Being Bad Just Feels So Damn Good

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Walking away from the now inflamed police station I paused to admire my work. Lighting a smoke, I strolled along with a smile as I heard people yelling and running from the burning structure. Sirens could be heard in the distance but I knew that for once they wasn't coming after me.

As I approached my family's apartment building, I slipped through the parking garage and took the stairwell up to my home. Thankfully as I entered no one was about but no sooner than my feet touched the living room area I heard my Pape coming. Quickly I darted to the couch as if I had been sitting here all along. Just as I propped my feet up on the coffee table to appear like I was chilling Pape turned the corner with a bowl of ice cream. Pausing in front of me he squinted his eye's. "The fuck you come from? I wasn't gone but a few seconds" .

Not removing my eye's from the television I said in a mono tone voice. "Just wandered out of my room".

Pape kicked my feet off of the coffee table. "Your mother doesn't like that".

Pape proceeded to sit down then prop his feet up on the coffee table. I eyed him darkly. "What? You got something to say? I'm the King".

Ignoring him I turned back into the two and he begin to flip through the channels. Pape had just settled on a show when breaking news interrupted the programming. A reporter came onto the screen and you could see the police station ablaze behind her in the distance. "The Manhattan Police department is currently on fire and all attempts are being made to keep the fire contained in hopes of diminishing it soon. As of right now there are deaths being reported, only a few minor injuries. Investigators believe the fire was intentionally set and are asking that if anyone knows or has seen anything suspicious to please call the bottom of the screen".

" You need to tell me anything Duel? " Pape questioned me as he flipped the t.v. off.

"Not at all". I shrugged.

" Boy if you had anything to do with this I suggest you tell me now so I can start the covering your tracks".

"I might have dropped a cigarette near by". I offered up.

" Fuck". Pape bellowed slinging his half eaten bowl of ice cream across the room. "Sam you better get in here cause there's a big possibility that I'm going to really kill your last born this time".

With that Pape lunged at me but I hopped over the back of the couch. "The fucks wrong with you?" He yelled.

" Must you continuously bring attention to this family? Do you not care? "

"Yes I care but those pig's make my life hell. I can't go anywhere without them harking on me. I simply stalled them. It said no one was hurt. Don't that count for something?" I yelled back.

Pape started toward me and I dodged him again and chuckled. "Stay the fuck still you little shit. You deserve this beating. First thing in the morning you are gone. Understand. Fuck, I assumed you would've learned after you killed the mayor but no, you keep fucking up. What's wrong with you?"

Before I could answer there was a knock on the door. "Fucking disappear now" . Pape whispered hissed at me.

I ran off deeper into the home to hide in case it was the police yet not far enough where I couldn't hear them. Pape opened the door. "Boss we got a few coppers down below that want to ask a few questions" .

"Fuck." Pape growled. "I'll be down in a few."

Once the door was shut I slipped from my hiding place. Pape looked at me harshly. "You better pray that I can get you out of this. In the mean time stay put. Don't you dare come to the lobby. Start packing".

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now