back. I watched on in horror as the men climbed the tower of dead bodies and erected a wooden pole atop them. As they begin to strap Shaw to the pole I realized what was about to happen. "No. You can't. I can't." .

I begin to run away from this horrific scene but King caught me. "He deserves this for what he did to you. Relax and enjoy the show".

I watched as more gasoline was poured onto the bodies and Shaw. King released me and stepped forward. Reaching into his pocket, he presented a book of matches. Shaw begin to cry and beg but King only smiled as he struck a match and tossed it onto the gasoline soaked bodies. Quickly King pulled me to him and held me close. "Watch closely Frankie. This is what will happen to anyone that threatens you".

The flames begin to pick at Shaw's feet as he was basically being burned alive at the stake. Wails of pain splintered my ears as the smell of burning flesh made me nauseous. Shaw's skin looked as if it was melting right off of his bones and I couldn't bare to look anymore. "Let me put of here". I panicked.

It didn't matter that King remained rooted still holding me. That all too familiar feeling resurfaced again and I gripped to his jacket before I fell back out escaping this gruesome scene.

Later, I woke up in a big, comfy bed. I was warm and dry and felt clean. Gone was the scent of death, charred flesh, gasoline and mold. In it's place was a lovely male scent, clean, woodsy with a hint of forest. I immediately recognized that scent as King's. In other time I would relish in it but not today. Today that alluring scent held new meaning. That was the scent of evil, insane and a murderer.

Realizing I was in his bed, I jolted up which was a mistake. My hand went to cradle my aching head and a series of coughs racked my body. I felt like a load of shit. "Take it easy Frankie. You're sick. I had the Doc to look you over. Due to the weather you was out in for so long you have a touch of pneumonia. You're on antibiotics and should feel better soon".

" I need to go home". I spoke sternly.

"You will get better first then we will see".

" What do you mean we will see King? You can't keep me here. It's against the law. That's kidnapping ".

King gave a I don't care grin. "I am the law in my world. Now, no more talk of this. You need to rest and get better".

King left the room and returned carrying  tray. "I made homemade chicken noodle soup for you. It's my mother's recipe. I'm sure mine isn't as great as hers was so please be kind".

The aroma left my mouth slobbering and a rumble vibrated my stomach. However i didn't want to accept a thing from him. "No thanks. I'd rather starve than eat anything you cooked" .

A look of hurt filtered across his face. "But it's my mother's recipe. Please try it. Just a few bites".

" I'd rather eat shit".

"Fine. Have your way. I'm trying here, I just don't know how to go about all of this".

He placed the tray on the bedside table and left me alone with my thoughts. Yes, maybe I was being a prick but I just want my freedom back and to forget what happened. The soup did look fantastic and I couldn't deny my hunger. Pulling the tray to me,I took my first bite. Amazing doesn't begin to describe the soup. It was delicious and I devoured everything but the bowl.

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now