Heart, Body And Soul

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Have I kept y'all waiting long enough?!?! Hahaha!!

Check out the video please! Some very great eye candy!!

Sorry for the long wait but I've had some pretty busy day's. Be prepared for the moment you've been waiting for!! Enjoy!

As always thanks for reading, voting, etc. Also I was thrilled at hearing from some of my reader's that I haven't heard from in a long time plus hearing from my silent reader's!! Thanks bunches and don't be a stranger!!

Let's get going!!

This wasn't a slow awakening. No, it was more or less like an electric jolt zapped me to life. My eye's flew wide open and I immediately recognized my surroundings. I was at the medical facility at the Den. There was no confusion as to why I was here, I remembered every flame from that burning house vividly. My mind's camera replayed the last few seconds before I gave in from smoke inhalation and shear exhaustion.

A stabbing fear seared my heart as I recalled trying to pull London's large frame from the burning house. Was it my imagination of did someone help
Pull him out? Obviously they did because I was jerked through the broken window right after him. But if my memory serves right, London wasn't awake. Was the smoke too much? Did he not make it this time?

Jerking the oxygen tubing from my nostrils, I sprang up in a sitting position as a wail that resembled a banshee ripped from my throat. "London". I screamed his name in hysterics now.

I didn't come this far to lose him now. Repeatedly I screamed his name as my eye's looked wild and my body begin to tremble. Never in my life had I called his name with such pain and fear. The door to my room swung open with such a force and my lips begin to quiver as I started to cry uncontrollably. Heavy sobs racked my chest and nearly cut off my air supply. London rushed from the doorway and gripped my upper arm's. Worry creased his brows as he spoke. "Baby doll, what's wrong? Are you in pain?"

My sobbing blocked my ability to speak so I shook my head no. Fighting against the treacherous sobs, I managed to push out a few word's that I'm sure were somewhat incoherent. "I-I thought you had died." Breath, sob.

" I-I was scared that I didn't get you out in time". Breath, sob.

London's arm's wrapped tightly around me and I buried my face into his bare chest. Still my sobs didn't stop, I couldn't have stopped them if I tried. It was if all of the hurt, pain and betrayal over the year's was finally unleashing from that dark place I kept it hidden. The queen never cried like this. The queen always wore a brave face but here I was falling apart like a weak little girl. I've always been good at controlling my emotions for the most part but I couldn't stop the wild cries from coming if my life depended on it. It was if a river of anguish had broken the dam and my mind was being flooded. I saw Angelo, my first kill. I saw the faces of everyone I had killed. I saw London being shot on the pier, Ela being kidnapped, my children being trained. I saw Demarco being shot then taken, Sam's hurt. I saw London with the chains walking towards me and my beloved necklace being ripped from me but in the end I saw Marcus. I saw London and I being trapped in that ring of fire as we were gunned down. I saw his face as we laid across from each other on cold, stainless steel tables as doctors and our family hovered around us. The pain was so high that all feeling had left my body but London and I managed to hold hands until we supposedly had taken our last breaths.

We were suppose to die that night. In fact it was astonishing that we lived through it. This very room that I now occupied was once covered with our blood and filled with cries from our children. Suddenly it felt as if the wall's were closing in on me and I begin to claw at London's chest as I screamed. "Get me out of here. Get me out of this room now".

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now