What Doesn't Kill You...

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Two week's have went by since my run in with the Harper's. I'm still sore but I survived. I faced the world's most dangerous family and can live to talk about it. Yes, partly that is because of Laney. Had she not interrupted our little party I'd probably be a rotted corpse by now. However I'm still breathing and able to love on my child. My ribs are still tender and my arm is sporting a sling but I'm proud of myself. I stood my ground and let my power be known.

The men that the Harper's left behind recently left. True to their word, my once destroyed home was now back in order. In fact you would never guess anything had went down here but in my mind it's still all here. The scent of blood and death is burned into the wall's and I often get a whiff of it. I'll never forget the spot the nanny laid or my top men. Even though the bodies are long gone they are still there. Not one single survivor was left and it's all because of me. Their blood is on my hands. The townspeople trusted me, held me as their leader in some sorts yet I failed them. The majority of their husbands and sons lost their life protecting mine. I haven't left these wall's, too ashamed to face them. Now the Harper's men are gone and it's just me and Rise here unprotected. I worry that the townspeople are plotting against me for causing them such pain so this is where I need to make my decision. I want my Empire badly, I want it to thrive but not at the cost of my son's safety. Could I possibly regain the townspeople 's trust or should I move on and start fresh elsewhere?

My gut tells me that moving on would be the brightest idea. There's only one little problem... My baby's daddy. Due to the circumstances of our strained relationship I am to inform King of any major developments concerning Rize. I'm guessing that a move would qualify as a major development.

By nightfall I had made my decision to go. Where I didn't get know if when. I'm guessing the sooner the better before the townspeople show up at my door on a witch hunt. Sitting down before my laptop with a bowl of cereal, I shot an email to King. "Due to safety concerns I will be relocating soon".

That's it. That's all he needed to know. I was surprised when I got an immediate response. "When and where?"

Rolling my eye's because I wanted as little of contact with this man as possible, I typed out. "Not sure of either. When I have an answer you will".

" are you in danger or my son? I can send aid".

This blistered me. I didn't want a damn thing from him. "No immediate danger, just an assumption. I don't want anything from you or the Harper's, at least of all help. I can take care of myself. Stay away. You will see your son in two month's. I'll update you when I move".

I left it at that ending our conversation. It galled me that he thought I would need him. As long as I'm breathing I will never need him and if I did need help they would be the last people I ask for it. The remainder of the night I searched the internet trying to choose a new location. America was off limits due to the Harper's but I really missed my little beach cottage. Making a quick decision I decided to go there until I came up with my next move. Packing up only the essentials because I really didn't need much I waited until the town was quiet and asleep to make a sneaky departure. Thankfully I made it out without interruptions or interference. Two day's later I was back on the sunny beaches of North Carolina. Immediately my soul was filled with peace and an easiness. It took a few day's before I updated King of my move because settling in was hard. Rize hasn't adjusted to the time change and the new environment so he had been fussy. Eventually after Rize was down for the night I sent King an update. "The move has been made and went smoothly. We are staying at my beach cottage until further decisions can be made. I'll contact you when it's near time to exchange Rize."

I left it at that and hoped there would be no reply or questions. Thankfully I got my wish. However the weeks flew by quickly and it was time to contact King on the exchange. "I will be flying out a week from now to deliver Rize. We will meet in a public place of my choosing. I will let you know of that place when I'm already there. I will also be staying at an unknown location while Rize visits with you".

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now