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"The Hell?" I sat up sharply having been jolted awake by a loud crashing noise.

Not bothering to slip into some pants, I grabbed my gun and stealthly made my way from the guest room where I had been sleeping. The noise continued to vibrate my home. One would think that bombs were sounding off. Rounding the corner to the living room, I stood and stared in utter disbelief. It's not even five in the morning and here was Frankie dressed in a pair of work overalls and construction gloves. A sledgehammer was gripped firmly in her hand as she wielded it over her head sending it crashing into the wall. A hole larger than my head presented itself with about a dozen other's. Upon second glance, I noticed that the room that served as my living room was now one huge empty shell. Wall's were coming down and debris littered the floor. My treated oak floors were now covered in dust and plaster, surely scratching it up. My expensive furniture was no where in sight and my wall sized flat screen t.v. was gone as well.

Watching as she held the sledgehammer up again, I stormed over and bellowed. "What the hell are you doing to my home?"

Frankie smiled over at me and removed the protective goggles from her eye's. "Good morning King. Isn't it wonderful? Soon I'll have this place just as I like it".

Squinting my eye's in confusion, I growled. "The fuck you talking about Frankie?"

Giving me that sweet smile she proceeded on. "Well if this is to be my home, against my will might I add, I just as well make it mine, right? I'm not happy with this layout so I'm removing a few wall's. It's time to redecorate don't you think?"

" where is my stuff? " I gritted out squeezing my fists at my side.

Frankie released a playful chuckle and placed her right hand to get chest. "You mean that bulky grey couch and oversized television? Oh boyfriend, that had to go. With the help of your men I moved it all to the sidewalk. You should have seen how happy it made the family I gave it to".

Heat flooded my face to the point my earlobes were hurting. "Frankie, that couch cost as much as my car."

" relax sweetie, I'm sure you'll love the pink velvet one that I ordered. It should arrive soon. Oh, and the paint crew will be here soon. Purple passion will flank these wall's. It will be spectacular. Thanks for footing the bill babe".

"Whoa, wait Frankie. I never agreed to foot anything. In fact I wasn't even aware of this. How could you destroy my home and toss my thing's without asking first?"

" well you wanted a girlfriend King so now you've got one". She spoke sassy.

I opened my mouth to speak but stopped as it finally clicked. Frankie was trying to break me, make me rethink my decision and have her leave. Well, I can play along too. "I'm sure purple passion will be lovely. Have fun with redecorating babe. Let me know if you need anything" .

A look of surprise registered across her face. This wasn't the reaction Frankie was expecting. "By the way, I got rid of your car too. It didn't suit you. Your new classic LTD will be delivered later today".

My heart just exploded at hearing that my specially designed Audi was gone only to be replaced with a car that they stopped making in the eighties. A LTD was this extra long car that probably wasn't even environmental safe. Basically it was a battle wagon of a car. Reminding myself to remain calm and see this thing out, I spoke. "Of course. You know best my dear".

My calm reaction infuriated her, I could tell by the look on her face. Smiling I spoke. "I'm going to shower now and begin my day. Have fun redecorating babe".

As soon as I entered my room, I let my anger unfurl. My home, my thing's, my car. This is by far the hardest game I have ever played but I can't give in. Some things can be fixed now. Pulling out my phone, I ordered my men to relocate my car and deliver it to Aiden's home for safe keeping. As for my living room, well that will have to wait. I made my next call to Mizery. I invited her and Aiden over for dinner tonight. My turn to make Frankie squirm and Mizery could do just that.

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now