She Caved

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All of us guys stood around in my parent's living room discussing the hell our ladies were putting us through while all of the women had went out for lunch. My parent's were due to leave in a few hour's and mom wanted time with the girl's while we hung with Pape.

Using my phone I sent Frankie yet another text basically begging her to call me or at least text me back but as usual they went ignored. "Ginger snap please talk to me. I miss your voice and I'm so sorry for what I said. I was mad and just being stupid. Call me okay?"

Stuffing my phone back into my pocket I rejoined the conversation. "Man Dem, you need to talk to your sister. Can you actually believe she said no?" Cole fumed.

London snickered while Dem shot Cole a dumb look. "The fuck I look like, Dr. Phil? Shit I got my own problems living with Wreck It Ralph".

Cole turned a hopeful eye toward my Pape. Pape tossed his hands up. "Just give her time. I can't force her to say yes".

" Well technically you can". Cole supplied.

Pape arched a sharp brow at Cole. "Yes I could but I won't. Miri is acting like her mother right now. She's trying to ruffle your feathers and seems she's doing a good job. Back off, stop pestering her and she'll come around" .

"Gee, thanks". Cole snorted.

Tuning back out I checked my phone just to make sure I hadn't missed a call or text from Frankie. I've only checked it about thirty time's in the last ten minutes. My Pape chuckled. "You sure are busy with that phone son".

I shrugged it off. "I'm not sweating it, she'll call". I half hoped anyways.

" Speaking of sweating". Aiden interupted. "I can't get any sleep because I'm half afraid that Miz will make that fucking snake eat me in my sleep".

We all looked at him like he was an idiot. "No, you don't see the looks she gives me. I'm certain she's planning my death". He proclaimed.

" Good for her". Cole chimed in.

"See". Aiden said excitedly pointing his finger at Cole. "That's the exact crazy look that she gives me. That's what I have to live with".

" what do you mean by crazy look? " Cole questioned offended.

"You know what I mean. Crazy is as crazy does". Aiden snapped.

Cole fished a pack of peanuts from his pocket and begin to munch on them. "Just because I'm on meds right now doesn't mean I'm not crazy. I can get crazy real quick."

" Shut the fuck up numb nut. Leave the boy alone. It's obvious he's already stressed over a little snake ". Dem laughed.

" Yea, I'm just as stressed over that snake just as much as you're stressed over Sam's bat or club. Sitting over there looking like you done been in the ring with Rocky". Aiden shot back.

"That's okay, Miz told us all how you nearly shit yourself when she tossed Charlie on you. Said you screamed like a bitch" Dem laughed.

"Says the guy who ran down the hall from his wife and had to wait until he was a safe distance away until he flipped her off. Whoops, you dropped something Demarco.. No, no, my bad, it's just your balls". Aiden slammed back.

We all laughed but then it struck me... My Pape and mom seemed to be getting along perfectly. "So Pape, why isn't mom giving you hell?"

" Yea". Everyone said looking at him.

Pape gave a charming smile and boasted. "What can I say, if you got it you got it".

We all laughed. "Naw, she's waiting to get his ass out on the boat and drop him in the middle of the ocean". Dem laughed.

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now