The Past Comes Back To Bite

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This will be a split chapter showcasing two different POV's!! I will say now prepare yourselves for what's about to be revealed. The Harper world as we have always known it may be forever changed..... I'm sorry in advance😂😂😂


"Shhhh. Lower your voices". I warned the family for the hundredth time.

By now we were all gathered in my apartment trying to piece together the latest attack. Like me, everyone else suspected Marcus but we wasn't exactly sure. Currently our men were cleaning the scene up and stashing an survivors away for later questioning.

Upon arriving to my apartment, I tucked Frankie into my bed and closed the door. However it seemed everyone wanted to talk at once and well the Harper crowd can be a noisy bunch. As I shushed the amped group once again Demarco sneared. "I don't care if I wake sleeping beauty or not. She doesn't belong here and pray she isn't going to be an issue" .

Not being able to hold my tongue with Demarco any longer I bellowed. "If that's the case then most of the women in this room never belonged including your wife."

Deamarco sprang to his feet and stepped toward me. "What did you say about my cupcake? Care to say it again." .

"You heard what the fuck I said and know it's true. The best thing you can do is not to worry about my business. I've got this handled". I shot back.

Before more could escalate mom hopped in between us. "Enough. We have far more worries right now than to argue over who's right and who's wrong. Save the pissing contest for later".

We stared each other down for a smidgen longer before retreating to the opposite side of the room. Taking a calm breath I announced. "Look, all I'm asking is we keep it down. Frankie has been through a shock and I'm hoping she will remain asleep until my apartment is empty. It would be best if she didn't wake up to all of us here plus I need to speak to her privately" .

Mom nodded. "King is right. Most of the women in this room has experienced what Frankie is going through. Let's keep it down" .

Demarco snorted but did as I asked. For the next several hours we sat around sharing theories on who was responsible for the newest attack. In the end we all pretty much agreed on Marcus and knew we needed to move on with our plans to take him out before he grew any stronger. However there was one in the bunch who wasn't entirely sold on the idea that it was Marcus. "I think we should not just focus on Marcus but also continue to look elsewhere" . Duel offered up.

Demarco gave him a irritated look. "And why do you think that? You know something you're not telling us? You got yourself in more trouble?"

" No. I'm just saying". Duel said defensively.

"Doesn't matter. As soon as we return home you are going right back to the country and this time I'm upping the number of your babysitters" . Demarco declared as Duel blew a breath of annoyance out.

"I get it Pape, you don't want me around" .

"It has nothing to do with not wanting you around Duel. It has to go with you being out of control. What part don't you understand? Pulling these careless stunts not only jeopardizes you but the family as well."

Sam rose. "I think that's enough for one night. We have all been through a rough night and are tired. We should all get some rest and start fresh in the morning" .

Everyone seemed to agree and begin to shuffle about as they prepared to go to their room's. A smirk crossed my face and I said out loud to no one in particular. "There's just something about my birthday. A day of doom".

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now