Step Aside, the Queen is Back

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As I crossed the George Washington bridge into New York a river of emotions ran through me. I haven't been back here since I was saved by Marcus and Jax. Even after the turmoil I've went through here this still felt like home. I felt like I needed to be here. Tears welled in my eye's as I drove through the city. Memories were everywhere. Just to my right was the hotdog stand where London took me on our first official date. Around the corner was the park where went sat on a bench sharing a ice cream and just a few blocks down was the ally he pulled me in the night I threatened him over a spot of land I was interested in. Needless to say, in that ally he showed me what it meant to be owned by the mafia king.

From that point on there was no turning back for either of us. Sure, we had our bad spells along the way but one thing was certain, I was his and he was mine. It was in that ally that he first claimed me and declared me his. Before I knew it, I had my new sleek red Porsche pulled over to the curb and stood on the sidewalk gazing down the ally. Every word from my tantrum to the naughty word's spoken in the ally replayed in my mind and without realizing my movements, I found myself standing in the ally staring at the exact spot he made me his queen. Heart, body and soul.

A noise echoed from behind me and I determined that it was footsteps sneaking up behind me. Without turning around I spoke calmly. "I don't know who you are nor do I care. If you are here to harm me my best advice to you is to run. Run fast and far while I'm still giving you a chance" .

I heard a male's snort and soon smelled his body stench as his ruddy hand clasped my shoulder. My crimson smile spread across my face as I smoothly slipped my knife from my garter belt. Quickly I spun around and stuck my knife deep into his neck and what not it brought. As the man collapsed to the littered ground I hissed. "I am the Queen and I'm here to take my city back."

Move over London Harper. You and your empire are about to be dethroned. I am the Queen. I am the monster now. With that thought I stepped from the ally and slid back into my car. Soon I parked across the street from the magnificent building where I had shared my life with London. I wondered if he was in our apartment living it up right now? Laughing about having me killed so he could be free and collect all of my assets? Soon London. Soon it will be I who laughs as you take your last and final breath.

When Cinda told me what London's intentions were I didn't believe her for a second. No way would London ever device me so. London cherished the ground I walked on. I was his life or so he claimed. Soon Cinda as well as Marcus produced evidence of London's betrayal. Still I didn't believe. Over time more and more evidence was presented to me. Photos, paperwork and even videos. Then it happened. Cinda rushed in a panic. She insisted that we had to leave immediately because London learned of our whereabouts. Cinda informed me that London had recently killed Jax and held Marcus captive.

Okay, I could see London killing Jax but Marcus? London may have threatened Marcus many time's but he would never go through with it. Then the final blow came. It was a video of London and he was with a woman, a very young woman to be exact. They were leaving a restaurant and the lady placed a kiss to his cheek. Smiling, he safely tucked her into his car.

Yes, it hurt like hell realizing that everything Cinda and Marcus said was true. It was a hurt so deep that for several week's I just laid in bed in a deep depression. All the while Cinda was telling me that I was the only one that could take him down. That he would never stop hunting me until I was dead. In that day a hate so strong grew in my heart. The man that I loved beyond reason wanted me dead. The man that I vowed my loyalty to until our dying day betrayed me in such a way. The man that I loved was no longer the man that I fell in love with.

He now was my target.

Cinda helped me devise a plan and within a few month's I returned home, back to my kingdom. Thankfully duiring my marriage I was smart enough to open many bank accounts without London knowing. Not that I wanted to hide anything from him but all wise women should have a backup plan, you know, just in case their husband tries to snuff them. So money wasn't a issue. Before I even left I had already purchased a stunning apartment with the most perfect view.... Harper Enterprises.

Soon I was back in the swing of big city life. However i did lay low and avoided places where I might chance a run in with him or any of the family. Which that continues to leave me stumped. Cinda insisted that the entire family was in on my demise but I had trouble truly believing that. Not my Dem baby. I loved that boy to the end of the world and back and he was my heart. My Dem was a mother's boy and protected me with his life. I just couldn't convince myself that he was apart of this. Yes, Miri was and still is daddy's girl but I don't even think she'd go along with this. Then there's King, my shadow. No, I'm certain my children had no part in this. If anything London made up some bullshitting lie to feed them. However i will find it all out very soon.

The time had come and I wore London's favorite dress. Of course I had to reorder it offline as the original was in my one time home. It was a sexy little red number. A flashy slit showcased my still wow factor legs and it flowed swiftly about my ankles. Pushing my feet into my heels, I sauntered out the door and down the sidewalk. It was obvious that I was capturing many men's eye's but I had one destination only.

I discovered that London would be attending a meeting at one of his restaurants. To my convenience a trendy bar was located directly across the street. Entering the swank dive, I soon sneaked my way to the rooftop where I set up shop. Removing a long, slender bag that was attached to my back underneath my dress, I unzipped revealing a sniper rifle.

I waited nearly two hour's before London emerged and just my luck that he wasn't surrounded by an army of men. I had a clear shot. Aiming my gun, my breath became labored. London was looking down at his phone smiling as tears clouded my vision. Seeing him for the first time after all of this really did a number on my emotions. Then Cinda's reminders splintered those thoughts and I swiped the tears away.

Fixing my aim in his heart, I squeezed the trigger as I closed my eye's. Why I closed my eye's I'm not sure. Maybe I was brave enough to watch him die. However death wasn't the case. As I peered out I saw him still standing and apparently unharmed. Obviously I blew his phone to pieces. His men scattered about ready to fight but what alarmed me the most was the fact that London was looking straight in my direction. I knew he knew what direction the shot came from and it was only a matter of minutes before he and his men would be bombarding this place.

Gathering up my belongings, I quickly ran back inside and slipped out a side door just as a commotion broke out at the door. My heeled feet smacked the pavement as I ran like the wind. I may have missed my mark this time but there will be a next time.

The queen never gives up.

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now